You are what you eat.

United States
May 5, 2010 5:00am CST
No this isn't about food, its about people putting the blame for their actions and choices on everything, and everyone else but themselves. People say you are the product of your society, you are a product of your education, you are a product of the media, etc. We blame movies, music, our parents, or genes, our neighborhoods. And no one ever thinks to look within. To look at the man in the mirror. Of course they don't, because the whole world goes "oh its not you, you're fine just the way you are, its not your fault its "fill in the blank"'s fault. Do you think outside things have an effect on what people do, or do you think like me, and believe that people make their own choices, in the end they only have themselves to blame?
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21 responses
• Kenya
7 May 10
It is true that we are what we eat. We all know which foods are good for us and those that are bad for us. Yet we choose to indulge in foods that make us fat. What most of us don't do is exercise. Exercise tones our bodies. Which ever food we eat, it reflects on our body frame.
• United States
7 May 10
If you eat alot of watermelon, you will look like a watermelon?
• Kenya
10 May 10
I think you miss understood me. I was refering to the nutrients you get out of the food and not the physical appearance of the fruit. I do agree with you that some people eat foods to deal with a situation they are going through. For example if somebody is heart broken and they decide to eat lots of chips it reflects on their body.
• China
5 May 10
People are the masters of their words and actions,and choices,so on.In my mind,one should be responsible for what they said and what they did.If you broke your favorite cup when you're in mad,it's your fault,not your cup's.
• United States
5 May 10
lol exactly. I'm really tired of hearing people say things like "oh this person is crazy, because his parents are crazy." You make the choice to do bad things. Other people don't make them for you.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 May 10
Hang on a minute redhotpogo...if a person's parents are "crazy" and via genetics the person is crazy too then he may not be directly responsible for his actions. However it will be the illness at fault, not the parents. You are assuming "everyone" has the skills and abilities to make good, even excellent or perfect choices and this is rarely the case. People make bad choices. It's the human process friend. None of us is in any position to judge the behaviour of others. Besides, bad choices may have good outcomes. You might see a situation as a bad choice but someone else may disagree with you. People who make good choices that have a positive outcome probably don't take responsibility either...they might say they were just lucky.
@much2say (57291)
• Los Angeles, California
6 May 10
tranquility - Well said! I like that analogy with the cup!
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
5 May 10
Hi redhot, good debate. I feel that for the most part we are all responsible for the outcomes in our lives, both good and bad. That it is really a matter of the law of cause and effect. Although there are some instances where outside things do have an effect on some, both negative and positive. Somethings are simply beyond our control sometimes and can have a direct effect on a person. I do concur however, that all too often there are some who blame outside influences for things that could be controlled from within. I believe the reason is because it is far too easy to do so than to self check instead.
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
6 May 10
Oh yeah, I see that all too often, the sypathy effect. I do not buy into it. You are right however, that all too often people are in a bad way because of a less than best choice and instead of admitting that they made a mistake they find something else to blame it on. We live and we (hopefully) learn.
• United States
5 May 10
I agree with this. There are things that are out of our control. The circumstances we are in lead us to that point. But there are many things that people could control, and chose the wrong path, and then blamed it on something else. Everything is out of their control. Feel sorry for me, I can't help it.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
6 May 10
Everyone is in control of their own destinies and their choices and decisions as well.. Of course the things we go through in life are a determining factor for our behavior but overall each individual is responsible for his/her own actions and choices. We also have to live with the consequences of these actions. When it comes down to eating habits, or just general maintainable of one's self, the same theory applies. If you are a healthy eater, exercise regularly, and take the necessary steps to keep your "frame looking tight," then of course ones outward appearance will reflect this hard work. Just the same goes for the opposite, where if you don't take these steps and eat garbage, you will reap the benefits of your work. There are no excuses, these are just sayings we make up to justify our lackadaisical natures and delude ourselves into a false sense of comfort. I mean one should love oneself no matter the outward appearance but we must also strive to better ourselves. Letting our bodies become slovenly is not pleasing to anyone and is just considered greed in the creators eyes. At least in my opinion.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
6 May 10
And i know the topic here isn't just about food but it is a good example. This same thing I am saying applies to every aspect of life as well....
