Would you stay?

@bunnybon7 (50973)
Holiday, Florida
May 4, 2010 5:42pm CST
Okay, I had to do this one because of my previous discussion about looks and what you look for in a man or woman. If your lover got in an accident, that messed up their looks, would you stay? Now thats a really hard one. I think most people would like to think they are good enough person to stay, but I really wonder how many would just try and be friends instead of lovers.? I would stay because ive given up on the outside look a long time ago. Really loving someone, yes and even intimacy can overlook anything on the outside. guess thats why one of my favorite stories as a child was Beauty and the Beast.
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20 responses
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
5 May 10
I'd stay. Looks mean nothing to me, never have really. I learned early that looks fade. Plus, what the package looks like has nothing at all to do with what's in the box. Maybe my attitude stems from the fact that my father had to go into a wheelchair when I was 12 years old. (He had muscular dystrophy.) That didn't make me love him less. It did give me a better understanding of people in general, though. As for intimacy, I've never had, uhh, "urges" that weren't founded in love, or at least what I thought was love. I have always had to be in love and he had to love me or at least make me believe he did. (Yeah, I've been fooled before. ) Looks have never had any part of my feelings for another person. Oh, sure, I'm attracted to attractive people, aren't we all? But, that doesn't mean I'd even want to get to know someone just because they were attractive. They would have to have qualities inside themselves that I found attractive before I'd want to know more. If my significant other were in a terrible accident that disfigured him in any way, that would not change my feelings for him and I certainly wouldn't leave him, at least not unless he turned into a bitter, spiteful person because of that accident. If that happened, I'd tell him it's therapy or separation until he changed his attitude.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
4 Jul 10
Thanks for the BR. YOu know, I must've missed your response to my comment at the time. My first husband was like that. I owned the house we lived in so I had to throw him out. I cried the entire time he was packing up but I knew he had to go or he'd have killed me and probably our son, too. I'm just very thankful that he wasn't vengeful (although I did have the police there while he packed, just in case). I received a phone call soon after he left by someone (it may have been him disguising his voice) saying "I'm going to kill you" and when I said "What???" he repeated himself, using my name ("I'm going to kill you, Marti") so I knew it wasn't a wrong number. I was very paranoid for awhile after that call but nothing ever happened, thankfully! It took me years to get over that, too.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 May 10
yes you know i thought of that right after i started this discussion. if the person became just down right mean because of the accident, you really couldnt stay even if you loved them dearly. i know i left one husband i loved dearly because of his abuse. he would have killed one of us if i hadnt taken the kids and disappeared. even though it took years to get over the love
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
5 May 10
Heck yes! He is the sexiest man I know. This isnt his looks. It is his brains, his charm, his sense of humor. If you could see him now compared to when we met. He used to be clean shaven. Now he has this monstrosity on his face and looks like a redkneck with a long handle bar mustache and a long beard he braids..... lmao no I am not here for his looks.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
6 May 10
Yes thats right! It makes my life SO much the richer!
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
5 May 10
i think that shows true love. when we know love like that, we feel sorry for others thats never experienced it.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 May 10
been with hubby 30+ years.. can't quit now.. guess we've both been a little bit of beast and of beauty!
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 May 10
wonderful. you obviously have deep true love and connection. im betting you'd stay and so would he no matter. because of the soul mate between you 2.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
5 May 10
Yes, I would stay. He would still be the same person. Looks change as we get older anyway. Physical appearance has never been tops on my list of qualities that I look for in a man. It's always been about the person's personality, how they treat others and things like that. My ex-husband was not what most people would say an attractive man but before the marriage went south and when things were good, in my eyes he was amazing.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 May 10
i know what you mean. if only he had treated you and his self right. tried to make things work. marriage is still a partnership where both party's have to try. thats what keeps love alive. good ttreatment of each other.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
8 Aug 10
Hi, bunnybon7. Yes, I would stay. If I loved him enough before he was in the accident, I can love him even more after he has been in the accident. My love will always be the same. His looks would not change my feelings towards him at all.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
8 Aug 10
good for you. ever since i met my hubby thats gone now, i knew id quit caring about looks. this man was so beautiful inside, for the first time i realised looks didnt matter.
