If you dont live here, how can you judge us?
By bonnie
@bunnybon7 (50973)
Holiday, Florida
May 9, 2010 3:51pm CST
Ive just been sent an email from the Jan Brewer website. with the video of why we need this immigration law so badly. Yes, i know many have been against AZ in the past weeks, but if you dont live here you dont know how it really is. How many have watched Larry King live lately? maybe you dont watch it at all. but if you are giving opinions about all this you should have watched our sheriff on there explaining it. I personally DON'T like our sheriff Arpaio but I'll have to say hes right on this one. I've noticed a toning down of loud celebrations in our neighborhood even.Where there used to be gun fire (something else illegal here)and loud music, etc. sometimes all night. maybe because most have went back home? this discussion probably wont last as it seems anything I see as right gets...(you know)
not trying to start stuff here but if you dont live here and/or you are not an immigrant, how can you judge us so harshly?
Im going to try and put a video link here you should watch. THIS IS NOT A REFERRAL link. its for the discussion...if it lasts
thanks to the ones not making a war of this, i hope. btw, I have a daughter in law thats legal mexican here and I love her. so, this is not predudiced in any way. just not fair to have illegals here doing bad things.

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15 responses
@redshadow266 (72)
• Netherlands
9 May 10
okey those people are just typical
*they took our jobs* people
and probably the ones who didnt even had a job to start with anyway
i dont think u should this affect u
i hate illegal people to but not if it hasnt anything done to me
it isnt hard to register so why go illegal right
i wish the best of luck to u and ur daughter
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@Lazzer007 (53)
9 May 10
You're right as I don't have the full facts I can't judge there are always to sides to every side. The gang issue, anti-social issue seems very serious. The problem I personally have from what I read is putting people in categories, Profiling them. No matter how bad the situation is it worth abandoning our values? So all immigrants have been thrown out at what cost? The values we stand on, the values we're proud of?
There are always better ways what I think happening is AZ a quick fix. There is no such thing as quick fix people will always find a way, it hasn't worked anywhere. Not to mention the humiliation and degradation every Hispanic will feel due to these abhorred laws. Vast majority will be American Citizens or working and contributing the society.
Yes one rotten apple spoils the whole batch, but why humilate and degrade the whole group just bc they belong to a particular category. There is no justification for that. Illegal immigration must be curbed NO Eliminated, but done the right way and in a way the results are permenant and sustainable. No quick fixes. More importantly trampling over the values we stand for.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
9 May 10

@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
10 May 10
Hi bunnybon7, I don't blame you that your country wants to take drastic measures in order to protect its citizens. I am not living in your country and I cannot judge or comment about this. All I can say that my island (Malta in Europe) is facing a similar influx of illegal immigrants coming from NOrth Africa. Unfortunately Italy and Malta are the most badly hit by this phenomena. malta and Italy are unaided by the rest of Europe and have to sort out this problem on their own. Illegal immigrants continue to invade these countries and there does not seem to be a clear solution how to stop all this.
This article is from 2006. The situation has not changed much ever since. With a population of 400,000, 4000 illegal immigrants on the island is like having a whole village made up of illegal immigrants.
[i]A wave of illegal immigrants attempting to reach the EU has swamped the resources of Malta, officials report. Currently over 700 illegal immigrants are detained in an overcrowded, former school that was never designed to accommodate so many.
Approximately 1,000 "irregular" immigrants (as they are called in Malta media reports) have officially been picked up at sea and when they have made landfall in the tiny island nation since January of this year. Nearly 300 were brought ashore in one day last week on Wednesday, 28 June, 266 of which are reported as originating in Morocco and Egypt from a single boat. Officials in Valletta compare this as the equivalent of 50,000 reaching Spain in the same time frame.[/i]

@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
11 May 10
Some of them are really refugees in need of help but the majority are just economic migrants, seeking fortune in another place. It seems that illegal immigration issue is a modern problem that needs to be dealt with by several countries.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 May 10

@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 May 10

@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
11 May 10
I watched the video, don't have any sound as I am saving for a new computer, but I did do a lot of searching previous to this about illegals killing decent citizens and how nothing is being done about it. Arizona is on the right track. If they were as harsh as they are in keeping out illegal immigrants from Canada (it is just as hard to cross over swamp infested land across the Canadian US border as it is to cross the dessert from Mexico into the States), there would not be a problem.
I wonder why Obama decides that it is all right for the illegals to come to America. Does he have another motive in mind, for instance, changing the make up of America?

