Which gender is more adept at multi-tasking: Males or Females?

United States
May 9, 2010 10:54pm CST
Well, this question has been a hot topic between me and my friends. Some of my friends claim that girls are way better at doing multiple things at the same time, while my other friends and I suppose guys are more adept at multi-tasking than girls. I've done some research, and there hasn't been many results for my question. I'm hoping you guys can help me prove my point on whether which gender is better at multi-tasking.
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19 responses
• New Zealand
10 May 10
I've been told repeatedly throughout my schooling that girls are better at much better at multi-tasking than boys. Maybe because traditionally women do all the house work , etc while men just do nothing, which has created this perception of Men being less capable of multi tasking. I don't believe that Men are better than women or Women are better than Men at multi tasking. Each and every individual is unique and so will have different mental capabilities and therefore varying abilities to multi task.
• New Zealand
10 May 10
Fantastic. You're a great husband then but the traditional Male role is to bring home the bacon while females stay home and look after the kids , etc , etc! So I think this is how the idea of women being more adept at multitasking came into existence. Note: I said traditionally , so it does not mean that I actually think that Men do absolutely nothing while women do everything in today's modern society. I used it as a way to suggest where this perception of women being good at multi tasking came from. Get my drift :) ?
10 May 10
deffo women are better just look at my wife she has the all the bills paid food made house work done me it would take me a month just to do the house work
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
10 May 10
hi pieandceralluver cute user name. women are the ultimate multitasker as they have to be while doing one task they are often holding a baby, instructing another child on not to do something, and answering a cell phone at the same time.now how many males can do that or want to do that, no women have to be the ultimate multi- taskers for sure.HOw else could they raise children and keep a house, and also keep a husband happy?
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@umabharti (3972)
• India
10 May 10
hi,let us take an example if two persons are engaged in a work one person might get the work done faster than the later one on one day .But not everyday the same person will win the race.The other person some day will definetly win.it depends.coming to ur multitasking both men and women work the same.both are multitaskers when they use their knowledge ,strength and other abilities.
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@tjen_anni (317)
• Indonesia
10 May 10
I think females can do multiple tasks better than men. Men usually focus on something and having difficulty to do something else when they have already set their mind on something. While women, they can cook while they are talking in the phone and reading the recipe books in a time...Well, it's just a simple example...:)
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• India
10 May 10
90% women and 10% men are good at multi-tasking. Women are biologically wired to handle several tasks at one time, while men are not.
@urbandekay (18278)
10 May 10
Research studies into this conclude that there is no difference between sexes at multitasking and that everyone is worse multitasking than they are single tasking all the best urban
• Philippines
10 May 10
I can multi task since my job wants me to multi task. I think multi tasking is not based on gender.
@kafueenu (1073)
• Philippines
10 May 10
I think girls are more into multi-tasking, guys want to be focused at a certain activity, one at time. I have experienced that through my classmates and my boyfriend as well. The problem with multi-tasking, not ne task gets finished early hehe.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
10 May 10
The answer has to be females! We have been multi tasking for years. it's time to take the credit for it.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
10 May 10
It depends. There are guys who could not do any single thing right and there are women who could do many things efficiently at the same time. The ability to multi-task is not limited to any particular gender. I would like to say it has a lot to do with the person regardless of s*x. I am taking myself as an example. I am very good at doing multiple tasks at the same time and I have seen a lot of men who have difficulty finishing one work, much less multi-task.
@myzire72 (1154)
• Singapore
10 May 10
I seriously think that the ability to multitask has nothing to do with gender. It depends very much on the individual, whether it's a he or a she. I've seen so many instances of both men and women juggling tasks very well. It's as if they have more than 1 brain and 1 pair of hands. I, being a man myself, multitask quite frequently, both at home and at work.
@evepin (721)
• Philippines
10 May 10
i think women are better at multi-tasking... well, not to be sexist or anything. but i also think that this is both an advantage and a disadvantage to women. advantage because things are done at the same time, thereby maximizing time (time management). on the other hand, i've read somewhere of the bad effects of multi-tasking. and also, multi-tasking might not give the best results for each tasks.
@oldchem1 (8132)
10 May 10
Well at the moment I am flitting between this computer, checking on a lasagna cooking in the oven, sorting out laundry and preparing a packed lunch !! So I say women every time!!
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
10 May 10
For sure the female is the better one at multi-tasking. Men usually can only handle one thing at a time and thats about it. Women are the ones who deal with everything in the household not to mention having a 9-5 job outside the house. Women deal with cooking, homework,kids, laundry all at the same time. I can wash clothes, clean the house, watch my 4 year old granddaughter and all while on the internet. There are definitely some men who can especially the men who are home taking care of the kids while the wife is at work. However, females are more adapt at doing multi-tasking the men without a doubt.
@mimiang (3760)
• Philippines
10 May 10
females can do a lot at the same time. men only has to do one thing at a time
• Philippines
10 May 10
its not about the gender but its on the ability to do the multitasking job whether they are a girl of not. its in their ability to adopt the job and if they have patience to do those things. most of the rich people whether girl or men are not prone to multitasking as they prefer light job. so it doesnt matter about the gender at all, what matter is they work for it and they can handle it well.
• India
10 May 10
obviously its humans who are peppy it cannot be categorized into male or female eg;- people who are jack of a group of playing cards are considered good in multitasking
@jennyze (7028)
• Indonesia
10 May 10
I never thought whose gender is better at this or that. What I know is that everyone has to do things as best as they can. Maybe what is defined as best is different from one people to others. If you think you are doing the best that you can, than you doing the best.