Do you find it difficult to forgive others?

@Pose123 (21635)
April 28, 2010 8:41pm CST
Forgiveness is one of life's supreme joys because in forgiving others we heal ourselves. When we make a conscious choice to let go of blame and anger, the suffering we've felt every time we've thought about the rift between ourselves and that other person is eased. We no longer feel the hurt caused by someone else's past actions and can move forward with a lighter heart. Forgiveness frees up space inside of us so that there is room for hope and optimism. In forgiving others, we sever an unhealthy connection that has bonded us together. If we wish, we can create a healthier bond together but regardless of what we decide, our willingness to forgive others helps us achieve emotional freedom. Do you agree?
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15 responses
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
29 Apr 10
I do agree wholeheartedly with what you said. Jesus has preached that we should forgive each other. As a Christian I know that I have to forgive those who have hurt me but its very difficult to put into practise. It is normal to feel a grudge against those who have wronged you. But I have experienced that when you forgive others you are healing yourself. You let go the past, the feelings of anger and thus you can heal from such bad experiences. I had a close friend who harmed my reputation by spreading false rumours. The truth eventually emerged but it took a lot of time. I felt a lot better when I forgave him and let things go
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
2 Aug 10
thanks for the BR award. I really appreciate that you take time and read each and every response and comment on every feedback.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Apr 10
Hi ronald, Thanks for sharing that experience, it just goes to show that forgiving helps us to heal. Holding a grudge only harms ourselves, not the other person. Jesus Christ, understood this better than anyone but also understood how difficult it would be for us to put into practice yet he showed others by example. Blessings.
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@apples99 (6556)
• United States
29 Apr 10
It depends on what happened that requires forgiveness meaning it depends on how bad the incident or situation is. I consider myself a loving caring and a realistically forgiving person but some things just cant be forgiven so easily thats why I it just depends. With that said I would say that it's easier for me to forgive then forget because we dont learn by forgetting, and if we forget we will just fallow the same patterns and allow ourselves to be wronged agin so I can forgive but I dont forget, but also I dont dwell on bad things and I dont hold big grudges to the point that cant move on, I mean that when bad situations happen or if someone wrongs me I deal with it and move on, but like I said I dont completely forget.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Apr 10
Hi apples, I would think that it's the same with most people, some things are easier to forgive than others. The question we have to ask ourselves is who are we hurting? We all have to be careful when the mere thought of someone causes our heart to race and we can feel the anger rising within us. Forgiving sets us free and they no longer have power over us. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and adding to this discussion. Blessings.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
29 Apr 10
I do not find it hard normally But there are 2 incidents and People that I can never forgive for what they did to me It is something that could have destroyed me but I did not let it, I was 5 years old and then 14 years old it has scared me for Life yes and I will never forgive these 2 People for nearly destroying me, one Person took my Childhood away and left me living in fear, But yes I can forgive sometimes straight away, sometimes it takes a little while
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Apr 10
Hi gabs, I feel certain that you understand the harm that refusing to forgive can do to us. Every time we think of that person or these people, we feel anger rising up within up that will cause us misery. Forgiving another sets us free and that person can never harm us again. Having said that I will be the first to admit that it can sometimes be very very difficult. There were people that I never thought I could forgive and it took me literally years to do so but now I am free and can think of them without getting upset. Thank you my friend for sharing with us. Blessings.
@kaylachan (76294)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
29 Apr 10
I generally agree and usually can forgive without much difficulity. But, sometimes it depends on what has happened. I usually forgive everyone, but it depends on how it takes to calm down from what ever upset me.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Apr 10
Hi kaylachan, Your last sentence says it all. Who is really getting hurt when you are upset? It usually isn't the person you are angry with but rather yourself. I agree that forgiving isn't always easy, I've been there. I now know however that I'd only been hurting myself all along. Forgiving sets us free because that person can no longer make us angry. Thank you for your comment. Blessings.
• Philippines
29 Apr 10
very well said. anger comes in two stages: you release the anger and second, you accept anger and hopefully comes to the path of forgiveness. so dont get sad if you cant just forgive yet. we are human, thats normal.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Apr 10
Hi moonkerstin, You are right we are human and often find it difficult to forgive. It is very important however, that we remember who we are hurting and it isn't the person we are angry with but ourselves. As long as the thought of someone upsets us, that person holds power over us. Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. Blessings.
• Bulgaria
29 Apr 10
i forgive very easy, for me its harder not to forgive :( especially my girlfriend.. damn when she look at me with those eyes i cant say NO to her..
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Apr 10
Hi iliastoilov, I hope that you will always find it easy to forgive as it will make you a happier and healthier person. Thank you for responding to this discussion. Blessings.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
29 Apr 10
I don't find it hard to forgive, i actually even find it harder not to. even if i want to just forget what people say about me, to forget what they have done to me, and to forget what they have caused me... i think it is still hard for me to to just stay angry, or to stay not forgiving people who have sincerely said they are sorry. I am the kind of person who forgives easily, over time too (depends on the gravity) but well, i think it is just me that i forgive but i always remember what people did to me and i tend to become cautious already. It may be normal for people to be like this. i am only human, i get angry... i forgive but most of the time i do not forget.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Apr 10
Hi chiyosan, I often ask myself if I've truly forgiven, if I haven't forgotten. You are right of course, it is harder to forget than it is to forgive. When someone comes to me with sincere apology, I not only forgive but what I remember is that the person came to me and was truly sorry. It is then that we can make a new beginning. As I said in the discussion, it is us who benefits from forgiving others. Thank you for sharing you thoughts on this. Blessings.