@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 May 10
I think he wants to please the media and that is that. If he did not, he would not have asked certain people to join his cabinet and not a balanced cabinet at that and he would not wanted to put in power more far left homosexual or lesbian as well as anti-Christian people because much of the media is pro homosexual and anti=Christian and he wants to please them.
Have you heard the term "crazy like a fox?" He gives the appearance that he does not have a clue, but I think he does.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
11 May 10

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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
10 May 10
My thoughts exactly. I posted something similar to a discussion about this same thing...if you don't live where you have to deal with the problems illegals cause, the jobs they take while citizens are unemployed, the public/government assistance the illegals get while the american citizens do without (and the upcomming free medical they will get while the rest of us have to buy it of be fined if we don't have it) you can't possibly understand why so many are for this law and think it is a great start to a better America.
As far as the commotion and all going down in your neighborhoods...no, they haven't gone home, they are just hiding out, not bringing attention to themselves. If that isn't blantant admittance that they know they are breaking the law, I don't know what is.

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
11 May 10
Sure it is. I read about a month ago when they were pushing the Census 2010...in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and FLorida the census were not being completed or turned in in the masses as they were 10 years ago. They were down a huge percent they said. And in that same article, they stated they believe it is because the illegals are not filling them out and returning them in fear of being caught. So now that the states population count is way down...thanks to the illegals not filling out the census, these states are in very much danger of not gettin as much financial help from the government. That financial help is always based on the population. Low pop..means low money. So here they are living free and clear and can't even be bothered to fill out what supports them. IN the end tho, it won't matter. "Public assistance" won't be cut. But taxes will be raised for the american citizen and others that are not breaking the law and that will go toward supporting the illegals and their free medical insurance coverage
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 May 10

@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
11 May 10

@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
10 May 10
I hope things continue to improve there. It sounds like the Sherriff has it going on so far. I have heard that the law reads if anyone seems like they could be an immigrant they are stopped, etc. I think alot of people today see things the way they want to and they don't really research it enough to get the true picture. They just don't take time to see the true picture.

@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
10 May 10
I remember when I was in Albuequerque. All the cops were huge mexicans.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 May 10

@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 May 10

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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 May 10
Hi Bunny
You know what People are like they like to judge and create wars without knowing the Ins and outs
People will never learn to get and look at the facts first, to them it is a reason to start a good argument as though they know all about it when they know nothing
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
15 May 10

@laglen (19759)
• United States
10 May 10
I have seen and posted this video and I think it gets to the heart of the matter. I do not live in Arizona but I do live in Colorado. We have an illegal immigrant problem as well. Not as bad as yours, but there. We are looking at electing a new governor this year and your law has become a talking point for candidates. I agree with the law myself.

@laglen (19759)
• United States
11 May 10
I had a "discussion" with my sister the other night about the bill. she started spouting about the racial profiling. I printed it out (21 pages) and handed it to her, highlighting the points I made and asked her to show me her points. She has a different opinion of it now.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 May 10

