Bloggers and site owners....I need a Mailing List for members...

@coffeebreak (17798)
United States
May 8, 2010 8:40pm CST
Everyone with a blog wants members to continue to come back. So a mailing list is a great tool. That way, every time you update your blog or create a new post, you can send an email to your mailing list members telling them the new stuff going on at your blog with the hopes they will come on over and check things out. That being said...anyone know of a good free mailing list site? I currently have Bravenet and till now they have been really good, but as usual, they want members to upgrade for a fee or not get good resources from them. In this case..if you don't pay for an upgrade, you still can use the mailing list option, but it comes with lots of Adsense ads included on YOUR email. I always send a copy of my mailing list email to myself so I can see what it looks like...and was shocked...I had to search for my text there were so many ads there. Well, there were really only 2 - one big banner one at the beginning of my little 'ol text.. and then another big banner one at the end. At first glance I couldn't find my text! The mailing list is the only thing I use on Bravenet, so I really don't want to pay the fee for only that, plus I only use it once a month when I update my blogs. So, does anyone have any suggestions for a site they use that offers a free mailing list option? Don't tell me to google it, I will be doing that, but I much prefer to ask and get input from those that have used a service or know of a good one. I am all about personal recommendations from friends or at least others that have used it and can tell me their take on the site. Thanks for any offerings
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1 response
• Israel
9 May 10
Hi, a mailing list is a great tool indeed. Here's a free one: This one is totally free and is fully faeturerd. They also claim not to charge you ever, which is really nice of them + they got many features I haven't seen in other paid services of the kind. Really nice for newbies and advanced users.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
9 May 10
Thanks for the link, I will definately check it out. Bravenet had a bunch of other things even a blog site to start your own blog. I tried it but it was to complicated I guess as I couldn't make it work as quickly and easily as Blogger. But all I need is a mailing list now so this one sounds good! Thanks so much
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