Obama supporters
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
United States
April 29, 2010 9:09am CST
I would like to know exactly why so many people are still supporting Obama when he has made so many mistakes that have cost our nation so much. I know his approval rating is really low now but I also know there are people out there who still think he will save the nation. I am not understanding their point of view and would like it explained. I am not asking for silly comments like "because he will" and what not I want solid answers please with back up. Try to change my mind.
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8 responses
@TheMetallion (1834)
• United States
29 Apr 10
Your confusion likely arises from a fundamental difference of opinion regarding which Presidents made so many mistakes that have cost our nation so much and which Presidents are fixing the messes made by guys named Reagan and Bush.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
29 Apr 10
What has Obama fixed? From what I've seen he's continued and compounded Bush's policies extending the patriot act, supporting racist voter intimidation, extending bailouts, and increasing the deficit. Frankly that 19% who supported Bush at the end should love Obama. Why anyone else does is the bigger question.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
30 Apr 10
Please do not use the Don't ask don't tell as though this administration doesn't do it. There where things in the health bill that where not discussed until they where found out after the votes. No one told then did they? No one is happy with everything every president does, if they where we wouldn't be Americans right. What I would like is examples of what has worked in comparison to what hasn't. Partial is fine as you gave above but that was one thing, for all this man's talk shouldn't there be at least a couple more good aspects?
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@TTCCWW (579)
• United States
30 Apr 10
In response to what he has done, he does not toot his own horn enough, the same problem Daddy Bush had, he did a lot behind the scene that was not reported on.
We went decades (the Carter administration) without any energy policy and when there were discussions they were all behind closed doors too. Enron, Exon, GM, Ford all closed door meetings under several presidents.
We are actually talking about consumer protection for the first time in 30 years, we are talking about and changing energy and protecting our national parks from pillage.
Obama has assured countries all over the Globe that we would not violate our treaties anymore without first having a discussion. If Bush or Clinton had gotten any nuclear discussion with the Russian's there would have been a bust of them on Rushmore.
His entire staff are activly busy trying to fix problems in all departments of government policy when our past presidents spent all of their time ignoring what they could.
I think the handling of the near disaster of our econmy has been very balanced and careful, he has economic meetings every morning with folks from all over the spectrum and opinion's from inside the beltway and outside. This was a disaster that was unprecidented and he waded into the muck and it appears to have made the right decission's. Time will have to tell but economist on both sides think he is on the right track.
The privatization of NASA. The Education stimulus is a new approach to a failed school system. Cafe standards have been raised for the first time in 20 years.
Dozens of low level appointments still are not in place.
Home Land Secturity has been almost completly revamped and is making huge changes everyday in information sharing and border security.
Loose nukes agreement with 40 something country's, a discussion that has been going on for since Reagan that nobody did anything about.
A comprehensive approach to the middle east instead of a stste by state approach that we have had for thirty years.
Not bad for a year in office.;

@TTCCWW (579)
• United States
29 Apr 10
You may not agree with his policy's but I am not sure what "mistakes" he has made.
History will be the judge of that.
The last president left office with low 20% approval ratings, most of the recent presidents were at the same approval rating after taking office.
I see him as the first pro active president we have had in my lifetime. Maybe we are getting our news from different places there fore we see things differently.
I find that the less I liston to opinion news the more I am able to see both sides of an issue.
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@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
30 Apr 10
May I ask if you do not listen to the news how do you know what is going on? Where do you get your info? All media is opinionated in one form or another.
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@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
3 May 10
Well all that is true except if you look a little deeper Obama slyly took more money then he put out there, it was in round about ways that aren't exactly donations but when boiled down they are. It's one of the little sneaky things that gives me that "uh oh" feelings about him. As for news stations from other countries doing a better job about our news I think you hit the nail on the head. I do watch the BBC and also Out of Ireland even though they are slanted a bit more democratic then I am they still put a lot on we never even hear about in this country, making me very wary of anything said on any station, no matter what their affiliation is. I also do not like that many of our media outlets do not publicize the other parties we have in our country, I know many read this post and though me a Republican off the bat, but in truth I think both parties are nothing but lying scum who need to be removed from office with new, different minded parties put in place. I will not spout off about this party or that right now but there are other people who ran for President who didn't even make it on the ballets in some States because the Dems. and repub.s get their way.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
30 Apr 10
I don't really consider somewhere around 50% approval, give or take a point or two depending on the poll, to be "really low", but I guess it's all relative just as the "so many mistakes" you claim President Obama has made. "So many" as compared to whom? How many is too many or is every President - or maybe just THIS one - expected to be perfect. Perfect according to WHOSE definition?
I guess I'm not really understanding you point of view since you failed to identify all these alleged mistakes, so maybe I, and others who do support our President, would like THAT explained. I'm not one of those people who still think he will "save the nation", I think in some very big ways he already HAS. I'm sorry, but keeping us from another Great Depression is a pretty big deal to me. I know nobody liked the bail-outs but as things have turned out I'm pretty glad some of the jobs that would have been lost in the auto industry were saved. I'm glad we finally have a President and a Congress who had the ba11s to really get something done on health care. Is the bill perfect? Far from it but for those 32 million who will soon be able to get coverage it's a good start. Our standing in the world has improved greatly and that may not be important to some people but we ARE part of the world. Things are steadily improving and while I know we have a long way to go and that there are still major problems I feel much more optimistic than I've felt for a long time.
