Stuck in a Rut

@thomad13 (210)
United States
May 5, 2010 7:36pm CST
Okay....I recently had my third child about seven months ago. He is our special surprise because I was on birthcontrol when I found out I ws pregnant. Anyways. I have such an intense schedule that I have not been able to lose this baby weight. I am a fulltime college student, I work fulltime during the day, I have a 6 year old, a 3 year old and my precious 7 month baby. My husband works night shift and leaves shortly before I get off. There is no time for a gym and hardly any time for sleep and a shower. I need help in forming a routine and schedule to shred these pounds. Our anniversary is in a month, so I'm trying to look good for our special day. Please help the clock is ticking. What can I do to fit time in for exercise, and what exercises are there that are intense for fast results but not time consuming. Thanks for suggestions.
2 responses
• United States
6 May 10
I have two children that are seven and eight. I remember how hard it can be to lose the baby weight, especially when you don't have a lot of help with the children. There are a few tricks I have learned through my experiences as a mother and a daycare provider. The best way to fit exercise into the routine is to include the kids and the household chores. Experiment with playtime. Go out in the yard and play soccer or catch. With young children you will find that you spend a lot of time chasing the ball so you get quite a workout and teach the kids to be more active at the same time. Another great exercise idea is to make regular household tasks more physical. When you wipe down the counter put some elbow grease into it, when you vacuum add some lunges, when you need to pick something up do a squat or two instead of bending over. I have found all of these things very helpful. Another trick I have used is to add some exercises to my shower routine. There are not many you can do in the confined, slippery space, but a little is better than nothing at all. Let me know if any of these suggestions are helpful and good luck.
@cbwork6 (44)
• United States
6 May 10
There isn't much that you can do for exercise if you have no time during the day. Some thing that could get you there is P90x it really sucked in the beginning but again it does take about an hour a day. Maybe you could find a video that has other kids on the video so they will want to work out with you. You can also count your calories but this will not help you lose weight fast. Unless you are exercising too. I know what you are going through I have a 5 year old and a 3 year old and a year old. Time is short. And it seems like I am the only on doing all the work sometimes. But you need to take some time out for you. Could you hire a babysitter to come everyday for an hour so you can exercise? Just a thought good luck. Your not alone I am still trying to lose mine too.