I have real long hair what can I do with it?

@free_man (7330)
United States
May 10, 2010 6:58am CST
I had let my hair grow for 12 years. It was down past my knees at one point and I cut it up to the middle of my back. It is all one layer and the same length all over. I french braid it every day. I don't know what else to do with it. I used to wear my hair feathered and it was easy to style it. But I couldn't braid it and I really like my hair braided. Now my mother in law is a beautician I have seen her hair styles on people she has fixed their hair and it looks beautiful. She is 70 and can only do hair do's once in a while. She has offered to fix my hair and I would like that. But my dilemma is how to get her to cut it? I don't know much about doing girly things like fixing hair so what would you do? I don't want the length cut off I still want it long. But I want to be able to do more with my hair then braid it. I can't afford to go to the beauty shop and have it fixed different daily. How long is your hair? How do you fix your hair? Help driving me nuts.
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16 responses
10 May 10
Hair that is really long is pretty challenging to style at home. My hair is the shortest it has ever been (bar one mistake as a teenager). It is just above my shoulders and suits my face shorter- I like having layers to frame my face and a side sweeping fringe. Short hair is actually really versatile and easy to style in different ways- I much prefer it. I tend to just wash and blowdry then straighten and wear it loose. I don't really like having lots of pins and things in my hair. For really long hair it may be worth having it cut in long layers so it isn't just a straight line across. If she is good at hair then get her to look at your hair type and maybe advise on how to cut it. I always do that with my hairdresser and she always does a great job. They know far more about hair so perhaps she'll find a style to suit your hair and face!
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
10 May 10
Hi Creative_Genius. I had long hair most of my life until I trusted a hair stylist and she cut it way too short. My mom has been doing this all her life and everyone's hair I have seen her style looks great. I think I will do as you say and ask her to style it like she thinks it will look good. But ask her to keep the length. I do trust mom she is a great lady. I would still like to braid it since I like it when it is braided. But I will trust her judgment. Thanks.
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11 May 10
Sounds like a good idea- I look forward to hearing about how the cut goes!
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
12 May 10
Hi Creative. My husband told me this moring he don't want me to cut it. He said he loves the way it looks.
@hofferp (4734)
• United States
10 May 10
When I was much younger, I had long hair (at one point it was passed my waste) and it was a pain to keep washed...and dried, because it was so thick. Once I started cutting it, it got shorter and shorter and now I can't ever imagine me with long hair. It's easy to wash and dry, style and I can go in minutes, versus an hour or longer. I'd let my mother-in-law recommend a style and go with it. If she recommends shorter hair, be brave and go with it...you'll forget the long hair in no time.
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@hofferp (4734)
• United States
10 May 10
waste = waist (dumb fingers on the keyboard).
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
10 May 10
Hi Hofferp. Mom said she didn't think I would look good in short hair so I know she won't cut it too short. I really like having long hair I look better with it long. I know what you mean about being a pain. When I had hair down to my knees it was a real pain in my bottom. I wanted to cut it up to where it is now but my ex threw a fit and I just kept it long. But I got to cut it shorter when I moved to Missouri and it is easier to braid now. I really don't look good with short short hair. I was really just looking for a better way to style it then braiding everyday. Mom won't do a bad job she is good at fixing hair. Thanks for the advice.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
16 May 10
There is so many hair styles out there. If you do decide to cut it short, ever thought of having the hair donated to the locks of love. They take hair and make wigs for people that lost their hair to cancer.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
17 May 10
It's sad that you weren't able to find someone to donate your hair to the locks of love foundation. That popped in my head, after seeing a little bit about it on HBO. Wow at 13, bless your heart. I started going gray at the age of 20, actually after I had my daughter. I have to color mine as well to cover the gray. It is tiring to have to dye it every so often because mine is mostly in front so it comes back fast. I'm older now, so mine doesn't grow as fast as it used to. I'm currently trying to find a place that will except used ball caps for boys and men that have lost their hair to chemo.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
29 May 10
Hi Chertsy. My mother in law colored my hair so it looks like the sun had bleached my hair this color. I thank God that I have such a loving mother in law. I call her mom she said it would not be good to cut my hair so I didn't. If you live in or near a big city you might be able to contact a hair dresser salon and they might be able to tell you and if they can't the cancer association of America can tell you. I just thought of that while writing a response to you. I keep seeing their commercials on TV. Heck I never thought of it but we have the best tool at our hand the internet is where we can find all kinds of answers. I use the color by loreal it usually last about 6 months, but mom is a licensed beautician so she can buy better products and she seems to think this color will last a long time. She took 6 hours out of her day and did my hair. She is 70 years old and is very active. Good luck on finding some where to donate those ball caps. Hope you have a great day and God bless!
