Does Your Managers Just Make You Mad.
By Payout
@payout (3794)
United States
May 9, 2010 6:18pm CST
Today I got in a Argument with 2 out of 5-6 managers today. this subject was about my schedule. How they are not going with my availability that I gave them months ago. So I deal with this problem for a week or two.
I can't really work nights on week days.
but my new schedule That I just got. I had only one morning and the rest was Nights. So I was MAD VERY VERY MAD.. My Managers.. Got scared and didnt know what to do. Since I was so angry.
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11 responses
@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
10 May 10
Oh Gosh yes!!! I work in a nursing home and we have this Nurse Manager who isn't an RN but a Psych Nurse, so what she's use to doing is walking around like a corporal shoving orders in your face reminding you that you're not doing your job right.. so she treats us like children. We are aware of what we are doing, since most of us have a specific education for training and certification for this job.
If she sees a blanket on the floor which a resident has kicked off she will specifically call us to go pick it up and that's rediculous.
She makes us carry around these radios that work like walkie talkies so we can communicate with each other quickly. One night she called me to one of the resident's room and it sounded quite urgent so I ran down to this room, and she was having a panic attack because she dropped a pen! Yes a stupid pen! It was rediculous!!!
Another time this resident's whole family stayed throughout the night because we thought she was going to pass away, so my partner and I just finished our rounds and sat down to fill out our paper work, when she walks up to us and is standing with her hands on her hips like a drill sargent and said to us in front of this whole family... "Is there a hard rule where you girls can't go help the other side because they have beepers going, you are rude and not teamworkers"
I couldn't even look up I was so embarrassed, I felt like I was in school when the teacher picks on you infront of the class.
We agreed with this but by the time she did her little rude speech the others alreaady answered the call light which we couldn't hear going from the other side anyway and there was a lot of people where we were so that also made it hard to hear them.
The drill sargent walked to the other side and I followed her and went off on her telling her that the way she handled that was very unprofessional and it could have been done in private and that it was unexceptable behavior!
We ended up having a meeting with the union rep, the big boss and he ended up warning her that she needed to change the way she treated us. We got a huge apology from her and we were suppose to have another meeting but haven't yet so I think he's just keeping this case open until he hears another complaint from anyone.
In the meeting she stated that she felt like she had to be a mother to us girls and he just looked at her and said,"you need to seperate yourself from that feeling and put it aside because these are adults" I was laughing inside.
Anyway sorry for making this so long but if you have a union I would look into this because what's terrible is having to constantly correct people when they already know things.
Have a nice night
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
10 May 10
It's not just improvement on laziness that she needs but also the way she speaks to us. We just want some respect in order to give it back that's all we ask.
Another stupid question she asked me is if one of the residents took pills?? I told her I'm not the nurse so I wouldn't know that lol. She's the nurse and common sense tells you that if a resident is asking for a pill like tylenol.. then yeah obviously they do haha.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
10 May 10
No need to be sorry about a long responds.. I read the whole thing.. wow I was amaze.. a PEN.. I can't get over that haha.. Wow... WOW.. WOWOWOWOW!! crazy.. Your manager sounds lazy and like she needs help serious help. Now if mines do that i don't know what I would do...
Well yeah my manager thinks we all are stupid and have no type of education. it's one thing to say oh.. if you need help I will be around or just call me if you need my help.. It's another thing to try to break things down for people. over and over again saying do you understand sure.
Also. most of the time most of them just stand around giving orders I notice the ones that are nice and I get along with are the ones that help you not just order you around..
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
10 May 10
When I reached a point where the job, and management was making me angry and frustrated, and they were not respecting my boundaries, I quit. It was really hard for them to accepts.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
10 May 10
I actually had to be on sick leave at the time I left my job, and gave notice while I was recuperating from surgery. I have a little online earnings and I want to work on that now.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
10 May 10
I agree.. that's what I'm thinking about doing but I will search for another job while I still work there. In the end when I do get another I will only work there on the weekends just to make them upset. Oh well plus I still get paid every week sort of 2 times every 2 weeks. haha.
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@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
11 May 10
My managers makes me mad most of the time but I can't do what had you done like showing your feelings or emotions to them. My co-workers were the only one knows how I feel, i do not let show it when in front of my managers. I am still professional in front of them. I did laugh when i read that your manager got scared because you were mad. I imagine doing it to my manager too, but i can't do that.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
11 May 10
I was the same way never did I see myself getting mad at my managers and just Scaring them to the point that they needed more then one manager from talking me out of going crazy. They seem to not care about how Feel or my safety going home etc etc.
So I got tired so it's time to play my game of I'm Not Going To Put Up With Your Crap. I wont get an attitude during work I will afterwards when I'm off their clock so I can't get in trouble. To me They put themselves in that situation.
@screwdriver (643)
• Philippines
10 May 10
My Managers do. But I am very vocal about a ny issues in the office and talk directly to the concerned person. Luckily, it always turns out positive. I just had an arguments with my Manager, but glad we already fixed it before going further
@payout (3794)
• United States
10 May 10
I didn't say anything to I just got really tired of there crap and decided to go to there faces. End up scaring those stupid people. never again. from them hopefully they fix my problem if not I know there going to get very upset about me leaving or changing my availability to only weekends.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
10 May 10
My manager makes me super mad about him and the company where I am working. I dont like working in our company anymore, I dont like working there anymore. I really wanted to quit and all that. Do you think I should even quit?