@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
29 Apr 10
As a Christian, I feel it's imperative to forgive, as we are forgiven by God. In my daily dealings, I like to keep my mind free of angry or resentful thoughts. If we don't do this I find, it shows in our faces, and we develop a sour expression which puts others off, even when we might want to be liked. Many of us struggle with anger. The important thing is keep struggling; not to give in to it. If the struggle is hard, we can always ask God for some extra help.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Apr 10
Hi CarlHalling, I agree that the teaching of Jesus Christ are very clear when he speaks of forgiveness. I believe that he also understood the harm that we do to ourselves when we hold a grudge. There is a great feeling of joy and of freedom when we are able to forgive. Thank you for your comment. Blessings.
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
29 Apr 10
I think that everybody has a hard time forgiving people who continue to follow the wrong path by hurting others without plans to end the suffering. Is really hard to forgive those who harm women and children all over the World. Is easier to forgive those people who ask for forgiveness ,but not those who continue engaging in violence and terror. On the other hand, we need to forgive because is healthier for us to live in love and harmony. Good can defeat Evil ,and I know for a fact that anything bad that we do in this World, we end up paying sooner or later.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Apr 10
Hi Mirita, I agree, most of us find it very difficult to forgive sometimes and especially in the sense in which you speak of it. It is nevertheless very necessary for our own well being. The person who makes us angry every time we think of her/him, still has power over us. Real joy and a sense of freedom comes when we have finally cut the last bond. Thank you for sharing with us. Blessings.
• India
29 Apr 10
forgiving a person is one of the most difficult things to do in our lives.many a times its our ego that stops us from forgiving.sometimes we may hate a person so badly that there is no way we can forgive that person.but I've noticed one thing that when you forgive a person you in a way help yourself and do good to also feels very good to forgive others.according to me we should forgive others because by doing so we have nothing to contrary we may gain more respect by forgiving others.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Apr 10
Hi antony, I think that you have things figured out very well. It is often very difficult to forgive but we only harm ourselves, not the person we are angry with. As you say too, we feel good when we have forgiven another and that's because we are now free, they no longer have any power over us. As long as we are unforgiving, that person can continue to hurt us. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Blessings.
@piya84 (2580)
• India
29 Apr 10
hiii Pose123 well yes and no both.It depends upon who they are and what they have done to me.If they are my loved one and they have done something wrong out of innocence then i forgive them quickly. If he she has done is purposely,out of jealousy to hurt me then i off course dont forgive them and i keep eye on such a individuals to make sure they wont hurt me again.I have meet so many such a individuals especially in college and at work place.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Apr 10
Hi piya, We do ourselves a great deal of harm when we refuse to forgive someone. Remember being angry with others doesn't hurt them but only us. There is no need to continue to be around them but don't let them make you angry, forgive them and move on. Thank you for responding. Blessings.
• Philippines
29 Apr 10
I don't forgive that easily but it depends on what they did. If it was too severe then i'll find it hard to forgive. If it's nothing to me then i'll more or less forgive them in a heartbeat.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Apr 10
Hi frontisions, Most people find it hardest to forgive when the person does not apologize but it's important to do so for our health. Often the other person has forgotten about it or feels that she/he had a right to do what they did. They aren't suffering because we refuse to forgive, it is only ourselves. Thank you for coming here and sharing your thoughts with us. Blessings.
@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
29 Apr 10
I totally agree with you. really set you free. Most of time its really hard to forgive and I seek God help to help ease it pain so I will forgive more easily.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Apr 10
Hi nangisha, Forgiving someone who has hurt you isn't easy for most people and it's often even more difficult to forget. When we realize that it is us who is being hurt by this attitude, we see the importance of forgiving. Thank you for sharing with us. Blessings.
@bestylish (922)
• Philippines
29 Apr 10
I sometimes feel difficult to forgive others. But then again, I forgive them since there's no point being angry and not accepting their apology.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Apr 10
Hi bestylish, You are right, there certainly isn't any point in not forgiving someone who has hurt us and it always sets us free. Being angry with another only upsets us and we'll probably end up with an ulcer. In te meantime it doesn't hurt the person we are angry with in the least. Thank you for commenting. Blessings.
• Canada
29 Apr 10
To me forgiveness comes easy yet it is one of the most beautiful qualities someone may have along with mercy if it doesn't pay in the short run it will in the long run.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Apr 10
Hi Libyantiger, If forgiveness comes easy for you, it is a wonderful trait to have since holding a grudge can only harm ourselves. You are right of course, it always pays because a forgiving person is most often a healthy person. Thank you for your comments. Blessings.