Do You have Blind Faith????
By bird123
@bird123 (10658)
United States
May 7, 2010 9:52pm CST
Religions all over the world teach the value of faith. They make faith to be the most important force in life, but is it???? Do you have blind faith????
In life, there are facts and there are beliefs. All facts will be true while beliefs might or might not be true. Beliefs are needed to fill the gap when all the facts aren't known. Without beliefs, we would lock up just like my old computer. Aren't facts what we should really be after????
Faith is much like belief. It's believing in something that can not be proven. Do you have Blind Faith???? Do you believe so hard that the facts are no longer important???? Religion loves for you to have blind faith. You will be loyal and follow them regardless of anything else.
I have a friend who goes to a christian church. I have watched the influence they have had on him. They have taught my friend to value faith over all else. He likes to jog. He told me that if he had enough faith he could jog through an intersection and not look up whether a car might be coming or not. He has been taught that faith alone will guaranty a car will never come as long as my friend has no doubt. Of course, my friend said he was weak and always had some doubt thereby he looks up to watch for cars.
Well, my friend and I went round and round arguing this one. My friend might not have blind faith yet, but he is getting too close when he can think about closing his eyes while jogging through a busy intersection.
If your faith is so strong that you ignore the facts, God will send you a hard lesson.If you step off a high rise building, you are going to fall regardless of your faith or beliefs. If my friend jogs blindly into an intersection, there will be a car in that intersection one day. If your child is sick and you refuse medical treatment because you believe God will heal your child, you will get a hard lesson.
Life is about learning and growing as people. It is all about KNOWING not believing. God wants us to know. Until we have searched, studied,analyzed, and discovered, we will not know the truth. Until then, we will use beliefs and faith only as a patch so we can continue the search for the real facts. When you finally discover and know God, then beliefs and faith will suddenly mean nothing. God will be a fact. Search today.
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10 responses
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
8 May 10
Very good post and a lot of truth in it. There are two different kinds of faith. There is the blind faith you speak of and then there is true faith. Blind faith is based on what you believe, most often what you have been taught by man. Then there is true faith and it is based on what God has personally taught you through the Anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Blind faith will fail you right when you need it most but true faith will never let you down because it is based on true facts. Very few people have true faith for the simple reason they know absolutely nothing to be true facts concerning God. They are operating on man's version of God's truth and in most cases that is not true facts. Our entire personal relationship with God and Jesus depends totally on our Anointing of the Holy Spirit. Only through the Anointing can Jesus share God's wisdom and power with us. God can personally teach and guide us to a point where He can Anoint us but it isn't the same as the teaching we can get through the Anointing.
Once we have been Anointed God and Jesus are free to personally teach us what ever we need or want to know. This personal teaching is what you can use to build true faith but this is something you must grow into a little at a time. If God dumped too much of His true wisdom on us too quick we would reject it for the simple reason a lot of it just doesn't match what man has taught us in the past. God knows a lot more about what information we need and when we need it than we do. It is all about God getting into our little pea brains and grubbing out all the half truths man has planted there and replacing it with His true facts that we can base a true faith on.

@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
8 May 10
I don't believe in the three in one crap either. God and Jesus are two different beings. Jesus is exactly what He said He was. He is the Son of God. The Anointing of the Holy Spirit is something else entirely different. The Anointing is a Christian teaching system that removed man from between God and man. It is just a communication system directly between man and God. Jesus gave His life to make the Anointing possible. Parents are supposed to be teaching their children in their homes the real truth concerning the Anointing. The parents are also supposed to be teaching by example and displaying the power of God before their children. The idea was for the parents to be anointed and then teach their children to a point where God could anoint them before they left the home. We have gotten completely away from the teaching system God and Jesus set up.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 May 10
If anointing is no more than removing man from between God and man, I'm for it. On the other hand, a person can find God without religion and Jesus. We are all God's children. There are no special rules that could keep God and His children apart. God will send lessons for everyone to learn and grow. Kids can become wayward but that changes nothing. We all discover and learn in time.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 May 10
I have to agree on several points you make.1. man's corruption of all religions.2. God's intellect is very very high. The reason God doesn't speak to more people is simply they would just be confused. One should strive to learn and grow. One can see God's actions all around. The more you see; the more you will come to understand the genius behind it all. This world is truly a Masterpiece. Now as far as anointed goes, this is where we part. I can never understand why people make God into three Beings.I have found God to be only one though God does have many many children.Many need pointing in the right direction. Thanks for all your interesting comments!!