@free_man (7330)
• United States
16 May 10
Hi Chertsy. I have decided not to cut my hair it took me too long to cut it and feel good about it. Mom just colored my hair and it turned out really nice too. She is the one that talked me out of cutting it. I have thought of locks for love foundation many times. But way out here where I live before I cut it from my knees to just above my waist I tried to find someone that knew of how to donate my hair. But these people out here didn't know how to contact them and I didn't have internet at the time. I have real strong hair but I went gray at 13 and have had to color it since then. That would be what I would do if I cut my hair. Thanks for the suggestion.
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@max1950 (2306)
• United States
10 May 10
im seeing free-man but im not sure if your male or female but i guess it doesn't really matter what does is, if you want to continue spending time taking care of all that hair on a daily basis. when i was younger mine was down past my shoulders then i just got tired of taking care of it all the time and cut it short, i didnt think i would like it at first but after a few weeks i was hooked on the short hair, much easier to manage. now that being said, having long hair as long as yours for that long of time i know its hard to make a decision on what to do, perhaps there's a pc program that will show your face with different styles of length, or perhaps try on wigs to see which style you like and go from there.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
10 May 10
Hi Max I am female. I don't like short hair on me cause it makes my face look sort of fat....LOL I can't stand to see a man with long hair it just looks like he is trying to look like a girl. My husband is an ex navy man and keeps his hair short but ask me not to get my hair cut short. I wouldn't even if he didn't ask me I don't look good in short hair. I am sure I will like what ever mom thinks I will look good in it is just plain hard to let anyone cut my hair since it took me 12 years to grow out to length. Thanks for the advice.
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• Philippines
10 May 10
have you ever tried cuting it real short? no need to fix it. no need to worry anymore.. just a suggestion.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
10 May 10
Hi Screwdriver and welcome to my lot. I don't mind fixing my hair I like to look good for my husband. And I really look dorky in short hair. I got a nice round face and with short hair it looks like my head is a ball....LOL So I don't think I want to have short hair. But thanks for the suggestion.
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@Keola12 (823)
• United States
10 May 10
Since your mother-in-law is a beautician, and does beautiful beautician work, maybe she can suggest a new style that would be best suited for your hair. You did say she offered to do your hair. I'm sure she would be able to come up with some kind of new hairstyle that you would like.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
10 May 10
Hi Keola. She does beautiful work. I am sure she will come up with something nice. I am just a little concerned that I won't like having my hair cut. It took me 12 years to get it all one layer again. Oh well I am sure she will do a great job on my hair. I have some gray in my hair so she is also going to color it and make it not look like I am the old lady I am....LOL
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
13 May 10
wow hair past your knees are really long! i've been trying to keep my hair long for the past few years. now it's at my waist. i'll most probably cut it shorter when it reaches my hip. i don't think i will be able to keep till it reaches my knee, let alone pass it. i usually clip them up with a clip. i'll twist it before turning it around so that the clip can just hold the ends. some days i have them in a low pony tail when my head begins to ache. i also braid them when i have time on my hand. other styles include tying only half of my hair and letting the rest hang loose or letting it all hang loose. other than these, i don't know what style there is.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
14 May 10
Hi Applefreak. I have been trying for years to get my hair the length it was when it was past my knees. When I was real young I had a great Aunt that came to stay with us a little while and she stood 6ft tall. She had hair all the way down to the floor and went out 3ft from the floor. She was a 104 years old and she took care of her hair everyday. Sometimes when I would get home from school she would allow me to brush her hair and I would have to stand on a table to reach the top of her head. That is what inspired me to let my hair grow. But I don't know what to do with long hair it is easy when you have short hair. Just wash it and brush it back. I have naturally curly hair when it is short it is wavy but when it is long it is just plain straight I guess the weight. Mom told me she would help me learn how to fix it when she gets back from her vacation. Thanks for the advice I need all the help I can get.
