addicted :o

United States
May 7, 2010 9:48pm CST
I think I may be addicted to Facebook. HELP! How do you get away from the computer and not stay on the addicting site?
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10 responses
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
10 May 10
I'm not entirely sure, but when you find out - let me know!
• Indonesia
9 May 10
you must find some good activities to disturb your focus on fb
@o0jopak0o (6394)
• Philippines
8 May 10
i think this is just a phase or not! but a lot of people are addicted to facebook. reconnecting with lost friends, families, schoolmates are a good thing. but i think it will die down eventually,
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
8 May 10
simple way i think. only think that facebook is second thing that you must do. dont ever think facebook is primary thing that you must to do. and always remember that your life and your real friends is more important than your enjoyment in facebook
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
8 May 10
Dont worry! Its just a state of mind. I thought I was addicted to it before but its actually just mind over matter. Its just facebook, its not like you're gonna die without it. You can always tell yourself you can control the need to avoid it and make your life more productive by doing something else.
• Philippines
8 May 10
I was addicted to facebook too but now i can live a day without opening my account in it. :D I just found better things to do than sit in front of my laptop facebooking. I enrolled myself in swimming lessons so i can have a full body workout. I also find time cleaning the house, malling with friends and bond with my family. You just have to be willing to get off facebook. if you're not then you're stuck in it. you can also divert to other sites like MYLOT! at least you'll earn money here than facebook.
@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
8 May 10
Hi there! Well, I think that you will get hooked to networking sites like Facebook when you find it more interesting than the real world. I would recommend that you start hanging around with your friends more. Plan interesting and exciting things to do like an out-of-town trip, a party, or even a high school reunion or something like that. You can also try to get into a new hobby or a sport.
• Philippines
8 May 10
i think the best way to do is just set some limits.i too find myself kinda stuck on Facebook and wonder where time went. but i started timing myself like setting the alarm clock (let's say an hour of half) giving me just enough time to surf, check emails and keep in touch with friends on FB. Don't cut yourself out totally because i tried it too but obviously i gave in after a few days. The days spent away from FB caught up on me =( you will appreciate yourself and FB more once you've mustered enough discipline to stay in touch but not be totally addicted. Try it, maybe if you're spending like 7 hrs non-stop try cutting it down to 5 or 4 hrs a day then lessen it as weeks pass by...
@juggerogre (1653)
• Philippines
8 May 10
I suggest you go out a lot. Ask your friends to go out, go to a mall, watch a movie, play sports, go to an outing, etc. Control yourself, lets say you can only go to facebook an hour or two a day and then you gradually decrease that time until you flushes it out of your system :D
@XMusiQ (3)
• India
8 May 10
Yaa Not only u.. Mee too..Totaly addicted to Facebook..Cant Get out of it