why there are people who are too much confident with themselves?

April 28, 2010 9:45am CST
I know some people who are too much confident with themselves. For me,its one thing that i hate most because it creates a lot of trouble. Being too confident closes their eyes from reality. It makes them hard to accept their failures in work, in love, etc. They seem to be so perfect that they cannot see their faults. They are too bossy and yet they do not know how to follow their superiors without complaining. The bible says : God exalts those who are humble and those who are proud..... what you can you say about this. Hope you are not one of those people.
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18 responses
• United Kingdom
28 Apr 10
It's really nice to have confidence and I wish I had a lot more of the good stuff as I like to refer to it! I have been struggling with confidence all my life and when I see others with untold confidence I guess I become envious of them, wrong I know but there you go, that's just me! I'm not too keen on the bossy side of confident people and I would hope that as my confidence gradually increased I would not become like that. The traits that relate to me are timidity, sensitivity and wishing others well. Confidence can be good in that it helps you to push forward with life and I really want to push forward with my life but I fight a daily battle with this! Andrew
• Philippines
29 Apr 10
yes self confidence can do a lot, it makes us do things that we never thought we can, it helps us reach our dreams. But being overly confident just to let the whole world know, he is intelligent and wiser than those people around him is a different thing. In the end, he will find himself that his being overly confident will also be something that would pull him down/back to where he started.
@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
28 Apr 10
I hate this kind of people. More often than not they are causing themselves humiliated instead of being respected. I know someone who is exactly everything that you described and it is difficult to deal with him.He thinks he will never fail and that he deserves everything, from praises to being respected. I often am wishing that one day God will allow him to fail that he might realize he is just like any human being dependent upon the grace of God.:-)
• Philippines
29 Apr 10
Yes we get annoyed with those kinds of people but somehow i have proven many times, God makes a way for them to feel they must not be overly confident. God makes them realized it in the end, that even they do have a reason to be confident, he/she still have some things he/she cannot do alone. Its better to be confident enough and do the best you can. We don't have to brag of all our ideas, skills, just wait for others to notice you. Wisdom of men have limitations but the wisdom that comes from God above never ever fails.
• Philippines
28 Apr 10
I guess it could be brought by the parent's upbring, when your parents are your greatest fan, they are blind to your flaws and even if you have flaws they will still applaud you, and when you go outside of your family circle, you will have a tendency to be confident because your parents are also confident of you.
• Kenya
29 Apr 10
I could agree with you. However, maybe your parents are not being blind to your flaws but rather are instilling confidence in their child to face the world and be confident enough to tackle any challenge that could come your way.
@benny128 (3615)
28 Apr 10
I am a very confident person and I think you are better to be confident than not confident for a number of reason's. I so far have never been scammed online or in real life so to speak simply because I am confident enough in my own ability to say no and to ask questions that some people will not ask. I used to be in sales and the non-confident people used to be easy pickings for salesmen. I am who I am, I am not shy I wouldn't say I am overly confident or arrogant I just don't suffer fools gladly as the saying goes. I surround myself with successful people and people with the drive and motivation and the confidence to do whatever they want in life. Also in work I can follow my bosses when I was younger but 90% of my jobs I have been in a management position and even though I have my own business. In work I am confident in my own ability and will succeed in whatever I choose to do because I have the drive and confidence to never give in. Hope I haven't came across arrogant I just know where I am and where I want to be in life.
• Kenya
29 Apr 10
Bulls-eye Benny! You've hit the point home. We have to be confident of ourselves, our abilities and strengths. There's this issue of the bible saying us to be humble, well, I'm certain there is a much deeper meaning to this than just mere docility, right? Maybe arrogance was what the author of this discussion had in mind because self-confidence has been preached by all great teachers of our time and there are even exercises, quizzes, practicals, etc meant to help people develop their confidence to face life and to face themselves!
@wkibaki (28)
• Kenya
29 Apr 10
Too much of anything is poisonous, as the saying goes. You seem to read the bible, there's this book; Ecclesiastes (the preacher) which talks about moderation in every area of our lives. Maybe confidence needs to be moderate too. We create our own realities as we go along in life. Confidence makes us realize and use our failures in work, love and lives to better ourselves. If we are made in the image of our creator, then we are perfect, faults are bad habits, negative mindsets, and destructive thoughts we develop and pick as we go through life. Confidence gives us the courage and strength to our correct ourselves.
• Philippines
28 Apr 10
I think cocky people are also aware of their actions, most especially of their own limitations. It's just their way to dazzle you with fireworks at the beginning so you don't see their shortcomings. If they think they're all that, I just ignore them and try not to talk about them. They need people to inflate their egos more, and I am not going to support them by talking about them. They don't care whether it's a positive or negative feedback, as long as they get your attention.
• Philippines
29 Apr 10
thank you, you got it right.
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
28 Apr 10
I think it is good to have confidence and to instill confidence in our children as well. Otherwise we may develop to be unsure and shy. Thus finding more difficulties in life than even necessary. Not to say that shy people lack confidence however. To be so confident that one becomes conceded perhaps, is not good at all. People like that do become far too cocky, bossy and outright annoying. Perhaps a person who is far to confident in themselves is that way so to have themselves believe that their faults (which we all have) don't even exist. This is maybe because the faults in themselves that they did see were too appalling for them..? I am not exactly sure. There could be several different underlying reasons, that go back as far as even childhood no doubt. For a person who say thinks they are more physically attractive then they really are for example is maybe because when they do their hair or carry themselves in a particular way that they have and then get attention that to them feels good and perhaps that they wouldn't get otherwise, they get high on themselves, thinking that they are the cats meow, when really they are no different or better than the next person. Maybe being over confident is one way that some people find that they can only just survive. Perhaps their life is not the way they want it so make up a scenario that they can get themselves to believe so to avoid the truth of the way it really is, in order to just cope. Why are some people so overly confident to the point that they are annoying? Good question. Somehow I see it as being a false truth that they believe in for themselves to avoid what must be something that they dislike about themselves, others, the world around them. Whereas confidence in moderation is a very good thing.
