Your experience with Affilitate Gadget on your blog/Blogger

@coffeebreak (17798)
United States
May 8, 2010 8:22pm CST
If you use Blogger for your you also use the new Affiliate Gadget option? That's where you put the Amazon gadget on your blog page and it apparently is there all the time as you create and you can type in the item you want to advertise for sale on your blog and the hyper link and all needed to put that image on your blog is right there instead of doing all this manually. At least that is how I read it. I do have Amazon on my blogs for certain things, but I don't want the reader to get over whelmed by so many ads all over the place. I want the ads that I want there and nothing else So if you have or do use this gadget, could you please share your whys and hows and other info you might have about it. Do you have good results on your commissions with Amazon? Any comments from your readers about it being there? Thanks for anything you care to share
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2 responses
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
20 May 10
gee im glad to have found this discussion. i had no idea you could earn at amazon. i just thought it was where you sell things and buy things thanks. ive been thinking of blogging for a long time but very afraid i cant come up with interesting things. is it kind of like a journal online? or more like you are [promoting something?
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@re08dz (1941)
• Australia
10 May 10
Hi, I don't use blogger for my blogging but I do have amazon on some of my blogs. And depending on what blog and what content etc I use different amazon widgets etc. The best deal one is pretty popular if you can narrow it down to related content on your blog - it slowly scrolls through a variety of different products. Because I also create online stores I also add different products from my amazon stores to different widgets etc as well. Having said that, while I earn from and have been paid by amazon it's certainly not my fastest earner (though it does work really well for others) but I will continue to use it because it does provide me with relevant products, that people are looking for and it's no problem to have it there within by blog
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
17 May 10
re08dz - thanks for your comment. That is kind of what I think of the use of the widget. I hve not heard to many make much with on their blogs etc, but doesn't mean it can't happen. I just want as you said, a slow scroll of the things related to my blog. I am working on a makeup/beauty blog of specific items and I pull that item and post it in the blog so readers can at least see what the product I'm talking about looks like. Then they can either buy it there (cheaper than in stores often) or know what to go look for at the store. Pictures say alot!