Is life a two way street?

@Pose123 (21635)
April 30, 2010 9:39pm CST
Do you feel that sometimes we want the kind of acceptance that we are not willing to give? Yet, isn't it true life is a two-way street? Don't you think that we would do so much better if we sent to others what we want them to send to us?
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9 responses
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
1 May 10
pose`123 I think the Golden rule fits in here nicely as we should all do unto others as we would have them do unto us. We have to live together in this world so we had all better learn to treat each other as we would like to be treated ourselves. we need to stop pigeon holing people and accept them for themselves as we would like to be accepted is indeed a two way street be kind to me and I will always be kind to you, mistreat me and I will rebell. We are our brothers keepers as the world grows every smaller with the electronic age going so strongly. so we should live up to this in all ways.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 May 10
Hi Hatley, Exactly! It is the golden rule, the same that's contained in all the major religions of the world. You are so right we are our brother's keeper and life is a two way street. If only everyone could see and understand this and of course put it into practice. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and adding to this discussion. Blessings.
• China
1 May 10
Yes,we should not spare our commpliments to others who deserve them.Sometimes we may not willing to give one even if we think so because of our so-called proud.Let us make ten compliment every day,not in a exaggerate way,but from our own heart.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 May 10
Hi ginghui, Thank you for commenting and I believe and in order to be fair we must treat others the way that we want to be treated. Unfortunately everyone don't see it that way. Blessings.
@_Honey_ (780)
• Philippines
1 May 10
Though some may contradict with what I will say, I will understand that sometimes, man gives higher regards to himself than how he thinks equal of the others. It comes in naturally. We, as humans, sometimes, think of ourselves quite a lot more special than the other people. Simple example would be in a workplace, we sometimes ponder why our colleagues got promoted before we do but we think that we're a lot better than them. But in the end, we might as well learn to realize and accept that people go through different journeys. It's just that we come across with them, they get ahead sooner than we do but we'll never know if what's they've been through is already half of what they really wanted. I still believe that life is fair. We just have to steer our perspectives clear and look under a better lens. Work hard, laugh, love and we'll always see how life's worth living.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 May 10
Hi Honey, That is a great way to look at things and you may be right about life being fair because there is so much that we don't understand here. I don't think that the thousands who die every day of hunger would agree with you but that is a problem to be dealt with on a larger scale. Thank you for commenting. Blessings.
@_Honey_ (780)
• Philippines
2 May 10
I may not understand completely how other people have been through but I still believe people have choices. For every choice you make, there will be pros and cons. For every action you take, there's an opposite reaction. Poverty is epidemic especially in the Philippines but I've met quite a few self-made people and that still gives me hope that man can still take control of his life. Religious ones may contradict with me but man still draws his own fate with the guidance from above. I may not die of hunger because I can afford to eat more than three times a day. I may not die of coldness of the weather because I can afford to rent a house to stay. But let's say I'm a chain smoker, so most likely, I'll die due to a lung problem. I didn't choose to die. I wouldn't want to die in the first place but my habits will in the long run, bring me there.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
1 May 10
Isn't this the tried and true golden rule? "Do on to others as you would have them do on to you". I have never seen a response to this that did not validate it.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 May 10
Hi savant, Yes it is the golden rule, just put in a little different way. Unfortunately, it really hasn't been tried tried that much, if it had been the world would be a much better place today. Thank you for coming here and sharing your thoughts. Blessings.
• Philippines
2 May 10
Very true it is one way for other to know what we need and in exchange they would also know bit one things for sure their is a need to reach out for each others to form understanding and receives lot of help and support.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
2 May 10
Hi neelianoscet, Thank you for your response. Life is a two way street and there has to be a constant flow of giving and receiving if we are to live in harmony. When one or the other stops we become live a stagnant pool of water. Blessings.
@leafsound (348)
• China
1 May 10
Yes, I agree your point, and life is a two way street. Life is changing,sometimes you want something, and life don't give you. You don't want to get something, and life happens to give you. Everything depends on your attitude toward life. You love life, and life also love you. You smile to it, and it smile to you. There are many frustrations in life,and we need not to worry about them. If we give more efforts, everythings will became better.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 May 10
Hi leafsound, If we could all agree to treat other people the way we would like to be treated than we would have a wonderful world. Life works best when there is a continuous flow of giving and receiving. Thank you for sharind your thoughts. Blessings.
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
2 May 10
Absolutely Pose. I believe treat others as we expect to be treated. One can't go wrong living by that. At the same token, If I am not willing to accept something, say about some one else, I can not expect anyone else to want to accept that something about me as well. Life is a two way street. A matter of give and take. If all one does is take, take, take without giving back, there will be an additional unbalance in the Universe. The law of cause and effect, Karma, it all applies here. Thank you for your discussion. I wish that more people would adhere to treating others with kindness more, so we can all live in better harmony.
• Canada
1 May 10
Yes, I verily believe that life IS a two-way street. Nobody should ever expect others to do for them what they are not willing to do back. I expect no more of people than I am willing to give, but you are correct there are too many out there that just expect too much. More than most people are willing to give, without any reciprocal action on their part. I will go so far as to say that some seem to act as if EVERYBODY OWES them something. I find that mentality completely foreign. Do undo others as you would have them do unto you, IS a fair and decent philosophy, regarless of religious views.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 May 10
Hi AnnieOakley, There are always those who feel that the world owes them something, yet they don't feel that they owe anything to others. Yet, as you say we should never expect from another what we ourselves are unwilling to give. Thank you for your comment. Blessings.
• Philippines
1 May 10
Yes, definitely. In life you get what you give. No more no less.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 May 10
Hi frontvisions, Thank you for that comment. Blessings.