
@kiran9 (255)
May 2, 2010 11:05pm CST
Hi friends, Let me know how to write Dairy? I have never practiced to write dairy even my schooldays.Howmuch time spend to write dairy?
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6 responses
@redhotpogo (4401)
• United States
3 May 10
I'm going to guess you mean Diary. A journal; book of memories you write down daily to record events. People keep a diary or journal differently. Some people write down things that happened during the day just before they go to sleep. Some keep their book on them, and write down certain events as they happen. If you write in it during the day you'll probably need alot of books to write in. Probably best to just sum it all up at the end of the day. Just make sure you write down the date, and location on every entry.
@kiran9 (255)
• India
3 May 10
Thank you valuable reply. IS there any way to use Diary?
• United States
3 May 10
Use it to keep a record of the important things that happen in your life. Something you might want your children, or grandchildren to know one day. Or maybe a way to remind yourself of things when you get old and your memory starts to go.
@hanuma34 (819)
• India
3 May 10
Kiran9, good you corrected the spelling. Pl. do no feel offended. All of us can commit such mistakes. Dairy is related to milk. Diary is a personal record of events or feelings. Maintaining a diary helps in recollecting the happenings, without depending only on memory. Generally people of consequence in society or institutions do maintain diaries so that the information therin becomes useful for the people of next generation. Ordinary people feel it is cumbersome. Well I tried when I was young. Left it of course.
@nehmer (607)
• Philippines
3 May 10
hi kiran9 your question is how to write a diary? just right what you think right that moment.. heheh do not spend so much time in making your diary just spend at least 5-10 mins of your time in making it. to be honest i stop making diaries because my mother and sister always read my diary and they always knows who is crush or my deepest secret and i hate it so i stop.. hehe but it was fun writing it.. i can say you can calm your mind every time you write..
@hanuma34 (819)
• India
3 May 10
Nehmer, you did what Kiran did. Check your 'right' which I think should be write. You are right. When you record very personal feelings, and the diary falls in others hands, oh! my! the embarrasment or bitterness can be very disturbing. You have to find ways to hide your diary. Your family members ought to show that little courtesy towards your liberty.
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@nehmer (607)
• Philippines
4 May 10
that's why i stop writing diaries ^^
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
3 May 10
Hi kiran, as what we know we write the important things which happen on the day that impress us most as well as our comment or feeling on them in our everyday life. To me I don't jot down things happen daily unless there is any which is significant and worth to write and keep as memory. I always feel relieved after writing the matters I have come across that day either it is joyous or sad. Besides writing frequently will help to improve my writing skill as well. It's nice to reread the content of our dairy during leisure time. From the earlier description in daily life I find I have different view and opinion when looking things. It's nice as well I can still recall certain things that happen decade of years before for I have fogot all of them totally Happy posting
@LifeGuru (922)
• Canada
3 May 10
I have not written in a diary for a very long time. ^^ After reading the horrible things I have said about people, it's not cool. Especially if I kept mentioning my former crush almost every day in that old thing. :P But I do keep notes of very important events now with what's going on in my life rather than writing every day. Before I normally would take an hour or more depending on how descriptive I can get about something, but now... I would type something I would like to remember and keep it in a special file on a memory stick, along with the time, etc. -.-;; If you want to know how to write a diary, you can write whatever you want in your diary, no matter what it is - for your eyes only after all. ^^ Unless you would like someone to read it, then by all means with your permission share right? XD But diaries are meant to be privatized since you are spilling your toughs and what lies in your heart into them. ^^ Happy mylotting!
@maharlikah (1045)
• Philippines
3 May 10
It's listing down some important happening in your diary. It is not necessary to be very long. A paragraph or two will do. Example: Dear Diary, today is my most memorable day at Aunt's cafe because I met my long lost friend who happened to be our costumer. Or anything else you can add.
@knicnax (2233)
• Philippines
3 May 10
Hi, first of all, let me correct you, the term would be diary. d-i-a-r-y :) dairy the collective term for milk products. I used to have a diary, I'd write on it anytime I want. I write when I feel like it. I just have it handy all the time. Although I haven't experienced writing in my diary with full honesty. My mum had this habit of going over personal stuff, so I use code words in my diary :) have fun!
• China
3 May 10
^^ diary!