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• United States
5 May 10
tWO THINGS came to my mind when i read your discussion. Beauty is only skin deep & beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. If i really loved someone i would hope that a change in appearance would not change that.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
5 May 10
im sure it wouldnt dear. you are a good hearted person for sure.
1 person likes this
• United States
5 May 10
Thanks for the kind words,Bon. U are pretty special yourself.
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
9 Aug 10
The inside is the most important. The outside changes when the time affects every single one of us. I sometimes wonder if the mirrors were better some decades ago..!? There is a simple solution if we are disturbed by what someone looks like. Just turn off the light..then everyone looks just as good as the other.. Anyway, you have some good thoughts there.
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
10 Aug 10
You are right, when we know someone well, we no longer think about what they look like. It is the personality that counts.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 Aug 10
yes i guess the lights could go off. but i always loved my hubby no matter, even though he wasnt much to look at ,but he looked better to me as time went on. simply because his heart and ways was so wonderful.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 May 10
I would stay, as it is the Person I love not the Looks When you really love someone you will overlook any flaws even this type so I would stay and support my Man
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 10
Awwwwww thank you Sweetie
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
11 May 10
and you my friend are a good woman. im sure any man is blessed with someone like you.
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• Philippines
5 May 10
That's a pretty difficult question. If we have children together and a very supportive family. It makes it easer to stay with him. It's not easy to say that for the sake of love all problems will be vanquished. And pity is very different from love. If pity prevails you for staying with him. Both of your life will be miserable. If his looks are only messed up but still you can see him in a way. It won't be a great adjustment, compare with someone who has been totally disfigured. Like, no jaws, open wounds, unaligned eyes, that's horrible, and it will really put you through a lot. I don't know if I would stay. And hopefully, I will never have to be confronted with such great dilemma. And it makes me sad to think if something like that will happened. This a very good discussion Bunnybon.
• Philippines
8 May 10
Hi Bunnybon! That's so right, people think that looks are everything, but when you come up to situations like you have mentioned. They will be the one suffering if they only hold on to the looks. True love, yes, that's a very test for true love, true love will not faltered on this trial.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 May 10
thank you. i thought of it because of another one i started. because some people seemed to feel they only had to have someone with good looks. i was trying to point out how much wonderful things can be missed with someone even if they dont look good. yes, God forbid. but im sure if true love is there it can be worked out.
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@celticeagle (172606)
• Boise, Idaho
5 May 10
I had a co-worker who had been in an accident and ended up walking with a cane. Her husband left her. I think if youve been with someone along time a person woould stay. I would. If it happened when you were young I would think a person would be more apt to leave. Now days people are shallow and selfish.
@celticeagle (172606)
• Boise, Idaho
6 May 10
I think so too. I also think that people inlove should also be the best of friends and there for one another. This would never have happened if that were the case and the guy wasn't totally shallow and assinine in his approach to the whole thing.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 May 10
that man did not love her and was obviously very shallow. i really think if you truely love someone this would make you even closer with them. as ive been through it all myself
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
5 May 10
If some one leaves their partner because of disfigurement, then they've done their partner a favor. While the split may hurt for a while, ultimately he or she is now free to find some one who will love them for the person they are, not the person they look like. Losing some one who loved the gift wrapping, but not present inside, is no loss. All of us change over time anyway. Even if you are never disfigured in an accident, or through a terrible illness or disease, we all grow old. We turn grey, wrinkle, sag and bag. But we're the same inside...well mostly. Maybe a bit more feisty...
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 May 10
you are so wise. yes thats the heck of it. if you lose someone after you've grown old, fat, and wrinkled good luck with finding another that will get to know you by the inside ways. yes they would be doing them a favor. who the heck wants a shallow, cold person. not even in a pinch...desperation.