• United States
6 May 10
It is a good example. Its one of the things that people blame on others. Oh I'm fat cause of my genes, oh I was born this way, blah blah blah. Feel sorry for me, but I'm not going to change.
1 person likes this
@markleob (1902)
• Philippines
6 May 10
in this matter, you got me RHP(redhotpogo). we have the same ingsights about it.. you are right since no matter what the world is, it still your decision that would change the way your life runs in the end.. if there is something wrong at the end of the day, dont blame others, blame yourself... you are what your decisions are....
• United States
6 May 10
"You are what your decisions are" I like that. well said. If you do something wrong, you are wrong. You do something bad you are bad. You do something nice you are nice. ha. good comment.
@markleob (1902)
• Philippines
6 May 10
thanks for the appreciation bro... happy mylotting..
• United States
5 May 10
Outside sources do have effects and influences on people. You can either accept it, or go fight it. If you were born into a poor family, do you say, Oh well I geuss I'm poor, or do you struggle and work your way out of poverty. So yes, I think there are influences, but ultimately, it's up to you to do what you do.
• United States
5 May 10
exactly. In the end its up to you.
• United States
8 May 10
I think we are living in a Freud world. Freud is very close to "fraud".
@derek_a (10873)
6 May 10
For the past 30+ years I have practiced zazen, which is a form of Zen meditation where one focuses on breathing. This leads to discovery of true self, and an expanded sense of reality. I have learned without doubt that looking within is where we discover that we are responsible for the context of our life. _Derek
• United States
7 May 10
Interesting. Well I think alot of people could use zazen, instead of the prozac they've been taking.
@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
6 May 10
Well said and done got it mailed down to where it should be. We always blame outside things and factors for whatever happens to us and that includes our health and many other big mistakes in our life's. It seems we are shielding our life with so much cushion and we tried to play the game of blaming others for our very own wrong action. Maybe if everybody will just look deeper and think many times before doing something we will be able to avoid some things that are unpleasant. But it seems it's part of human nature to blame others for everything that happen to us even if it's our own making.
• United States
6 May 10
Yep everyone has that little voice inside of their heads that say's "something isn't right", and many times we heard that things are bad. We should think carefully about what the consequences are. Of course now at days its easier to just ignore the consequences. You see famous people committing crimes,and getting away with it, just because they had enough money to pay for sneaky lawyers. Or famous people on tv telling everyone its ok to be like this, its beautiful, but they never talk about the bad side effects, or news people say oh this guy had a rough childhood, that's why he's like this.
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
7 May 10
Oh you are so right!... I happen to know such people...every thing that is gone wrong in their lives is always some one elses fault...but never their's.Outside circumstances can have some influence in some people's behaviour... but at the end of the day" as adults" we make our own choices...the saying goes[ you make your bed and you lay on it]
• United States
7 May 10
yep. You're always given a choice. Are you going to treat people like they treated you, or are you going to make the decision to do the right thing instead?
@sheetalnr (586)
• India
7 May 10
I agree to most of it. But then it's our pride which keeps us from admitting that it is due to us and our actions. But hey, not everyone is like that man. There are people who are modest enough to know what they truly are. So let's look at the positives, shall we.
• United States
7 May 10
Yes that's why people must think carefully about their actions. Of course in the beginning your pride will get you. It gets me. But then I stop and think, hey this is crazy, screw my pride. This is not the time for that.
@pandaeyes (2065)
6 May 10
They really do! Oft times there will be a help program on TV with an overweight and an underweight person who swap diets for 2 weeks and then follow a meal plan for another six. I think they each realise that it is their own choice, when they see the bad choice that the other person has made for themselves. It is easier to see the fault in another and then realise it is the same for yourself than if someone just tries to point it out to you. There are many bad choices in life though ,not just eating issues and we choose em all ourselves.
• United States
6 May 10
Yes, some people have to be shown that they can control things. Have you ever seen the show "Celebrity Fit Club" There's all these fat people that say oh I was born this way I can't help it, I've tried, and nothing works. And the trainers basically say "You're lying." You're filling sorry for yourself. You have alot of excuses. And they work with these people exercising, and eating, and the people do lose weight. Lots of weight. And their attitudes change. They say I never thought I could do this, but I did.
