Have you been cursed? I am...

May 2, 2010 12:44am CST
I remember when my parents went abroad and I’m the only one left collecting payments in our rooms for rent. There’s this one door that doesn’t pay for over 2 months and already consumed the deposit. We’ve been talking on and off and telling dates when she’s going to pay but then she’s all talk but no payment. I’m going to name her here since I’m quite sure no one knows her happens to be a member here in myLot…. Hehe… Ilyang is the name and always will be because she is ‘notorious’ here in our barangay as a faith healer (?). She’s from Antique, which is well known for many of the residents there as a faith healer and knows black magic. She knows black magic too of course. When she didn’t pay again to the date we talked about so I told her I’d file a complaint in our barangay hall. In which she didn’t think I would not do. But I did! The barangay gave summon to her of when the date we meet in front of the investigator. That night she tried to talk to me and saying it is not necessary that we go to the investigator and talk about it but I said I’m not going to talk to you unless we’re in front of them. I know she is a manipulative person and has been manipulating me ever since the non payment… So I turn my back on her and went out of our gate. We live in the same compound… I hang out with my friends just outside of our house then suddenly I noticed there’s a small burning flame in the corridor path going to our gate. So I went and I was shocked when I saw that in front of the altar there’s a black candle burning! Mind you it’s a black candle! And never seen in my entire life until now… I ran to my friends and told them there’s a black candle burning in our altar. So they went to see and said to me that that black candle is for me. Knowing Ilyang... Aha! I am really scared and trembling… One of my friends said to me that I have to put it out on my own before the candle runs out. I was scared even if I just touch it. But for my own sake, I hurriedly hold it and put it out in the canal. For all I know, Ilyang’s cursing me at that time and saying chants all I could think of… My friends told me that why should I be scared? I didn’t do anything wrong with her and she’s the one who has the guts to use black magic?! She’s the one who’s not paying her dues and not me… So what I did was to ignore what happened that night and I didn’t even mention it to the investigator that she threatened me with black magic. That is not the issue and if I talked about it that means I believe her… Until now, nothing happened to me... I mean nothing bad that I know of... What do you think all myLotter friends? What are you going to do if you’ve been cursed?
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10 responses
• Philippines
2 May 10
I've been cursed in the past too. Nothing happened to me. These curses aren't real. As long as you stay sane you're gonna be alright. These are just psychological tricks.
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• Philippines
3 May 10
Geez.. I can't believe there are still people who believed in this. Lol.
• Philippines
2 May 10
HAha! As long as I am still sane nothing will happen to me with that curse? So were cursed before...
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• Philippines
2 May 10
Basing on my experience (as a resident of siquijor province here in the philippines w/c is known for its black magic users), I'd say the spell failed. Well, mind if I ask how has yer luck going lately? Have you been in any accident since that incident happened? Or have you witnessed an accident with your own eyes since the incident? I'm not saying that I DO NOT believe in black magic, but seeing IS believing and I haven't seen anyone personally who has been affected with black magic. But, yeah. My advice for you is to be very careful on where you are and that keep on a lookout for anything that MIGHT happen.
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• Philippines
2 May 10
Well then that means her so-called "curse" failed and thus; becoming a FAKE. And if she'll ever curse you again, or if she'll try to, the effects of the curse would occur in 1-3 days. If it doesn't, then it's fake. Well, that's basing on my knowledge and understanding about black magic/curses. I don't know if it applies with Ilyang though :).
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• Philippines
2 May 10
Seeing is believing...hhmmmnn... And I haven't felt affected by her curse/black magic/spell... My luck lately is still the same as before the 'incident'... I also forgot to mention that she cursed the room she used before she leaves (her neighbor now where she lives said that to me) but still nothing happened... The one who is renting the room sometimes fail their due date but still pays... unlike her... hmmmnn... I think Ilyang is going to curse me again if she ever find out that I talked about her here in myLot haha!! Well, I'm just telling the truth... I didn't do anything wrong...
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
2 May 10
Mumbo Jumbo!!! Send me your curses,spells, black magic and whatever.Place them all on me. I love them. If you have one on you, Send it to me.Put them on me. The only way Mumbo Jumbo can hurt anyone is if you hurt yourself believing in them.
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• Philippines
3 May 10
Ola! Mumbo Jumbo wants curses, spells, black magic and whatever... But I can't send you that... I have no intention of talking to her and give you her curses...
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• Philippines
2 May 10
Some may not believe it but if you believe there is God there is a devil. Logic has no explanation for supernatural things but that does not mean they do not exist or happen. The only answer to the works of the devil is by faith in Jesus Christ. If you believe in Christ and what the bible says about him then you know that no name is as powerful as Jesus' name. The devil is not powerful than God. If you are a christian ask God to show you what that woman did to you and if there is anything you should do. believe me God does talk contrary to what people say. Pray for this woman who is lost and pray for conversion of this lost soul. You may talk to a priest or pastor or a church elder about this someone who is spiritually mature and rooted. Plead the blood of Jesus and recite the Psalms with all of your heart and soul and believe in it. I usually pray Psalm 91 it is a prayer of warfare against unseen enemies. I understand what you are saying been there before.