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
8 May 10
There is a saying that God helps those who help themselves…your friend is not exactly helping himself if he’s crossing an intersection with eyes closed…so obviously God’s not gonna help him in any way. I too have blind faith but its somewhat different. My blind faith is that I just have to do my work sincerely, keep my eyes open for opportunities, use my brain, be honest to myself and God will take care of the rest. I’ve never questioned the existence of a power called God though I’m not religious at all in the sense that I don’t go to any temples or even worship at home. Whenever I pray, I never ask for anything to pull me out of a tight situation… I ask for strength, I ask for the continuity of that connection that gives me strength.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 May 10
Hmmm??? Perhaps you are more religious than those who claim to be religious. Your blind faith is different. Seems to be merely a trust that God will take care of things in the long run. Deep down, we all know God so I can understand your faith. I'm not so sure it can be defined as totally blind. Thanks for all your comments!!
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
10 May 10
well, I’d like to think of myself more as spiritual than religious. Religion tends to restrict God to different traits and attributes…religion has lots of dos and donts which instill fear of God in the mind whereas just the opposite should be true. Also, religion divides God and society…God is omnipresent and can be accessed by anybody anywhere…we just have to look in all sincerity to our inner soul.
By blind I meant that despite having no religious agenda in my daily routine, I never really doubt the existence of God or have never questioned my faith in Him.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
8 May 10
"If you are God's Son, jump. It's written, isn't it, that 'he has placed you in the care of angels to protect you; they will catch you; you won't so much as stub your toe on a stone'?" "Yes," said Jesus, "and it's also written, 'Don't you dare tempt the Lord your God.'"
Faith is great especially if you place it into God and not man but you are also to have discernment.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 May 10
So keep your head up and look around when jogging through those intersections. Ok! OK! So if I'm going to step off that high rise building, I'm going to count on you to be up there trying to talk me down.RIGHT?? Or are you going to leave that one for the angels?? Yes, I do realize God does have the capabilities to protect us all. If we choose blind faith, God will send lessons.What a mess it would be if everyone closed their eyes while driving? A correction would be in order. THanks for stopping by with your comments!!
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
8 May 10
Hi bird, I agree religion loves for people to have blind faith because the facts will mean nothing to them and they will believe anything. It is absolutely incredible what some people can be brainwashed into believing. Recently I heard someone refer to beliefs as assumptions and I think that may be better word, especially when it comes to blind faith. I agree that we must search for ourselves and I think that more and more people are beginning to see that,especially the younger generation. Thanks for an excellent discussion. Blessings.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 May 10
This is where religion will make their mistake. They refuse to change and are always right. Every generation builds on the wisdom of the past. Like the plants in your vegetable garden, the larger they are; the faster they grow. As mankind grows smarter with each generation, their thinking and questioning will demand answers of the mistakes found in religion. In time people will see, man has his hand deep into religion. Of course, with this new generation wisdom will come greater insight into our spiritual side. Quantum physics is one of the stepping stones. Everyone says that science and God do not mix but they can not see that they have never really been apart. Wouldn't it be grand to look 1000 years into the future to see what man has discovered??? Thanks Pose for stopping by with all your comments!!
@Fire10 (293)
• United States
8 May 10
Faith can be weak, growing, or strong, but it is never blind. Blind faith is ignorance.
Faith is a 5th sense - to open your door you can close your eyes and open the door with out seeing. Likewise faith is a sense that can be relied upon without having to 'see, touch, taste, or hear' anything further to convince you - in situations that require faith.
In learning faith we may stumble and it may be painful or very frustrating at times, but when we become adept at it we no longer 'fall and scrape our knees' or find it frustrating.
Real faith is God-directed and God's will is always the result (even if our will isn't fulfilled... in many instances both are fulfilled).
In blind faith there is no guarantee that the person's or God's will will be the result. Blind faith is - comparatively - not God directed - but hey maybe He'll make use of our blindness.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 May 10
No doubt God will make use of one's choice of blind faith. Even if it is no more than to send lessons about choices. Faith is a belief.It is not God directed. It is God's will only in the fact that beliefs are needed when all the facts are not known. One should never be satified with beliefs and faith.One must always go for the facts and truth. I do question those who say that is not possible. God wants us to know rather than merely have faith that something is true. Man, on the other hand wants you to believe and follow to the ends of the Earth. Are people following man or do they really search for God??? Thanks for all your comments!!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 May 10
If the answer comes from God, you can consider it a fact. One must be sure it comes from God and not just holy books written by man. If and when you truly find God, you won't have any doubts nor will man's holy books mean so much.Faith and believing will no longer be needed when you know. Thanks for stopping by with your comments!!