@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
11 May 10
I had my hair down to my waist then I got bored of it and got it cut off into a really fun style that was above my shoulders. Sometimes I just need a change and I think it's only hair it will grow back I am cursed with naturally curly hair and again it's back down to my waist again. I'm not sure if you have straight hair or curly? The days I wash my hair I will throw gel, and hairspray in it and where it down. I will wait for two days until I wash it again and in those two days until I wash it, I wear it in a pony tail or a bun and have the ends sticking out so it looks spikey. My job consists of working in a nursing home and I don't really like to wear it down anyhow because we have residents that love to pull hair and that hurts. Take care
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
11 May 10
My job can be enjoyable at times but there are times when I just want to walk out too. I was going to mention in my last reply that when I do wear my hair down on the days I wash it, I usually forget my ponytail scrunchy to put my hair up in a ponytail and what I usually end up doing is taking a chunk of my hair, and wrapping it around the rest and it goes into a ponytail.. I hope you know what I mean lol
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
12 May 10
Hi Nixxi. I know what you mean I have done the same thing many times. I usually carry and extra scrunchy in my purse. I don't like to get caught in a spot without that scrunchy. I did once while riding and it was a mess....LOL I know that a job working with the elderly and disabled can be challenging. I have had to take care of a few elderly and know that they can be forgetful at times and not so nice, but one day we will be in their shoes and will need someone kind to help us live the rest of our lives. So when the times gets tough just ask God to guide you through it.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
11 May 10
Hi Nixxi. I have straight hair it was naturally curly as a youth but as I got older it went straight. Which I like sometimes and would rather it be curly at other times. I used to get a perm put in and it would last for 6 months. Then I would let it stay straight for a bit. But I really don't like putting all those chemicals on my hair any more. I wish I could see the way you fix your hair it sounds really cool. I don't blame you not wanting to wear it down at your job. I think that is a great profession working with the elderly and disabled people in a nursing home. Bet it is challenging job at times though. I love older people they can tell you many things that we have not ever seen and won't ever see. You have a great day and God bless you for working with these people.
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@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
11 May 10
I had a real long hair before. having a long hair allows you to try different hair styles. i remember braiding my hair, doing ponytail, putting headband and clip, etc... however most of the time, i let my hair down.. it makes me feel more girly. now, i am wearing a shorter hair.. i can still do a lot of hairstyles. sometimes i curl my hair using the curling iron or straighten it using the straightening iron. :) you can research for more hair styles online.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
11 May 10
Hi Gracie. I have never had anyone to teach me to do much with my hair. I had a girlfriend about 10 years ago to teach me how to french braid my hair and that is about all I have ever really done with it. I had it layered and that is what I am thinking I will do but I am still thinking if it was layered I won't be able to braid it till it grows out. I wish my sisters would have taught me more but they were way older then me. And my mother didn't do anything with her hair ever. But my mother in law is a beautician and she will figure it out. I hope. I will show her the web pages everyone has given me and will go from there. Thanks for the advice.