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@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
30 Apr 10
Well for one thing the bailouts did not stop jobs from being lost completly and they allowed those car people to cut pay and hours leaving many people in a worse situation. Our unemployment rate is higher now then in decades do to many of the "high end" taxes put on big business. Many small businesses are going under because of laws passed and about to be put in effect about health care because they cannot afford to give health care so they will be fined for it. The Health reform by the administrations own projections will leave more middle class people with out insurance and paying fines, there is no even looking into the misuse of already institute health care for 5 years (really that should be first) and for all the claims about kids being covered for everything this won't start for not only many years there are a large number of loop holes that will not be hard to jump through. Not to mention the expansion of coverage would cost the government an extra $172 billion in a year, about $5,375 per person newly insured, a cost that is higher then what we where paying and one that the tax payer will have to pick up. One of two things will happen here, taxes will go up to cover it now or they will go up later to cover it then, they will go up because how else will this be paid for?
It is interesting that I asked for specifics and yet you through none at me. Tell me how what he has done has done any good. The economy is wavering just like our gas prices, unemployment is up yet again, and because of his pulling our troops out from where they where and being complacent with the terrorist there have been more attacks on over seas embassies then there has been since the 70's. Clinton was no favorite but at least he didn't make the situation more violent.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
30 Apr 10
I would be interested to know what mistakes you're referring to. I believe that many of the steps taken by the president have been responsible for stopping the downward spiral our economy was in and has lead to the recovery that we're starting to see. I'm not claiming that Obama is saving the nation but we have somehow managed to avoid the complete tanking of our economy under his leadership.
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@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
30 Apr 10
Well, I do believe the bail outs where a failure, I think that the government is supporting many industries in scamming the people. GMC is using monies from a second bail to pay off the first. Though that money may have stopped some banks from doing more harm, our people will have to pay for it if not now in taxes later and that will hurt many more people. The health reform was pushed too fast, if you read the main points and the administrations own projections more middle class people will be without insurance and paying fees and fines for it at the end of the 10 years. I am sorry but to me that doesn't sound like a good thing. These are the two points that bother me the most but I have a few other concerns as well.
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@celticeagle (172167)
• Boise, Idaho
29 Apr 10
I think that people still support Obama for the same reason they still, to this day, support Bush after all the crap we surely know about him now! Loyalty in politics is pretty steadfast and true. It reminds me of why people believe in God. Blind faith. Back up? I dont believe either! I haven't voted for president since Clinton!

@celticeagle (172167)
• Boise, Idaho
30 Apr 10
Well, maybe we should quite talking smack about Butsh BUT his crap still follows us and has never been resolved. Sort of hard to move on when things haven't been resolved. We don't have anything new to support so what else do we have to spout off about. I have intentionally not payed attention to stuff about Obama because I don't care to hear more negativity. I didn't vote for him and I don't want to hear it. If I had voted for him I would feel alittle responsible.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
30 Apr 10
Well I think what Celtic was saying does apply to Obama as well as any other president as the statement was about people in general supporting a person or party or God with blind faith. Which I also think is very true. As you talk about Obama vs. Bush I think we need to stop that. Bush is gone, we, and I mean everyone, need to stop comparing them and look at what is happening at this moment and what is intended to happen in our futures.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Apr 10
You know my opinion...He's the mistake. Socialism didn't work for Europe or Russia or Asia or Africa. To get people to share what they work hard for, you need a REAL big stick or a religion. And Obama's fast collecting his sticks in the form or 'reform' and legislation the American people do not want, present company excluded. (those supporting him) As for trying religion to make it work, the cult of Obama is still doing very well.
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@vandana7 (101438)
• India
29 Apr 10
Here, I am having a go at the red star for no other reason than the fact that you are a good friend material and so I want you to be my friend. :)
Coming to the point - elections are a very expensive affair - so frequent use of no confidence motion should be avoided as it might turn out to be more expensive than the costs that Obama is being held guilty of.
I think leaders who have been elected should be given their full term to make blunders or whatever is the opposite of blunders, costly or not. :) It is only in the last year before the election that we can pass our judgment. That is the democratic process I think. None of us is intelligent enough to predict with certainty what may be good or bad. Lets just wait and see. :) Only facts and figures can declare whether the measures taken by Obama were right or not.
As to comments like "because he will" - I find it difficult to believe that grown up, intelligent, educated people make such statements. They can say wait and watch, but that sentence seems almost like a blind faith! Childish I must say.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
30 Apr 10
Because, is a childish remark but one I heard from a friend who is very disappointed in the situation but just can't let go of his support, I think from pride or something. Waiting and seeing is a good idea it's just scary when you see such a big hole being dug that will affect the people and future generations so badly.
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