Are you ugly if your not being courted?

@eil_noz (963)
May 4, 2010 5:02am CST
My parents and other people usually ask me if I have a boyfriend or if someone's courting me and I'm usually uncomfortable when they're asking me this because the only answer I can give is a no and that I'm a NBSB (No boyfriend since birth). My brother even teased me upon knowing it, saying that I might really be that ugly that's why I don't have suitors.
19 responses
@Loen210 (1540)
• United States
5 May 10
eil, I'm sure you're "ugly," and especially if that is your photo as your icon, you look great! I see that you are still pretty young too. If they ask you (or especially not as close people), you can just say, "No, nobody right now." Well, your family is actually lucky that you have even shared anything with them. Usually when younger as a teen, you don't tell your family when you are "going out" or dating a guy. When older, yes, but that's none of their business, and absolutely no reason to tease. Keep that head adn smile up, and do the things that you love doing.
@Loen210 (1540)
• United States
6 May 10
:o) Good for you. And remember, no rush... OOPS! I just saw that I wrote, "I'm sure you're "ugly!" instead of NOT ugly. terrible me. Glad you knew what I meant. it's funny, even at my first school reunion, a couple of classmates brought their children even to the reunion, and I was so surprised, as they were such quiet, "geek crowd" people in school days, not dating. And at our first reunion, they are way ahead of the rest of us when it came to families. ;o) Cheers
@eil_noz (963)
• Philippines
6 May 10
Yes your guess was all right! that was really me in the photo. Were close in the family that's why they knew all the details about us and my brother is one of those who's used in teasing me. I'll definitely prove him wrong when time comes. Thanks Loen!
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
5 May 10
Awe I am sorry that your brother said that you. I do not think that you are ugly by any means. One day you will meet someone who is perfect for you and you perfect for them. Wait and see. Patience brings good things. I have been single for sometime now. I was really taken back last summer when my niece who was in a relationship but not happy claimed that I am weird because I didn't have a boyfriend. Now she is single, does that make her weird? Not. I am fine and am in no hurry to be dating again.
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
5 May 10
I believe that true love waits as well and that what is meant to be will be. Thank you for commenting.
@eil_noz (963)
• Philippines
5 May 10
My brother is really fond of teasing me. He also had a girlfriend once butthey ended up in a break-up altough i don't know the real reason. Then love is just a matter of time. I've heard a lot of relationship that ended up just like what happened to your niece and I was really sad for them. True Love waits! I do believe on that. Thanks again evrwonder!
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
11 May 10
Hardly, you're not ugly just because no one wants you. Maybe your not the personality or intellect they like. There are a myriad of reasons for you not finding Mr/Ms. Right. Just keep waiting; they'll find you.
@eil_noz (963)
• Philippines
28 May 10
yes maybe your right. Thanks for commenting cripfemme!
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
4 May 10
No, thats not true...there are some pretty girls that don't have boyfriend as well because some guys are just too insecure. Know what I mean?
@eil_noz (963)
• Philippines
4 May 10
Guess I know what you mean. Maybe I was just also insecure as well. Thanks for that donsky.
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
4 May 10
Don't be too hard on yourself will come in the right time.
• Philippines
27 May 10
Maybe you're giving out wrong signals. I see some girls that're really gorgeous but they seem too closed to even talk to. Maybe you need to loosen up a little and be friendly to who ever you meet. :)
@eil_noz (963)
• Philippines
28 May 10
well, I'm known for being miss congeniality in our friend's group. Maybe your right that some can't actually reach me out thinking that I'm closing myself for everybody. They might just got the wrong idea. haha... Thanks for commenting frontvisons
• Philippines
5 May 10
i don't think that ugly won't have suitors. just wait and the right one will come. we are all unique as we are all created by God so be it that you're ugly or beautiful the most important is you have a clean heart. Pretty isn't it?
@eil_noz (963)
• Philippines
6 May 10
I agree that there's no ugly person that God has created. I really wanted to prove my brother that he's wrong. Thanks for that Eborromeo
• Philippines
5 May 10
Well, I believe that it's not about being ugly or beautiful physically but it's about being ready and having a great attitude towards others. You are still young and tender and you are not yet ready for a family I guess, so no need to worry. People may try to tease you and the moment you buy into their own scheme, your life will be at a disadvantage. Take time and have fun while you can. Have a great and wonderful day.
@eil_noz (963)
• Philippines
5 May 10
I still believe that attitude or one's personality would be the best factor that people should consider. Yes! I still think that I'm not really that ready for anything yet. Actually, somebody wanted to court me in the past but i refused.I still enjoy being single. thanks for understanding me blessing.
• Philippines
4 May 10
i totally disagree! my friend is not unfortunately ugly but she's also an NBSB, and everytime i ask her if she already has a significant other, she gives me that radiant smile and answeres me with a NO, she's perfectly comfortable being single. other women were born "late bloomers" though. and would only get romatically linked in their late 20's, early 30's or even early 40's imagine that!? and being ugly is not even the issue here, it could be any of these ... --you're too beautiful that guys would rather stare at you than court you --you're too rich that you're surrounded by mob of bodyguards --you're too intelligent that men/boys might find it hard to start up an interesting conversation with you --you're climbing the corporate ladder faster than a marathoner that any potential suitor will feel incompetent --you have a poor hygiene?!! ...let your reason be any of those above-mentioned except the last one please! your time will come dear, don't rush it =)
@eil_noz (963)
• Philippines
4 May 10
I belong to the late bloomers then, but hopefully it wont be on my 40s. Im not confident on myself that im beautiful or what the reasons can be those but it wouldnt definitely be the last reason. I guess I must not be affected by the tease of my brother. Thanks for commenting quincy. I really appreciate it. Happy mylotting!