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@AmbiePam (96508)
• United States
9 May 10
Excellent point. In a broader scale, it's like people in Europe telling Americans how to run our country, how we are doing it wrong, blah, blah, blah. Try living here and then let's see how self-righteous people get. And as far as Arizona, this is very true. No one knows what it is like unless they are the ones dealing with the consequences of illegal people every single day. Does that make illegal people bad? No one is saying that. But the consequences are something no one pays but the citizens dealing with it.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
9 May 10
so true and just a few weeks ago, 2 police/boarder patrol was shot down by illegals going through our border.
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
11 May 10
i used to live in pima county-and had people running through my yard at all hours-followed by police.and it seriously pissed me off when i had to work the next day.
and i heard gunfire on many occasions.
i agree something has to be done-however-how to go about it the right way?
the only problem is legal residents and those not even mexican will most likely be hasselled.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
11 May 10
I really doubt it Scarlet
im thinking this is mostly a scare tactic to settle down the migration a bit. i still think its like our sheriff says. its just to give the police a little more freedom to check when a crime is going on.

@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
10 May 10
Hi bunnybon, There is a lot to be said for your point of view. I have seen it happen many times and it's so easy to judge others when you don't have to walk in their shoes. I'm not saying if I agree or disagree as I don't know enough about the situation. I do however believe that no one should judge until they have heard both sides of the story, or better still experienced it. Blessings.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 May 10

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 May 10
bunnybon I live in California and we have a terrible problem with illegal mexican aliens because they brought their street gangs with them, and not one day passes that they do not shoot at least on or two as they must kill other gang members to prove they are macho the big problem is they also kill many innocent children and young people who do not belong to any gang but were in the wrong place at the wrong time. I have many mexican friends here in calif but they are legals,they came in the right way and became "American citizens. I call them Americans and friends.I use to live in Tempe Arizona and worked in St Lukes Hospital in Phoenix. wee really had no problem that long ago with illegals but things do change as they have here in California too. the city ofSAnta Ana always had a large population of Mexicans but they were legal and citizens. they kept the downtown part of Santa And sparkling clean then the illegals moved in the others backed o ut of the down town district and now its like a slum. empty buildings, dirty streets, and graffiti all over the buildings. its changed completely and crime is way way up there, and shootings happen all the time.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 May 10
hi bunnybon yes my three great grandparents Clark emigrated from Derry Ireland in 1790 something a nd landed in Kentucky where they raised my gr gr grandfather James Clark. they also were legals too and it must have been really hard back in those years too. Yes coming here legal is the point indeed. I applaud all who come into the US legally.

@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
9 May 10

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• United States
12 May 10
I am sure not judging y'all bon. I DON'T THINK ANYBODY SHOULD BE ALLOWED IN THE U.S.A. IF THEY ARE HERE ILLEGALLY, I DON'T CARE WHERE THEY ARE FROM. Ithink it's ridiculous that the illegals are drawing s/s/ disability , food stmps & all that free stuff. Let them get out & work for a living like i had to do for 47 years. I like what your sherrif does w/the inmates. They are not on vacation they are incarcerated for doing bad things.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
12 May 10

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
12 May 10
I don't actually have a problem with Hispanic people that are here legally. In fact, one of my daughter's best friends at school is a Hispanic boy and our neighbors are also Hispanic. I think it is great that there is still blending that occurs in our country. However, I also think it is terrible that there are so many illegals here that regardless of whether or not a person is here legally, everyone assumes that the Hispanic people that are in our communities are illegal and up to no good. I think that we do need to assure that people are in the US legally.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
12 May 10

@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
9 May 10
I don't live in the US and I entered Canada legally
it took me 6 months and quite an amount of money for paperwork
I wasn't planning to move abroad but I did save money for 4 years and most of it went for paperwork and wedding
I came from a poor under developed country too, probably poorer than Mexico
but definitely a lot more population than Mexico
yet I believe that if I were to enter a country, it would be like entering someone's home
I shouldn't enter it without the host' permission or else it would be a crime and the host can or should kick me out of the house
It's very simple to me, why it isn't simple to some people is beyond me
and I heard we have issues like this over here too
maybe because it's not that easy to enter the US anymore
now they try to enter other countries LOL
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
9 May 10