@liuzhihua906 (21)
• China
9 May 10
well,here in china there is a old saying: those who do things without knowing have no fear.
there is another saying:practice is the only way to prove if truth is truth.
blind faith may help you overcome some difficulties and do good in the end,but most of the time it make things worse,say,without a good control.
anyway,my opinion is when problem comes,try to solve it,one way after the other,until u solve it or u find u can't solve it,don't give urself too much pressure.since "sometimes ignorance of problem is the best way to solve it."as time goes on,u find the problem disappears totally,and u wonder how it could make such a fuss on you in the past.hehe
fact is more important than blind faith.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 May 10
So sometimes we are the problem and when we ignore it, it goes away. Yes, I can see that happens from time to time.I can never agree that ignorance is a good thing. Knowledge and intelligence will solve all problems. I'm glad you agree that fact is more important than blind faith. Thanks for stopping by with your comments and all the way from China.Great!!
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
8 May 10
Faith is a hope for things that are not seen which are true. We cant see air but we know its there, we cant see God but we know He's there. Faith is believing something that you havent seen and if you said that there's blind faith, it means your faith needs a lot of nourishing. Faith is like a seed, you have to nourish it.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 May 10
I can not see air but I have direct evidence that it is there. I can't see God but I have direct evidence as well. Blind faith is when one believes so hard in something that the facts are no longer important. As far as faith goes, I will never ever feed it. It can never be a substitue for the facts. Thanks for all your comments!!
@highschoolrazors8547 (293)
• Malaysia
8 May 10
Um..In my opinion, faith is more to believing what happened to be the facts and something that could be considered rational or logic, but, believing in something irrational could lead to unspeakable disaster.Like you said, jogging in a busy intersection and refuse to getting medical treatment are actions of abandoning the real facts, because such conditions belonged to non-logical thinking for just believing in God. Try to think, if such humans began to have faith like that, and the numbers are always increasing, God would help some of them while the others may be lost in the way. I myself believed in God based on scientific facts ( showing that he's there ) and not some blind truth my parents told me.Even in my holy book, God said that his servants should always put their efforts on some thing beneficial to the community, then only help is on the way, from Him.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 May 10
Lots of good comments. Thanks. Seems like more and more people are ruling their lives with faith as long as it feels good to them. Thinking will always be necessary to discovery. That is if you really search for the truth. For those with blind faith, they depend on the rest of us to shine light in those eyes.
@zedrick_11 (931)
• Philippines
8 May 10
i do believe in God i always pray on Him when i nees Hi help..
but sometimes when i have many problems i always ask Him why did he let it happen..
and after that problem i just can answer my question..
it is because i need it..
people need problem to be normal people..
people need problem to continue going..
i think problem is like a bitter madicine that we must intake for us to be strong..
@meirhu (363)
• Israel
8 May 10
While true that we need faith in order to function.
We have faith that the sky won't fall down on us.
We have faith that we will live until tomorrow.
We have faith that we need to eat in order to live.
And so on, and so on.
How do we decide on what to have faith and what NOT ?
Don't we need some criteria ?
IMO scientific criteria are the best - or those approaching them.
The philosophy of science tells us NOT to accept ideas, theories, explanations that CAN NOT be proven FALSE. Psuedo explanations can NOT tell us that THIS will happen and THAT will NOT. In the scientific community experiments are presented that test assumptions and ideas. If the experiment fails then we can safely stop accepting the assumption.
If the experiment for example, that would predict "God"'s will, and it fails, it doesn't matter. This will NOT shake the belief or faith in a "God". Ideas that can not be proven false should NOT be believed or even taken into consideration.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 May 10
Scientific reason and logic. Very good. It's a very good foundation. Science is limited to the physical laws of this universe. God, being spiritual, leaves the door open for a lot more possibilities. Since so much is harder to prove or pinpoint, that does leave the door open for faith and beliefs to patch the even larger gap from the facts. If you were a spiritual being and I made contact with you, I would have my proof through our contact but would be hard pressed to supply hard physical evidence. However, I can point the way where you or others might take a path to discover the proof for yourself. Thanks for stopping by with lots of good comments!!