What have you done today that made you feel ???????

@Wizzywig (7847)
May 4, 2010 5:43pm CST
This afternoon, I cut the grass (which I really shouldn't have but thats another story) and then went into town to collect my tablets from the chemist.... My son had asked me to get him some sweets which, in the usual shop are £1 each but, I saw smaller bags at "2 for £1.20". I checked the weights and yes, these worked out at better value but, I had it in my head that I was spending £1 on them so,when the cashier totalled up my goods, I argued with him & then had to apologise. In the next shop, I bought something for £1.25 and just got £1 out because I was still thinking about those ****** sweets. Then I got a text asking me to pick up something from the first shop I went in. I stopped off to see my mum on the way home & she told me she'd been into the chemist to pick up her meds.... DOH!!! hadn't got mine and it was 15mins to closing time - just made it!! On the plus side, I didnt throw the tablets in the bin with the empty boxes like I did last time. If I look up 'senior moment' in the dictionary will my picture be beside it????? Or will it have yours there instead???
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6 responses
• United States
5 May 10
I checked my E-mail and than I started doing my G-P-T sites,but they wasn't ready.. yet!So.. I did my homework and i thought i saved it, but i guess i didn't and i'm not doing it over again.so i thought I'll find what everybody else so what to?
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@Wizzywig (7847)
5 May 10
Oh no! Was it a big assignment? How soon do you have to submit it or will you just tell them what happened to it??
@pumared (514)
• Bulgaria
4 May 10
I did a lot of things. I make big presents for my famly and a mot of smiles.
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@Wizzywig (7847)
4 May 10
Those sound like good things I hope you have a good day again tomorrow.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
5 May 10
I woke up feeling a bit displaced because of a very vivid and strange dream. Second night in a row for strange dreams. I had my senior moments last night, looking at things and not even seeing them and wondering where I had put them, but too tired to look for them. Hubby walked straight down stairs and saw them immediately. Lately it seems that my brain is just vibrating inside of my head.
@Wizzywig (7847)
5 May 10
Could you send your husband round to find my camera accessories... I'm STILL looking for them
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
6 May 10
As far as I'm aware, the definition of "senior moment" still has a picture of Matlock next to it? There was a brief campaign to replace him with Spike Milligan or Barbara Walters, but there just wasn't enough support. Sorry, what was the question?
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
6 May 10
I concur. It's quite scary when you consider how much we're on the same wavelength here!
@Wizzywig (7847)
6 May 10
I'm not sure which one of us should be most afraid...
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@Wizzywig (7847)
6 May 10
Matlock?? That's a person??I thought it was a place in Derbyshire Question, what question??
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
5 May 10
Naw it won't have either of our pictures. Not yet, anyway. :-)
@Wizzywig (7847)
5 May 10
I might start wearing a disguise... just incase.
• Pamplona, Spain
5 May 10
Hiya Wizzy, I must have had many Senior moments then even when I was at School. It would not be the first time that I was going to School with my house slippers on. I had put my Mac on got my Satchel and everything and was going to lock the Door with my slippers on. How many times have I gone to put the dirty Socks in the Fridge and the milk in the Washer? This has happened to me so many times right up to now I put it down to being five minutes ahead of everything else. Now I have calmed down quite a lot anyone from School is going to miss my usual gabble unless they hit the right note and start me off down the same lane again. My lot in this House usually have the nice habit of throwing the teaspoons away with all those desserts they like to eat that is only one of them. I often walked so far with one of my mates from School that I found myself walking into Bilston because we were so engrossed in a conversation that we both forgot where we were she was nearly home and me far far away so she used to walk back with me again. This has happened many many times I can´t be the only one can I? Once we went to Sedgely Beacon this is a sort of wild heathland from before and it still is thank goodness and we were so happy and forgot all about everything and what the time was for going home too. We walked miles too because then we had gone so far out of our way and enjoying it all we forgot the way back (grin). There was a tremendous thunderstorm just after I got back to the House so I was lucky not to get drenched into the bargain. My memory usually has to be theirs too as how often do they ask in your House where did I put this and the other? Al that thinking for them is enough to wear anyone out no wonder we have problems remembering our own things.
@Wizzywig (7847)
5 May 10
I reckon most of us would be up there in the senior moment gallery of fame at some point. I phoned home from my mums to ask someone to get the washing in & constantly got the engaged tone. After a while, I convinced myself that my husband had been taken ill, (he did have health problems at the time), tried to phone an ambulance and collapsed on the floor without replacing the receiver so I went home... to find him still in his usual flat out on the sofa watching TV position but perfectly well. I told him what had happened and went across to check our phone. Before I even lifted the receiver, I realised that I had, in fact, been dialling my mums number (from her phone)but I checked anyway so I wouldn't have to admit it! Recently, my mum phoned her landline to check her mobile was working, went out, came home and dialled 1471 & found that she'd had a call from a mobile number that she didnt recognise..... it took her hours to realise that it was her own.
• Pamplona, Spain
6 May 10
Hiya Wizzy, Not so long back I found myself dialling the same number as the phone I was using. I forgot that he had one of those duplicated cards and I was getting the engaged tone for dialling myself (grin). How many times have you gone to write your own address on the front of an envelope instead of your Friends or whoever? So I have nearly sent a Christmas Card to myself I think it´s because we are all living way ahead of ourselves and anyway they reckon that we do things like that when we have too many things to do. When I first moved here it took me five days no less to kick the habit of going the wrong way round to the front Door and other Rooms just goes to show how habits grow on you. Not only that because the bathroom in the other place was right by the front Door practically I kept going to go to the front Door. Well I don´t do it now but the first five Days the tendency was there. Most people who live here don´t even know the name of their own street or any other. They refer to their House as being over there by that red Car something like that. Really I don´t want to live way ahead of myself at all but you find it is forced on you in more ways than one. You can´t escape it all the time even if you want to can you? So it´s goodnight from me and goodnight from him. I loved those two I really did. I have done lots of silly things over time and I can laugh about it so here´s to those "senior moments".
• Pamplona, Spain
5 May 10
Hiya Wizz, Just meant to say that it would be my picture of when I was nine years old a School photo with a school tie half mast a cheeky grin and my hair looking something like a birds nest. Real truth is I never had any time to see to myself as I had to have it all set for them as they were truly lazy my two brothers. You might say that´s only two but they both made up for four or more as they were always groaners and moaners from the time they got up in the morning till the night time. So I reckon it would be my photo there in place of honour. My last year form teacher could vouch for the amount of times he has let me go back home and see if I switched off the Stew. So when I got back he would hold the Register and say Sue G. gone home to switch off the stew. He was a very funny teacher sometimes.