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
12 May 10
You could cut it short, and donate the hair to bald people, or young guys who haven't hit puberty yet. Donate it to drama classes, for mustaches and fake beards. Make paint brushes with it, and sell them on ebay. Or start an underwear line, with bras and panties made completely out of hair. Or use it for floss.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
12 May 10
Hi Red. All good ideals but I really don't want to cut it. I don't know if I would wear a pair of panties or a bra made out of hair.....LOL
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
11 May 10
For me it is better to cut your hair four 5inches so that the vitamins of your body don't focus into your hair only.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
11 May 10
Hi Ebuscat. Thanks but I really look stupid in short hair. I don't have a problem with vitamins. I have always taken geritol all my life and never have been really sick. And I thank God for that if it wasn't for God I might not have been so healthy. Thanks again for the advice.
@jologs07 (36)
11 May 10
I like braided hair. I want to do that to my hair but it can't because i have a short hair. Good for you because you have a long hair. If you can't do girly things on your hair then perhaps let others do it for you aside from your mother. You can go to a salon but that cost much because you have a long hair.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
11 May 10
Hi Jologs. I like to braid my hair but sometimes it is a pain to do and just plain don't feel like doing it. But I still braid it to look good for my husband and myself too. I can't afford to go to the salon my mom is doing this out of the kindness of her own heart. I will pay her back by giving her a massage. I am a massage therapist and I don't mind doing this for her.
• Philippines
11 May 10
you v=can cut it short for a change or even curl it for more sophisticated look. that's a lot in store for you long hair ladies out there. you can play with it and experiment. if you can't manage your hair anymore i suggest yo cut it short for more manageable and hassle free day.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
11 May 10
Hi Jacquiline and welcome to my lot. I don't look good with short hair. It makes my face look fatter then it really is and I don't like that look. I want to keep the length maybe have it layered but I will miss not being able to braid it. Thanks for the advice.
@pwnson (150)
• India
23 Jul 10
I agree with your view that i too have long hair .Hair long is pretty challenging .
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
18 Feb 11
I am so sorry I didn't respond before now. I do hate dealing with it wish I had a hair dresser that lived with me so they would fix it daily......LOL
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
11 May 10
I used to have that style of hair. Length down to the back and same length. my mom used to braid it when I was a child. not like french braid but just some quick regular braiding. mine was thin and straight, no volume. So I spent a lot of money and time in my 20s to have it curled, which never ended up permanent and so I had to go back every 2 months or so. I tried other styles too. like one style (I don't know the name) is short at the back, long at the front. it makes small face looks plumpier and gives volume to thin hair. then another style called Shaggy, is the other way around. long at the back, shorter at the front, basically it's layered. I think both styles can work for french braiding, as long as different of lengths are not too much you should be able to. this way even if you let your hair loose, it's still stylish. these are pics for shaggy style on prohaircut.com, it also works if you curl it or if your hair is wavy not straight.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
11 May 10
Hi LittleMel. Thanks for the suggestions I will get mom to look at them. She is good on styling hair and she will know what will look good on me. I don't want to lose the length she knows this. I learned how to french braid a few years back and I love the way my hair looks french braided. It is just a pain sometimes I am not as young as I used to be and holding my arms up for the hour it takes to do hurts sometimes. Thanks I will get mom to look at that site with me and see what she thinks.
@RachelleNH (1396)
• United States
10 May 10
How about putting it in a bun? No matter if you layer or feather it-the length alone will cause issues. I'd say pig tails, the braid you're considering, a bun or a ponytail...all the ideas I've had. I chopped off my long hair-it's too hot and I have seriously thick hair..so it'd matt up and frizz and it was just annoying and time consuming to care for. I'm now in the process of growing it to a shoulder length bob-which I think suits my face better. I know the face thing-some people can pull off short hair wonderfully-others can't. Mine makes me look older when it's short-so that's out now!
@free_man (7330)
• United States
10 May 10
Hi RachelleNH. I did the bun thing and it made me look really old so that is out. I french braid my hair everyday and it looks nice when it is fixed. I have really thick hair too and it is a pain in the bottom but it makes me look good and pleases my husband so it is worth it. I would like to leave it down but it still blows in my face. I can't stand the windows up while riding. But I am sure that mom will make me look better what ever she does. Thanks for the advice.