I am mad about our manager cause I dont think knows what he is doing as a manager. He should be called a care taker and not a manager. There are so many things and concerns in the company and he doesnt give attention to it. I dont think there's any reason for me to stay there.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
11 May 10
That's not good.. I think my job is sort of breaking rules. Just they need to start treating us nice more.. Some do others are just plain Ignorant. Don't care about what others say or think. But yeah if you feel that way then it's time to go. Once you find that new company.
@payout (3794)
• United States
10 May 10
Well I think if you are tired like I am .. still work there but while you are go search for a new job. You will have income coming in while you are looking for a new job. Either you can make them mad and change your availability and only work weekends. Like something I will do but yeah. find something.. that pays way more.
The only thing I like that we get paid every Week instead of of every 2 weeks.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
11 May 10
That's what I am doing now. I am really trying to look for another job that's going to pay me well. I do think that the company is violating a lot of labor laws and that's reason enough for me to report them and make a complain about them. There were already many employees who quit the company but none of the were given their back pay which was something that they're suppose to give. I do hope I will be able to look for a better job. I want to quit immediately after I would be accepted in another company.
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@kgirjapurkar (175)
• India
10 May 10
i worked for 32 years with bank of india and then took VRS in 2000 and i was very lucky enough that i had all the managers very nice and cooperative and loved me for my work and dependent on me too much .Just one manager i had a problem though he did not say anaything but he was totally good for nothing type of manager and then i thought why not call it a day then to be with this type of guy.
@payout (3794)
• United States
10 May 10
32 years in the same job for that long is a long time. Well yeah everyone has a limit and when enought comes enough is enough. to be honest with you I just have a feeling if any of them try to start a problem with me I will just not take it anymore.. Oh well they can keep everyone else that are stupid enough to deal with them ..
@payout (3794)
• United States
10 May 10
I have anger issues. So the energy I gave off and just looking at me just mad was all over my face.. the way I was stand. how close to there face I was. but yup they were scared that I was going to flip flip like break something.. I was going to go crazy say a few words but her kids were there... So she was lucky. but she got scared and then ask the other manager to help her.. talk so I can understand. Then she was scared as well going Im not trying to be mean or give off attitude. with this stupid face of hers.
Oh well.. Im young I started there when I was 17 they abuse my service. Tired of it.
@bluemars (952)
• Australia
10 May 10
I hate it when they just don't even try to communicate with you at all. I mean they just go ahead and do things that will directly affect you and not speak to you at all or even let you know. That can make so many people mad. What about when they make you wait around for a long time too, totally disregarding but very well knowing that you are waiting. That can be hard too. I don't know why people can not just be considerate, and then they wonder why other people are not being considerate back to them? Well maybe if you knew how to be a gentleman or same goes for a female manager too.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
10 May 10
All my managers are women but one is a man and he is one the nicest people at the job. yeah that must a manager thing when they just do things without informing you sometimes. Just expect you to be okay with it.. and go on with your day. to me there just people too but no need to be hard on people if most of us are nice people. Others are just ignorant then you can be mean.
@payout (3794)
• United States
10 May 10
I can stay longer on weekends. but I told them I have been dealing with this problem for weeks and just sucking up to it. but if I get one morning and the rest are nights.. I'm going to be very very angry. They need to be understanding and say yeah sorry and blah blah blah.
All they tell me is deal with it for these 2 weeks.
@atv818 (1980)
• United Arab Emirates
10 May 10
Yes, they are also human like us and make mistakes. However, I should caution you in bolting out in anger because it might ruin your chance of climbing up the ladder. I'm not saying that you kiss butts that are not kissable in the first place. All I'm saying is that there is a diplomatic way of expressing your concern that could lead to a better and workable solution. Refrain from showing anger so as not to humiliate your higher-ups. Always aim for a win-win situation. This will show to them your maturity in handling situations and who knows? The next time they'll look for somebody who is reasonable, mature and responsible, they will recall their good experience with you in the past and might recommend you for a promotion. Think about it. Nothing to lose, everything to gain.
Besides, Managers will be managers and whether we like it or not, they call the shots. If you feel that you are being maltreated, then elevate the matter to the higher level. If not, then work up a better deal by being more diplomatic. Always think WIN-WIN!
As they say "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
Good luck.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
10 May 10
Well atv818,
Either you must be a manager yourself.. or you just never ran into just ignorant people.
Well to be honest what I'm getting paid and how 100's of people came in and out of that job is crazy. So to be honest if your there for years and they feel as if they are paying you too much they will try to get rid of you so they can have more money.
Also. kissing butt people are just the ones to laugh at and to be honest those are the only people that make it to a promotion. unless you already came from a job that you had lots of experience.
These managers are just ignorant, my mother told me it takes respect to get respect. I'm tired of giving them there respect and all I get is attitude. So two can play that game what are they going to get rid of me for.
Oh yeah my job they give people raises base on if they like you or not. If you kiss enough butt then your promotion or bigger check rocks..
@juggerogre (1653)
• Philippines
10 May 10
Fortunately I have no problems with my managers. The previous one is a really good manager. He guided me well in my career. Gives me lots of advise and lets me decide on how to solve some problems. I'm a computer programmer by the way. When he retired my next manager is also from our team. She's the same with the previous one. She let us decide on how we do things as long as it is within the company policy. Regarding my work schedule its not a problem since they are not that strict on the time and we are the one the shift that we want.