Is Racism Still at Large in this Day and Age?
By thomad13
@thomad13 (210)
United States
April 28, 2010 9:18am CST
After reading a recent discussion on MyLot about the bill being passed in Arizona about immigration and Mexicans, I was really disturbed by the comments and how racially offensive they were. So my question is, do you think racism is still a big issue today in 2010 even after all the issues we have overcome in our hisory?
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17 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
28 Apr 10
I've seen you in one such discussion. I did not notice any racially offensive comments there. So it must be another discussion I'm not privy to.
Calling something racism today is at an all time high.
Oh, you disagree with President Obama? Racist!
Oh, you think being an illegal immigrant is a crime? Racist!
Oh, you think a Muslim is more likely to blow up an airplane than an old white lady from Sweden? Racist!
I think people need to realize something about what we consider to be racism: Racism is not a special brand of hate, for starters. But, more important, racism is hate. It is intollerance. It is believing that races are superior/inferior.
Racism's definition today, however, has become like the "Hitler" label - easy to throw around and usually meant to insult someone else or to shut someone up when you have nothing of substance to debate.
It's a shame, too, because real racism does still exist. The fundamental belief that races of people are different is something that was forged over thousands of years where people were living amongst others who looked, acted and believed just like them. Religion and class issues were huge within these cultures. The idea of "racism" wasn't so prevalent until we started evolving and living together.
It was inevitable that a majority race would feel superior to a minority race, or that an invading race would feel superior. Morality, like it or not, isn't an inherent trait of a person.
Human evolution brought on racism, and evolution will eventually see it fade away enough to where it doesn't matter. But creating racism will see that it never goes away.
So, in other words, yes. Yes racism is still a bit issue today in 2010. But not necessarily because people are actually racists, but because more things are poorly labeled racism.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
29 Apr 10
I never said that you did not know what racism is.
I said that many things are poorly labeled as racism. Anything in this day and age that's even partially raciAL become raciST in our soceity. That's counterproductive.
Real racism does exist in the world. I don't doubt for a minute that you've seen it. I've seen it, too, and it certainly doesn't all come from the proverbial white villain. It's out there. Hate is alive and well and racism is among one of its many ugly faces.
It will always exist in the world, unfortunately. But when folks create it or exaggerate it, it's like crying wolf. You can't handle the real racists when popular culture is inundated with falsified racists. It makes people belligerent and unconcerned about real racism.
Look at it through someone else's eyes. If you're constantly labeled as a racist, you'll eventually launch your thumb from your chin and cease to care about racism. You're in a lose-lose situation if you're on the other end being accused constantly.
And, yes, I did read where the guy was being intentionally illiberal. But I also caught the context. His point was, basically, "if you want to call me a racist, here, have some racism." That's not exactly racism. That's flouting for effect. And while it might be in poor taste and offensive, it's just not racist.
I also read Laglen's comment where she then apologized and admitted she phrased her comment wrong and did not mean to generalize immigrants. So, again, misphrasing certainly isn't real racism. Offensive? Depends on your particular definition of offensive. But my overall point is that "racism" has to have a universal definition if we want to get rid of racists.
If it's an offense to be racist, then let's keep our punishment reserved for real racism - like ripping down the "No Mexicans" sign and realizing that someone misspeaking gets a pass.
I think we actually agree on most of this issue - just not entirely on what it takes to be an actual racist.

@matersfish (6306)
• United States
29 Apr 10
I can only speak for myself in saying, personally, I don't attempt to sway people to my way of thinking. I only try to provide a little common sense insight so that they may see why I feel the way I feel about an issue.
I try to avoid being a jerk about it if folks disagree with me. Some don't and fly right into 5th gear in the ahole mobile.
Issues like race and immigration in general have no clear cut answer, and what's right or wrong becomes more about compassion or more about law depending on one's particular mix of morality and rationality.
But at least we can be civil in discussing it. 

@thomad13 (210)
• United States
29 Apr 10
I agree with you and I thanked her for admitting her mistake. i was more so thinking about the guy irish something. He was just rude. And your right this word is thrown around freely. I think to even act in that manner is not right because some things are sensitive to some people and just being an Ahole will not make you look any better. But thank you for your reponse and being kind and not aggressive, because regardless of how you say things you can't change how someone else feels on a issue that they feel strongly for.