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
5 May 10
For me no it is not the reason maybe you are to strict if they have someone asking you or your not friendly and don't show your self that your not capable.
@eil_noz (963)
• Philippines
5 May 10
Well, your guess was definitely right. I'm not really that showing off or anything. I'm just always at home doing a lot of stuffs in the computer that maybe made them think i'm not friendly.
@bestylish (922)
• Philippines
5 May 10
I am also being asked by a lot of people whether I have a boyfriend or not. And just like you, I am a NBSB. I am not an ugly person. I think. LOL! My brothers don't tease me about it that much... since they don't have girlfriends. They have absolutely no interest! LOL! I can't say that they're ugly since their looks aren't that bad. They're tall and the face is alright. The only problem is that they have no interest in girls. They prefer playing computer games! I think that's their girlfriend. As for me, I also don't have interest in boyfriends since I have to concentrate on my studies. It's still summer right now so I am enjoying myself.
@eil_noz (963)
• Philippines
5 May 10
Well then, were definitely two similar person. My brother is usually like that too although he had a girlfriend once and my brother is really that fond of teasing me all the time, it's been like he's having fun doing it to me. I beleive that i'm not yet ready for any relationships and the truth is that I wanted to prove my brother that's he's wrong in his opinion that's why I started this discussion and it's good that most of you agree with me. Thanks Besty! Hope we'll find the right person at the right time.
@evepin (721)
• Philippines
5 May 10
definitely not true. i'll probably kick my brother if he said that to me. anyways, maybe some guys feel a bit intimidated by you? or that you unknowingly give signs that you're "off-limits"?
@eil_noz (963)
• Philippines
5 May 10
I don't hate my brother for that I can't kick him with it. He really liked teasing me and I want to prove him he's wrong. haha... Your definitely right when you said that people think I'm off limits. My cousin once asked me if my father would be fine if I had a boyfriend and I said that yes I'll be fine but honestly I'm the one not ready. Thanks Evepin!
@yumanal (143)
• China
5 May 10
Boyfriend has no relationship with ugly-looking ,it's your right to select your boyfriend ,maybe it's not the time you are in love with somebody .I think your brother only play jocks to you ,don't mind .Although love will come in right time .
@eil_noz (963)
• Philippines
6 May 10
My brother is totally playing jocks at me. He's used in teasing me and I wanted to prove him that he's wrong. Hope I'll find love at the right place at the right time. Thanks for commenting yumanal!
@rhodalyn (251)
• Philippines
5 May 10
Of course not..maybe the guys are shy to you because of your personality.. As a friend, I admire you(I swear)..your smart, rich, very active person..You belongs to the girls in the high standard..(true!) Maybe the right guy whom you deserves does not arrive yet..
@eil_noz (963)
• Philippines
5 May 10
Wow that's nice to know rhodz! but referring me to be a girl with a high standard, uhm... not really dear. Love you friend! Thanks for commenting
• Philippines
4 May 10
even less attractive people get into romantic relationships. it really depends on individual circumstances. sometimes, we are too much into one thing that we tend not to notice the other. try to have tiger look and view life in broader perspective. you might not know it but someone could already be knocking in your heart's door.
@eil_noz (963)
• Philippines
5 May 10
MAybe your right with that romeo. I might not notice somebody because im too concentrated on someone else. I remembered one time when i refuse to be courted by somebody, guess im wrong when i did that. thanks again romeo
@skysuccess (8858)
• Singapore
4 May 10
eli_noz, Love is multifaceted, multidimensional and omnidirectional - it is definitely not as linear as how you have expressed it. If your claims are correct, then Love is only entitled to the chick with the hottest bod with the prettiest face, as well as the dude with the most cash and assets. Duh - since your tunnel vision did not incorporate other factors into consideration. If you are dissatisfied with something about your situation, then you must learn to evolve your weakness and vulnerability into something more manageable. If you want to change your fate, then logically you must work to change it. If not, you are just plain ranting and at the end of the day, it gets you nowhere. To me, it seemed to me that you just want a boyfriend. But if you can’t even be bothered and start with yourself, I think the odds will be stacked much higher against you. I am a firm believer that without Self Love, there can be no Love. If you cannot understand this philosophy, then you will never understand why Love always eludes you. And it has nothing to do with an ugly girl confession = 99% failure.
• Philippines
27 May 10
Maybe you're giving out wrong signals. I see some girls that're really gorgeous but they seem too closed to even talk to. Maybe you need to loosen up a little and be friendly to who ever you meet. :)
@cip116 (1011)
• Romania
4 May 10
Everyone has something special A person can not be simply "ugly or beautiful" You are many qualities and you just put them in front Your brother jokes
@eil_noz (963)
• Philippines
4 May 10
I agree with that! my brother might really be exaggerating thing or rather just fond of teasing me. Thanks for that cip
@pumared (514)
• Bulgaria
4 May 10
@ericpapasit (1274)
• Philippines
4 May 10
It's a no no, there some factors to be considered.