how impulsive can you get?

May 3, 2010 1:44am CST
It has always been a habit for me that when i like a certain thing, be it a hobby,a gadget, an idea, or just anything, i tend to go for it as soon as possible. Ofcourse i do think it over first specially when it involves money but the thing is the urge most of the time overpowers better judgement. It is a good thing though that i mostly get it right. How impulsive can you get?
3 responses
@LifeGuru (922)
• Canada
3 May 10
I do not really get impulsive, but my mom does. -.- Every time she sees something on sale if she has money, she spends it. I constantly tell her to save money rather than spend it on luxuries we can barely afford. -.- But she would not listen till she runs out of money and complains. If she gives me money, I work myself on a budget 80% would be saved and 20% for whatever I see that would be of use rather than going on a spending frenzy... Now, when it comes to me and online shopping... It depends on what I am buying and how much I have on my paypal. ^^;; But I will always keep a budget so I do not go overboard.
• Philippines
3 May 10
I agree, we are of the same frequency there Lifeguru. My being impulsive has also bounderies life the budget for example. I'd say your mom is more of the shopcoholic type. :)
• Philippines
3 May 10
Oh we share the same feeling bretski. I'm so impulsive that I easily get disappointed when I don't do or get it right away. I have the shortest span of patience ever.LOL. Why are we like this?
• Philippines
3 May 10
It's part of human behavior and psychology i think Gamba.hehe. Take for example when it comes to food, i get so impulsive that when i get this craving and wants to eat something, i'd go high and low just to obtain that type of food. And when i am done eating it, i'd be satisfied. Even if no matter how delicious the second batch of it comes, i'll not be interested at all. That's one of the mysteries of human nature i guess.
• Philippines
3 May 10
Thank God, I am not that impulsive, specially when buying something. Maybe because when I was a kid, I was train to be contented on what we have and we only buy what we really need (maybe because we don't have much cash he he he...). Up to now, I only buy what is important. I don't really care if my gadget is outdated,as long as it works, it's just fine. I used my things as long as I can use it and dispose if its already broken. Maybe that's part of my being Ilocana
• Philippines
3 May 10
hehe. i am 1/4 ilocano too. well thank you for sharing your thoughts.