@maxilimian (3099)
• Indonesia
29 Apr 10
Hi jea_pinka08! Humm ... i think that is not over confident, it is arrogant feeling that they feel always right, and don't care about other opinions, since you said that they are bossy, and seem to be perfect .. it's not confident criteria, except arrogant, i think being confident is good, but not to be over, since everything start with "over" words will lead to bad results, hard to accept the failures in work, love is not always bad, at least they still have the spirit to start a new one, unless they keep stick to the same object over and over again, i hopes you understand my words
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
28 Apr 10
Well there's nothing wrong with being confident, but being arrogant and overly confident is not a good thing, because life is not gonna always be about one person I say this because most of the people that I've encountered with high amounts of confidant's tend to be rude and a bit selfish. meaning we should be confident without losing our humble heart because its a big mixed world full of great things and differnt people, and being too confident or arrogant isn't the mark of humble caring person. As for why some people are too confident well my theory is that people like that are trying to compensate or cover some hidden insecurity's but I cant be sure why because I'm not a physiologist. Most of the time I feel confident, but sometimes I feel a little insecure now and then, but I dont try to over compensate with an extreme confident attitude, because its just not real or humble to be that way all the time I think its normal to have insecurity's sometimes. everyone has moments of mild insecurity but as long as one has a healthy prospective about themselves they can over come them.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
29 Apr 10
Well some people believes too much of themselves and infact they are the ones who have lots of faults in them. They fail to identify themselves and their potential. One can advice them, but unless they realise with pain, its hard to correct these people. Just have to leave them and learn by experience of pain.
• China
28 Apr 10
Hi jea_pinka08 Basically, I think everybody needs to be confident with himself/herself. This is ok, but I do not mean the arrogant. And actually, most people think they are best, better than other people, it's ok. If you don't think you are best to encourage yourself, then nobody think you are good. Anyway, I mean everybody needs to be confident with himself, but it should be appropriate, do not be overly confident, it's arrogant. So, have a nice day
@ericpapasit (1274)
• Philippines
28 Apr 10
I agree with Jea, it will cause a serious problem. This ego centric people find it hard to share and love. But to be confident is not so bad, we need confidence to when do certain task but to be OVER CONFIDENT is another thing and it will lead to self-conceiting.
• United States
29 Apr 10
There is a big difference between confidence and cockiness. Some people are just more confident than others, and they my seem to overshadows others' confidence, seemingly appearing cocky. But self-confidence is definitely a good thing we must all aim to have if we don't yet. Being confident allows you to exploit your greatest talents and abilities. It allows you to express yourself and reach your potentials in life. Without it, humans would never become entrepreneurs or accomplish great things in life, because whatever we accomplish in life is due to how much we believe in ourselves and to what extent we have faith in our abilities, also our views on what we can provide the world. Being confident allows you to undertake any tasks, and believe you can make it and carry them out succsfully. I think we would be majorly screwed even we didn't have confidence in our abilities. Who would make the big enterprises, companies, supermarkets, buildings? Think about it. Is all about believing in your self, in what you can achieve, as in your goals. Enough said.
• United States
29 Apr 10
Believing in yourself is definitely a good things, just that some people are more confident than others. Another thing is cockiness, which is very different from confidence. Confidence in ourselves is what allows us humans to excell in life. Without it, we'd have no faith in what we can do. A person with a lot of confidence and social ability can become a great entrepreneur, and that leads to the creation of society's most important businesses which happen to benefit you and me, the consumers. So without confidence, we just cannot exploit our talents and make great things. Confidence is a good thing in life and we must all aim to have it, if we don't already. Believe in yourself, is the same as having faith in your ability, confidence in what you can do good.
• China
28 Apr 10
having excessive confidence isn't good to anyone.doing all things depends on your strategy ,not just confidence.really ,there exsits the false confidence attitude to others,and they can be changed into the lofty treatment of others.jea-pinka08,please don't hate anyone,anything.any problem we meet are all our money.they are not bad.
@reco13 (605)
• Philippines
28 Apr 10
For me, there's nothing wrong with being confident. In fact, I admire people who believe in themselves. And honestly, I am also confident about myself, especially with regards to work. But I understand your concern. Perhaps, the person has already exceeded your limit for confidence making you irritated and annoyed. Or worse, sometimes a person is confident but proves nothing. This is really a problem 'cause I also hate proud people who knows nothing but just brags...
@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
28 Apr 10
In my opinion, there might be different reasons to be too much confident. 1. Some people are like this because they know that they don't know anything, that the have plenty of misstakes and failure so the hide them under the mask of extreme confidence. 2. Another group of too much confident people present this kind of behaviour because they are simply ignorant. 3. A third group of persons might have had plenty of experience through their life which showed them to trust more in themselves as they took a lot of certain decision which showed them that they were right, so they learned to trust more in themselves. So behaviour sometimes depends on your experiences and what life showed you. But with all that, I don't justify this behaviour!
• Philippines
28 Apr 10
Confident is okay but over confident is no no. Many people become extremely confident when they have a high social status, big salaries and luxurious cars. This wealth, fame and ego makes the man over confident which makes him looks like the villain. But still, I admit that humble people are more friendly than villain types.