The Magic Are Just Coasting With Win After Win In the NBA Playoffs.

@elmiko (6630)
United States
May 8, 2010 10:47pm CST
Winning doesn't seem to be a problem for the Magic as they haven't lost a game yet in the NBA Playoffs. Sure its true they haven't played a challenging team yet and the Cavs have faced tougher teams so far in the playoffs such as the Celtics who their in a series with right now. The Magic currently remind of the Cavs who coasted last year to win after win until they faced the Magic in the Eastern Conference Finals and lost the series. When the Magic do probably face the Cavs in the Eastern Conference Finals again in the current 2010 NBA Playoffs they will be the fresher team because their teams are not as tough to beat as the Cavs in this years playoffs. To add to their freshness as a team their also younger and don't have injuries or age against them like an older Shaq or an injured Lebron who they rely on more overall. The Magic are a younger team who don't put too much pressure on any one player. Whether this will allow the Magic to once again beat the Cavs in the playoffs this year remains to be seen.
3 responses
@Kenorv (343)
• United States
10 May 10
Orlando looks good but at the same time, the quality of their competition isn't anything to get excited about. Charlotte was making the first playoff appearance in that franchise's history. Atlanta always chokes in the playoffs and their best player, Joe Johnson is really overrated. Just like Dirk in Dallas, you can't win anything if Joe Johnson is your best player. If someone pays Joe Johnson max money this off season then they're overpaying to get him. He's a great scorer but that's all he does well. He's not a great defender, he doesn't make his teammates better and he isn't a leader. But back on topic, Orlando will get their first real test in the conference finals against either Cleveland or Boston. I think either team will take Orlando to 7 games. If Orlando can make it to the finals then they'll most likely have a rematch against the Lakers. Howard can't stop Bynum and Gasol by himself. Artest will probably lock down Nelson which means Kobe will probably end up guarding Carter. I don't see a rematch being any different than last year. Lakers in 6 and I hate the Lakers.
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
15 May 10
so Joe Johnson is the current version of Dominique Wilkins. Dominique Wilkins did do a better job at scoring though while at the same time not making his teammates better. at least Joe Johnson can sleep at night knowing he didn't do as good of a job scoring as many points as Wilkins while not making his teammates betters. Dominique Wilkins basicly did a better job at working harder and not smarter.
• United States
9 May 10
lets hope they don't get cocky
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
15 May 10
i hope they wipe the floor with the celtics.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
9 May 10
I have been keeping a close eye on the playoffs. The Magic do look strong , I'd have to agree. I believe if Lebron stays healthy, The Cavs will take them in six or seven though. I kind of hoping for that because I don't think the Magic can really do anything with the Lakers (Hate em) and I so want to see them beat. I like Orlando (except Rahard Lewis) and would love to see the young guys get a ring but I don't think L.A. would allow that. Whatever the outcome though I know it's looking like another Championship run for the Lakers and I would LOVE if any team out the Eastern Conference would beat them. Wouldn't mind if Phoenix beat them in the West first either!!!
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
15 May 10
the cavs season is now over since they last to the celtics. i still think the celtics-magic playoff will be really good. i look forward to watching it. i doubt anyone can beat the lakers but if I was going to say who could than it would be the celtics if they make it to the finals.