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• Philippines
2 May 10
"He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust." I usually say that when I pray.. Or whenever I feel like praying..hehe... If there's God then there's a devil... As of now, I don't know what happened to her... She now lives one block away from here but we haven't cross path... And no intention seeing her again...
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@mitchann (303)
• Philippines
2 May 10
This is the first time I heard a story like yours about black magic.Kind of scary. Personally, I dont believe in curses. Things happen because we allow it to happen, not because of external forces.ANd not because we did something wrong, and it bounces back to us. In your situation though, I guess your best defense would be prayers.HAVe faith my friend.He is more powerful than anyone.MOst powerful indeed.
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• Philippines
2 May 10
Indeed He is the most powerful... I didn't do anything wrong... I don't believe in curses(unless, maybe if there's something happened to me at that moment hehe)... But the scary part for me was the black candle burning in front of the altar.... Its not even my birthday hehe... And the color is black... Have you seen a black candle before?
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@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
2 May 10
hi portisray, what you've been stating is really creepy but i don't know if it's really true.i mean,if there's black magic!and if she is really chanting a curse on you at least you've stop the black candle before it runs out.that way,i think as you've said that may have stopped the curse! well,if i'm in your position,i'd also feel scared in that very moment. i also haven't seen a black candle in my entire life! we also have here at the back of our house one house for rent and we have encountered different kinds of rentees here as for now, well the house at the back was build because one of our relatives (sister of my father,with her family) negotiated with my father and they've decided to put house back there.but one of our cousins there,a guy whose older than me and he's like kind of an addict.that's why one time came he began to throw rocks on our car's windshield! what the -----! because of that incident we (me and my siblings)got scared of him! we didn't know when he'll attack us! and time pass by,our father decided to let them go and live in other place not like here,their son is giving us problems! well,that was i guess twenty years ago and they didn't came here again. but recently our cousin went to visit,how shocked are we! good thing he's not doing any trouble anymore though he really looks addict till now!hoping that he'll never ever come again and bring troubles here!
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• Philippines
2 May 10
Well, where's the curse/black magic in your story then? hehe... oh...your just mentioning about the problems we face about our renters... I think Ilyang was the worst 'renters' I've ever met....
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• Philippines
15 May 10
There are so many enemy we had way back in our childhood, i even cursed by one of my playmate and even her mother for having a fair complexion (because her daughter is have brown color). They spread to the community that they are powerful and knows black magic. Fortunately nothing happened to me. some of the enemy aside from them, also cursed us. In our life there is a sets of bad news and good news, but I do not believe every bad news is because we are being cursed. Even the cursed is really powerful (but haven't been proven) people still have no magic to make the cursed happen. Or i don't know in different place. You know what i did, because there is a partial self that believes and scare because of that curse, I pray a lot. And do continue to be nice with every people I meet. I also cursed my enemy , I do have the right too, but an energy inside every curse is negative. I dislike living with all negative energy, so what i do is to try to avoid it. So what happen when you gone face to face with this Ilyang, even the name makes me creep. She is not a doer of black magic, she is just making this up. She is a swindler.
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
2 May 10
i don't believe in black magic.
• Philippines
2 May 10
I think I will believe it if there ever something happened to me after she curse me but nothing...
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
2 May 10
Hi, portisray. I would be scared if I was you. If I know someone that is into black magic, I would not mess with them. You may be able to reverse this curse, by praying faithfully to God. He is the only one that can change this curse. Maybe you can get into touch with your trusted Pastor about this. He may have a prayer that he can do over you, to destroy any evil plots of this black magic. In the meantime, stay far away from her as much as possible. If she did something wrong by not paying you back your money, then she should not do black magic on you. She is just trying to wish you bad because she is mad at you. Black magic can be done on her for not paying you back. But you did not do that. Stay as far away as you can from this girl. She is bad news.
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• India
2 May 10
Hello, I feel there are laws of nature that govern everyone lives AND accoding to our deed we are paid good or bad. oNE what we do is what we get back in double if some one has cursed you and that u aare suffering although others may not know the reason for your suffering but nature know it all. and nature return back same to person who does ulgy deed to others. Well i doonot much about black magi but if someone uses it energies to bring misfortune in other people lives then they ahve pay for it, it gods lawa and not human or government laws. When gods will take action we doonot know but definately gods takes action. If you feel surrounded by some black magic best is make prays to god to hep you to protect.and he will guide you