Lets take the time to complain about our crappy jobs..

May 6, 2010 11:26pm CST
sorry but i have too! I dont wanna be a debby downer but I am filled to the brim with frustration! I work for an american cell phone company. Customer care, meaning, im a call center lifer at the moment. And I am at my wits end. I am sorry but it is NOT alright to talk to us the way we get talked to. Granted, when you call in your probably upset I get that, but you dont know what power I have to turn your day right around, so you might wanna wait two minutes to see before you start yelling at me, cause the things I was going to offer I probably wont while your screaming at me. And I actually have no idea where you think its okay to say the dirty things you do, but dont, please. I mean, I can handle customers, but I am deffinately not getting paid enough to sit on a phone for 10 hours to get yelled at all day!! Just see what I can do for you first, Urgh.
7 responses
@roxxtime (299)
• United States
7 May 10
OMG I totally feel you I am also a call center lifer and have been for 6 years. I dont understand why it is that customers don't take the time to stop and think for just a moment "hey this is a real person, how would I feel if someone came to my job and started screaming, yelling, and cussing at me about something I didn't do?". If only it were that easy but no that is not the case. Sounds like you had a rough day. I also work for an american cell phone company and I love my job and my customers because they are different then others I have experienced but every now and again I get a rude one. Previous call center jobs have not been as good though. I don't understand what makes people think they have the right as human beings to be so downright crappy to another human being. It is so frustrating to have to empathize with some rude a-hole who went over their minutes and want to talk crap about you and your company. Oh and do you love this one "you people"? Probably my biggest pet peeve.
• Canada
7 May 10
I corrected a customer last night he was like you people and I said heyy im not the one who did this. Personally, they give us a lot of lee way to make our own business decisions, so I am able to fix alot or compensate for a lot if the customer gives me the time to even offer, butif theyre going to yell at me straight off the bat, its not something i want to offer. What gets me is people saying, theres no way i went over i never talk that much. Yah, try calling in to a electric company saying, sorry i didnt use that amount of electricity, you have to credit me back.. NOOOo thats not right. I didnt mind the job at first but im starting to lose my patience (not to mention hope in huimanity) the other night i had a caller that sounded so violent and was yelling at me and i ended up crying becuase he sounde dlike an axe murderer. My friend had it worse, her customer was pleasuring himself yelling her name, and the supervisor refused to let her hang up or take over the call they made her stay on. It has its perks, deffinately, it was a quick job to get, steady pay. But we deffinately dont get paid enough to sit through that abuse thats for sure
• Canada
10 May 10
worse part is for my friend, the supervisor took her aside after and instead of apologizing had said, i heard your thinking of quitting, are you staying or going, you have to tell me now. I think she expected for ehr to say im going and to walk out or something but thats not what happened. She might take legal action or go to job board for how bad she was treated for that. Personally, I do like customer service, I worked in retail and that I loved. Probably becuase it didnt require me to spend super long periods of time dealing with people like I am now, Its just starting to make me lose hope in humanity sometimes. Its hard to believe there are people that rediculous out there sometimes.
@roxxtime (299)
• United States
10 May 10
I hope she does take legal action. Yeah customer service is an easy way to start hating people in this field but at least we can roll our eyes or flip them off lol without them seeing. I am always amazed at how many down right hatefull people we have in the world.
@bird123 (10651)
• United States
8 May 10
Ah yes, dealing with the public. If everyone had the experience, it would open alot of eyes. I must admit I really admire call center people. Pressure from the customers. Pressure from the boss. I know one place that timed employees on restroom time. Got to keep those phones covered. It's a very tough underpaid job, but where would we be without great call center people. My only advice is to let the customer just blow off steam. At some point they do start listening to see what you will do. Never take it personally. It is just reflecting who they are. I know you will never define yourself like that. A soft calm voice is quieting. People will also strain to hear a whisper and ignore a raised voice. Let them blow off steam, return a soft quiet calming voice. I know it can be hard to do. Practice. I know staying calm will help with that incredible stress call center people have.