• India
27 Jul 10
Had it been me, i would stay, because love is not limited to bodies but to hearts, it is an emotional concept, body may deteroriate but not the soul, it is inner not external.. Thanks for sharing.. God bless you friend, cheers. Professor. .
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
27 Jul 10
god bless you to dear. im in total agreement with you.
• China
5 May 10
It depands on how deep that i really love her, If not that deep maybe I would choose to break up, but i would still be friend with her if she still be willing.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 May 10
if she truely loved you being friends might just break her heart. you are right in one respect though, if it was just pity keeping you there, she'd be better off if you just disappeared from her life. but i'll bet if you loved her very much you'd be a person to stay and except.
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• Malaysia
5 May 10
The world is so cruel. The story like Beauty and the Beast is only on fairy tale, is not true. The true love is like ghost. Many people had claimed that they had saw it, but actually that are only a few people who truly saw the ghost. If the guys is the one, then of course i will stay. True love is everything.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 May 10
thats very true chloehan. as my son often tells me, i should feel truely blessed as very few people find that soul connected love of a lifetime like i did.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
5 May 10
If it's my lover and we aren't married, I can't be sure what I would do. But if it was my husband, I would stay....because I've passed the stage where looks are important and there's more to our relationship than just looks. Having said that, I am not even the kind of person who bases her opinion on a person based on looks...even at the first meeting (unless they are really repulsive). I didn't marry based on looks....and I have been asked a few times about my choice of husband based on looks (well....I liked the person and I couldn't understand what these people were asking me about....he isn't a handsome hunk....but he isn't so bad either)
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 May 10
yes i know what you mean. my hubby wasnt a hunk either but not actually ugly. but he had so much more going for him that once people knew him they didnt wonder why i was with him. lots of gals envied me. thats why i say love makes the difference as to why a person would stay no matter how bad they looked.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
6 May 10
Of course I would stay if I loved the person. The outside does not matter, it's the inside you grow old with and truly enjoy. I think we put too much emphasis on physical beauty and not on the beauty that truly counts and makes a difference in our lives.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
11 May 10
yes today that seems to be the norm more then ever before. i know growing up emphasis was put on beauty to a degree. but it seems these days its worse then ever. maybe its because theres so much more to improve your looks with plastic surgery, stomache stapleing, etc.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
7 May 10
If a person is only seeking another for looks then he/she will jump ship. Genuine love stick through thick and thin. Yes I would stay if I had a beau whose facial is damage. It is not the look but the personality of the person that will allow me to fall in love with him which will let me stick through whatever bad that befall him in. Hey Bunny how are you doing? I hope the whole gang is still here. hugs
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
11 May 10
you sure are right. It shows what substance a person is made of and how well they can love, when the chips are down and your partner is disfigured in some way. doing ok here i guess, until July some time. it seems sons getting another visit from NY
@themdno (402)
• United States
6 May 10
It depends. If I really loved the girl, yes, I would stay. But, sometimes, you might not even be honest with yourself about it, but you could be with somebody because of looks, and think your in love. In that case, it might make you seem like a jerk, but I think, it will just make you realize that you don't actually love that person, now that you aren't getting what you want out of the relationship. Mostly, I would hope that I'm in a relationship where we could last through a situation like that.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
7 May 10
oh yes thats the ultimate love. its true love and you'd know it then. for sure. you are right
@krisnel (498)
• Philippines
5 May 10
looks is important but if he got accident resulted to ruined his face. i will still stay for the one i love.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 May 10
yes i think truely loving someone is the answer to this. you know how to love. some people dont seem capable of true love.
5 May 10
Of course I would stay. I have been with my husband for fourteen years and when I married him I promised to keep my vows. I think if this did happen the stress of the situation would be more difficult and emotional for us rather than the physical attributes.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
7 May 10
you are right..cheers my friend.. it serves to bring people that really love each other even closer together.