@piya84 (2580)
• India
29 Apr 10
Look i am not from your country so i dont know whats going on there.But issue of immigration is everywhere almost in every country .So i can understand what going on little bit.
I dont think so this has to do anything with race issue.Immigration is fine till it is under control and it isnt creating pressure on national welfare and other social systems.
@thomad13 (210)
• United States
1 May 10
I understand you saying that it is a issue of immigration, whichit is. But in my opinion it was made into a race issue when only one use border is being targeted and only one specific race of immigrants is being targeted. Thats when I think it becomes less of an immigration issue and more racial profiling. thanks for your thoughts.
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
28 Apr 10
Hi, thomad!
Whenever the economy is poor, people's anger rises, and racism thrives. You can get the facts from the Southern Poverty Law Center, or from Teaching Tolerance, which posts a Hatewatch that would blow you away!
@thomad13 (210)
• United States
29 Apr 10
thats so sad but true. when people are uncertain of their financial state they do stupid things. i see you have teacher in your screen name, are you one? I live in Florida right now I dont know if you heard about them trying to pass a bill here so base teachers salary on the performance of their students on exams. They were also trying to take away tenure so that teachers could be fired easly. Its sad that they treat out educators this way. thankfully our Governor vetoed the bill which was very surprising given his relationship with the senator that pushed the bill. Good luck to you if that is your profession.
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
29 Apr 10
I fught hard against that bill! I teach at South Miami High School.
Now, to cut the budget, they're trying to get all us veteran teachers to retire. They've made an offer I find I can't refuse - they're paying for our health insurance until we're old enough for Medicare. I've loved my profession until quite recently, when the over-regimentation and micromanagement have made it impossible for us to do as we know is best for our students, since we are required to follow rather absurd mandates, which do little other than cover administrative behinds!
@thomad13 (210)
• United States
29 Apr 10
I completely agree with you and feel your pain. Though I am not a teacher I work for the City of Jacksonville and all this budget deficit talk is rediculous. Were $60 million dollars in the hole yet Mr Mayor wants to dish $20 million to repaint a bring a dingy green color. Good mony management skills. He says the deficit is coming from employee spending rising yet you've cut all temp and part time staff all over time and raises for almost two years now and its still our fault. We have we have 5 supervisors and at least a dozen managers in our one office of maybe 100 people. All that is not necessary. its just saddening to see such poor leadership and the fact that he has spent two terms pulling us down the drain and has made a job title for over 200 of his friends to just sit around and take our hard earn raises. I heard that even after the economy gets better for the nation it will take longer for the state of Florida to pull out of this recession.
@my_name_is_coco (4333)
• Philippines
2 May 10
at this day and age, racism is still rampant.while a lot of nations are now enlightened,some are still traditional.a lot of countries frown upon interracial relationships.a lot of people still assume that a certain individual is like and like that because he or she came from this's a sad thing that a lot of people are still not open-minded with interracial relations.
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@engrdng06 (248)
• Japan
30 Apr 10
My eyes still says YES! For example here in Japan, I,myself had been a victim of these racist people. Years ago, I was hunting an English teaching job and I had been to one office, wherein they have asked me from where am I. I told them, I am from a non-native English speaking country. Then the interviewer told me, "You pissed me off! Get out of the room. Why dont you just work on night clubs instead of looking for a school? Your countrymen are all there." I was so lambast that I told him, "You might be a native English speaker but you do not have any ethics! Go back to school and study, you racist!" Im aware that it is not me the first person who had been treated that way and I know I wont be the last. I just wish these things would all end up now.
@thomad13 (210)
• United States
1 May 10
That it so sad to here. I have had similiar events. In interviews I have been asked right off the back where am I from. I told them that is an unethical and illegal question to ask. Of course I did not get a call back. Good luck with your searching of a teaching job if you have not found one yet.
@maikeruk (405)
• Germany
28 Apr 10
racism is something that didnt disappeared at all. is really common and have been changed in many ways, is not only from white people as a cliché but also from black to white, latin people to white and vice versa... there is always people who discriminate the one who are different to them.. as michael jackson use to say that is stupid and ignorant but well what we can do is show the example. eventually everyone will end up mixed.
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@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
29 Apr 10
Racism is still a big issue today, but with so many people being tagged with that charge just because they disagree with someone makes the use of the word of no affect. I suppose the thing that bothers me about racism is that people who are not white seem to think whites are the only ones who are racist.
@thomad13 (210)
• United States
1 May 10
This is true and not right. I am Mexican but I know I have elder family members that do not like other hispanics like Cuban or Puerto Ricans if they are too dark complected. Which it rediculous because they are still hispanic. I believe things have to start within our homes and our teaching to our children in order for it to change in the future. I am glad I have a husband that is from another race because our children are able to see and be apart of many cultures and it helps them to have a more open view on the world and people.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
29 Apr 10
It's the animal in us, our innate territorial personality that we hate having foreigners in our land (funny enough that we also argue and quarrel with those within our what really is the deal?
Most caucasians also feel superior over other races, but that I couldn't figure out why when we are created by the same Creator.
Some people have already removed racist thoughts and embraced their brothers and sisters from the so-called, 'inferior race', but sad to say some people are still stuck as racist pigs.

@RachelleNH (1396)
• United States
3 May 10

@manbir84 (134)
• India
30 Apr 10
Yes racism will never ends.When we thought that we finish it and we relax a bit then it arose again.It is basic behavior of human to being racist.We always hate some kind of communities little bit in our hearts.All we should do that remember God at every morning to keep these evil away from us.God will help us.It is not
@kenruno (35)
• Kenya
28 Apr 10
Until a society is economically empowered, racialism will still be there. Take this example: until China started threatening the biggest world economies, the chinese were labeled"the slant eyed ...". What changed? they became independent. For racialism to end, the prejudiced marginalised people must rise up from poverty!
@harpreet456 (2)
• India
29 Apr 10
ya racism is still large in this say and age because we found that people attitudes have not changed even after the scientific improvements . people find differences in caste , colour , religion so as to dominate on others . this should be abolished by educating people .
@Matthammer (385)
28 Apr 10
It is very sad, but it seems to breed in certain parts of some countries. Often it's a hatred steeped in generational dislike that is passed down family lines and is often perpetuated by those who don't know why or how it originally came about. In those areas it is just seen as the way things are.
I personally have as much time for racists as i do sexists and homophobes .. none whatsoever.
@iwinagain (545)
29 Apr 10
Racism is still happening nowadays but I think it's gotten better as it's not as bad as it was in those days when segregation was around. Now you see different people from different races dating or getting married and you see a lot of people with mixed races.
@catalyser (531)
• Malaysia
29 Apr 10
In my country, yes. Although I wouldn't really call it racism but its something that would foster racism. This country put more importance in one race in what it is called as "special rights". That particular race would get more jobs opportunity, education welfare such as scholarships, even university placements.
Now to me, that would foster racism as the other races who has citizenship would most definitely start to be racists. Its embarrassing to have that handicap but I don't know why people here don't see that.