@caliya (1168)
• Philippines
8 May 10
First of all the title of the discussion is somewhat confusing. Let's face it media is very influential(TV, magazine etc.) and it has a very strong impact on the society. See for example the media suggests what is considered as beautiful so everyone is striving to look like what is considered as beautiful by the media.
• United States
8 May 10
You gotta read the actual discussion too. Then it makes more sense. The media these days doesn't really have a high standard of beautiful. Its alot easier now to be considered pretty. Don't do anything, just eat alot.
• Philippines
6 May 10
The foundation of our character and attitude starts from home. Our parents taught us what the right thing to do and what the right words to say. Second, is our school, we learned things from there that we didn't lerned from home. Third is the society, we learned things from our society by listening to the music, by the movie that we watched, by the people that we mingle with everyday, by the circumstances and situations we encountered. The difference is how we reacted to it. How we mold ourself according. It's all up to us what to project for ourself. We are the captain of our soul. Do things what you think is right for you. You are responsible to your action. You suffered as a consequence of your wrong decision. Do not blame yourself because of this and because of that. You are influenced by your own environment. Don't make things seem right when it is really wrong.
• United States
6 May 10
Yes, we get information from our parents, school, media, etc, they all have an influence on the decisions that we make, but in the end its up to us to decide. They give us the choices, and we must make the decision. When you've made the decision the outcome is your responsiblity.
@emdyey09 (263)
• Philippines
6 May 10
I guess I think like you. I just don't like the culture of people nowadays. Why do you always have to put the blame on something else, why can't you take it? People always complain and complain to the point that nothing is getting done because everyone is just talking and nobody is acting. We all make our own choices. If something fails, we should just keep moving forward and think of the failure as a lesson learned. We should stop this negativity and start taking responsibility.
• United States
6 May 10
Yes, or we're never going to get anywhere. We're just going to keep doing the same things over and over again.
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
5 May 10
Really speaking one has to be very choosy in matters of eatables. The health must be of prime concern. All junk foods are to be avoided in order to have sound health.
• United States
5 May 10
I'm sorry I must have confused you with the title. This isn't about food. Its about people blaming their choices on other things.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
6 May 10
Yep. This has all gotten out of control. We spill a hot coffee...not our clumsiness to blame but the business who sold us the hot coffee we asked for. We get drunk and fall down it it is the bars fault for letting us drink too much. I was raised to accept the consequences of all my actions. I was taught to look at all the possible consequences of every action and then deal with it. seriously, others might have some blame in our circumstances but the bottom line is that we chose those circumstances. My ex was horrible. It was a nightmare of a marriage. Still...I chose that and all that went along with it. If everyone looked within and learned from their bad experiences rather than blame and even profit from blaming others, the world would be a better place.
• United States
6 May 10
so true so true. bravo! That's what we're suppose to do. Learn from our mistakes. But people have started removing the blame from themselves, so that they have no mistakes. And when you don't make mistakes you don't learn.
• Philippines
5 May 10
This kind of thinking just prompts lack of choices. If we wanna have a lot of choices in life then we shouldn't limit ourselves into these kinds of thinking. We should free our minds to free ourselves.
• United States
5 May 10
choices for what?
• Philippines
6 May 10
Sure, there are misunderstandings but with that kind of volatility, it does have its positive effects. No one may stop that person from doing freakish things but the joy of it is that, he/she may someday be proven wrong with unexpected bitterness. So let them be, until one day they learn their lesson.
• United States
6 May 10
I think that's what people have been doing for awhile now, and its not working. Now things that are bad are being accepted as normal.
• Bulgaria
5 May 10
This is not entirely true, you can not eat what I am. The first thing I eat a lot of work in this case what am I? I do not know my opinion has nothing to do with food and eating us and our personality.
• United States
5 May 10
I give you points for mentioning something besides food. comment back, and I'll give you a high five.
@reishad (41)
6 May 10
Yes. People around us can affect us. But we are the ones who got control on what we will do. So why blame others?
• United States
6 May 10
Well I can tell you why they blame others. Its simple. If you take responsibility for things that happen to you, for the choices you make, and the things you do, then you have to be responsible enough to do the right thing, and make things better. And for it you become a better person, but you don't get anything else for it. Its a material world (and I'm a material girl...ohhh sorry), anyway So instead the blame something else, then everyone feels sorry for them, they get benefits for it, attention, etc.