• Canada
10 May 10
currently have an interview elsewhere today, but I dont know what my chances are, they are hiring alot. At this point in time Im ready to take anything. Im not about to waste my summer at 10 hour shifts to a job that I hate and miss out on everything. Lifes to short for that! Im glad you know what Im talking about though, nothing makes me more mad than a yelling customer is a customer who was lied to/treated badly by a previous rep, and is giving me that crap for it lol
@redchase (347)
9 May 10
i recently stopped working at a call center and i agree with what you said, if people worked there eyes would open. its amazing the kinds of people that call in and the audacity of some people to demand things that they shouldnt have. that job made me hate people. all day it was yelling and complaining. no matter how kind you try to be some people will think you are talking down to them, not listening, dont care, or just useless. its awful. i worked there a bit over a year. for where i am, the pay was good. it was over minimum wage and i didnt have to work full time to get a full time sized check. i was forced to sell to customers who no longer wanted anything to do with us. and they'd yell at me. or i would have people calling that were crying because they were so frustrated with whoever else they called before they got to me. i did also get those people that pleasured themselves while on the phone but i was allowed to hangup and was encouraged to get the most info about those people to prevent calls from them. if you're still there, congrats to you . definitely not an easy job.
• United States
7 May 10
That sounds like a bummer. I would eventually get frustrated with the unfairness of the situation, so I applaud your self control.
• Canada
7 May 10
lol yah, that explains why their is such a turnover, people just sometimes get up and walk out
• United States
7 May 10
oh wow...now i can definitely appreciate what you must be going though...
@nonersays (3336)
• United States
7 May 10
I work a retail job, and I spend all day getting yelled at, cussed at and insulted in person by my customers. Not to mention getting run over with shopping carts by them, and some of my co-workers have been grabbed, slapped or shaken by them. Apparantly at some point all of us who work in the customer service industry have ceased to be human beings who deserve a little respect. What is really funny is that the customers treat us so horribly, yet they complain that we give "bad customer service." I wonder if they ever stopped to think if we might be able to help them better if they'd just quit yelling at us for a second and let us do our jobs?
• Canada
10 May 10
Thats what I dont get. If you stop yelling for one minute, Ill let you know what I was going to do for you. Like my company lets me make decisions as I want to, i have a lot of ee way to make customers happen becuase in the long run its better to keep them and give stuff away then to have them leave us completely, anwaysy. After a few minutes of yelling anything I was going to do for them is out the door. Why would I want to make your day better when you just made mine unbeivably worse. Its a bad way to see it sometiems but its how it is. If one customer can put a downer on someone, imagine like 30 a day doing it, like no human is emotionally able to go through that abuse. I sometimes wish I was back in retail so they could atleast see how mad i am by facial expressions, where over the phone since I cant tell them I am they would never know lol
• Philippines
7 May 10
I think that's really the nature of the job of a call center agent - to receive complaints from clients/customers. I have classmates who work in call centers since college and they are getting high pays (well, call center companies here in the Philippines offer great salaries and benefits to agents). When we are in school, they 'd talk about their experiences, such as their encounters with their irate clients. The only drawback, I think, of being in this industry is that the world turns upside down - duties are mostly at night until morning - and it's risky to the health. I want to try working there but it's really way too dangerous for my health. I'd better find a day job. Anyway, I also don't like my job now. I don't like it in all aspects - nature, pay, etc. That's why I'm looking for another one. Hope I can find one as soon as possible.
• Canada
7 May 10
it takes a toll on your health, i know people say never bring your job home with you, and I dont normally do, but in this case its hard. If your getting calls and yelled at all day and the last call of the night was someone yelling, its hard not to take it home with you. The stress that goes into a job like this (especially with mine, we have rules that say we cannot hangup, customer is always right, have to call them back when they hang up irate) makes it stressfull as its out of your comfort level and you cant stand up for yourself. Its not phsyically hard, but sometimes the mentally and emotionally echausted part is even worse then phsyical exhaustion
@Steinway (307)
• United States
7 May 10
I used to work for Casey's and I would have people come in and complain to me about the gas that they bought. I didn't have any power over how good or bad Casey's gas was. I was just the store clerk. And I would tell them to call corporate and complain to them, because all I was, was a peon. Or they would come, if gas prices decided to jump, and ask me if I was getting a discount for gas. And the answer was no. But, what it amounts to is you can't please everyone in the customer service business, all you can do is do your job the best you can.
@kedralynn (980)
• United States
7 May 10
I used to work in a call center and it was crap. Our job was to help deaf people make phone calls. But a lot of kids and criminals abused the system and made prank calls or fraud calls or whatever. They'd bring us operators into the conversation and talk dirty or mean or something about us. They had to do it so many times before we could call a supervisor to disconnect. I really couldn't stand that job. I don't really have it a whole lot better tho now either. I work retail and I LOVE my store. I LOVE our products. What I don't love is our rude customers (they throw things at me daily) and our incapable management. I think everyone has a gripe about their job at some point. And if someone doesn't have a complaint, I congratulate them for having an awesome job that they truly love!