Facebook users--change your passwords!

May 1, 2010 1:36am CST
I just read the news today about a Russian-born hacker in New Zealand who is in possession of 1.5 million facebook usernames and passwords. This hacker named kirllos is advertising those accounts for sale in bundles of 1,000. Bundles of facebook accounts with 10 friends or less sell for $25, and those with more than 10 friends sell for $45. Reportedly, 700.000 accounts have already been sold. These accounts can potentially be used for criminal purposes such as confidence scams or identity theft. So, to all facebook users out there: Change your password! Just in case your account is among those 1.5 million hacked accounts. You can never be too careful.
4 responses
@wisename (26)
• Indonesia
1 May 10
consequences of being popular. thanks for the info.
• Indonesia
1 May 10
Thank you very much. I found my friend can't log in his facebook. Maybe he is the one of many victims. Sorry i am a newbie in mylot.
• Philippines
1 May 10
That is scary. I hope I am not among the 1.5million facebook users that you said. I will change my password though to avoid problems in the future. Thanks for the post & happy mylotting:)
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
1 May 10
I just changed mine. That's really scary. Thanks for posting! I also read the article in Mashable.