Are you obsessed by religion? What do you think about people who...?

May 10, 2010 1:09pm CST
Hell0 friends! I was thinking about people who are actually obsess by religion. I mean those people who always think about it, who observe all the rules and "laws" of it, and live just to serve it. Are you my myLot friends suck kind of people and if not, what do you actaully think about people who are???
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8 responses
@lendmhe (372)
• Philippines
11 May 10
Hello Phoenix, I didn't considered it obsession. Religion means to reconnect with God. I was born as a catholic and like you, I laughed before seeing people fellowshipping, like born again christian, baptise or whatever they call. But when God's calling came into my life , I realize I really need God. I learnt life here is temporal, and real life is in heaven (Phil 3:20). But to understand this, you must have God's spirit moving inside your body. Then I started reading bible, and every words becoming clear and clearer to me that seems God is talking to me. My friend, I would like you to know your whole duty in life, fear God, and keep His commandments (Eccl 12:13)
11 May 10
well, as i have some doubt with other members here in my previous discussion about religion, it is really hard to observe all the God's Commandments, but there are people like you, who really try to do it. One friend has told then, that only when people go to heaven they can actually be sinless, because actually no matter how hard we try, we always avoid some of the Commandments and only Jesus was the only one who has observed all them and was sinless. I see that you are erally one very religious person, because you have mentioned so many passages from the Bible, that only a man who really trust to God and his holy Book can be so passionate in it. DOn't understand me wrong and don't think that I try to defile God's name and the religion as we all know it. No chance- I am not the person who can do that, and I guess that no one has the right to do it, but I only try to say to you, that I really can't understand all the rules and what makes me sad sometimes, is that i really don'tknow do i or do i not believe in God, because I have always wondered how is is possible for Him to let innocent people die, why He allows it, why he doesn't punish all those people who make the others suffer. well, maybe you will say they will suffer in the other world, they will go in hell, but I guess that they should also be punished in this live, so that people can really know that there is God who is all-powerful and who punishes the BAD ones. and I still can't explain it to myself, why is He actually doing that- why is He always put us on some hard probations, which actaully many people can't pass, no matter how much they believe or how good they were. Sorry once again, if I have insulted you somehow, I didn't mean to and hope that you will understand me!
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
11 May 10
I have a few friends who are very religious. I am not real religious, but I try to live by the commandments anyway. I figure the most important thing is to be a good person. Being very religious doesn't bother me. I do get uncomfortable if people try to "convert" you or make you bend to their beliefs.
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11 May 10
well, I neither, but I don't have friends too,who I can say that are really very religious guys. I guess that we all try to live by the Commandments, just becaues they are something universal, something that it is right not only for religion but for real non-religious life too, because being good, means really that you have to observe the most of them, just because people who do the opposite are actually bad. well, i have never told that being extremely religious bothers me, i just think that some people who are really "extremely" religious should take care more for their families and friends and to spend less time for prayings and other religious things. because i really wonder, what will happen with religious people who actaully pray 3-4 times per week, who really believe in God, but think that 3-4 times weekly is enough and observe all the Commandments, or at least try to do it, and with people who are actually obsessed by it, pray 3-4 times per day or even spend the whole day in the church praying- will they all go to heaven and if YES, then what would eb the difference between all them when they have to stay in front of the Creator. or there will be actaully no differences because as some say- we all are equal to God and only the good deeds are the measure that we show Him which one is better than the others and do you think that the ones who have prayed 3-4 times per day will stay closer to Him in Heaven or they all will be on equal distance? there aer really many questions that make me wonder!
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• United States
11 May 10
I don't think the people that are obsessed about praying and going to church are going to be any further ahead. After all God is everywhere, so you don't need to go to church to pray. I think if you observe the Commandments, belive in God, and are just generally a good person you have as much of a chance to go to Heaven. Well, I guess we'll see someday if that's true or not, hopefully not soon.
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12 May 10
yeah, I guess that you are right- if there is really God, someday all we will find out is it true or not, and as you say hope it won't come too soon for any of the people on the Earth!
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
11 May 10
Hi phoenix, We are all different and there are some who are completely obsessed with religion and sometimes there appears to be no rational reason for it. I see nothing wrong with following a religion unless you are trying to push it on another. Usually people are this way because they have been indoctrinated as children, but there are some who seem to be born religious even when their families want nothing to do with it. I think it is very wrong for others to be pushing their religion on another but in most cases this is what there leaders want. Blessings.
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12 May 10
hell0 Pose! yes, there is really no explanation about that, why some people are following the religion so "deeply" even "extremely", but maybe these are people, who actually don't get any help and go to this "sect churches" where they get actually their brains washed. yes, it is really bad when someone is trying to push his/her religion on someone else, and especially when they try to do this with orphaned children, children from the orphanages, because that's the case in many place here in my country, and many of those children/youngsters just go insane about religion and just are rejected by the community!
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
13 May 10
No I'm not, and I have no problem with people who are as long as they aren't shoving it down my throat.
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14 May 10
well, i am not too, and I also don't have nothing against those people, I only want to know that they are really "safe" for the community!
• United States
15 May 10
Hello again friend, I am Muslim, but when I was a kid my parents always warned me that being obsessed with religion is a bad thing. As a matter of fact, there is a say in my house, "Under the veil dances the devil". My parents simply do not like overconservativeness and they do not want us to be a part of it either. I learned from them that people who are way too obsessed with religion are the most corrupted people on earth which is actually true. Look at the things happening around. Most of it is has come from conservative views. Hatred is also instigated by these religious groups whether they are Christian, Muslim or Jewish. I completely agree with my parents on one thing and that is, religious people have a tendency to think that they bought God and so no matter what they do their sins will be washed away. Also just like my parents I don't trust and respect religious scholars because they simply like the idea of manipulating religions to fulfill their own desires. As for general religious public, most of them practice double standard. I had an ex who was a member of his church. He was attending bible studies for a long time. He called himself conservative, but the funniest thing was that before meeting me he was fooling around with girls and breaking their hearts whenever he got bored of them. And yes he even went to stripper clubs. Don't you call that double standard? It is just one example. There are many I can give you from people of other religions. But in Islam one one of the biggest lies that is widely accepted is that Muslim women must cover their hair. It is funny that the word hair was never mentioned in Quran. But when I try to discuss it with other Muslims they get all mad at me. Another funny thing is that the so called Hadith which is used to make sharia law has been written by people who never even saw Prophet Muhammad. And this hadith is full of mistakes. But these obsessed Muslims will never see it especially the men because they like how it lets them keep women underneath them.
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15 May 10
well, it is really nice that what you paernts have told you when you still were young, because they knew and I guess that they still know it that being obsessed is really a bad thing. yeah, I am totally agree with you because I think that it is all true. yeah, that thing about the hair is also weird to me and I think that it is not right!
@Steinway (307)
• United States
11 May 10
I really wouldn't say that I am obsessed by religion. I do go to church and play piano at it, but on the whole, I'm probably not as religious as some of my fellow churchmembers are. I don't feel like I am, anyway. I do believe in a God and/or spiritual being. But, sometimes the dogma of the church system throws me a little bit.
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11 May 10
well, how can you be obsessed by religion when there are some others in your circle of friends/familiar people, who are actaully much more religious than you are :) I ask, because i have always thought people who are obsessed by something,no matter what- religion, other people, scary dreams etc. are always "the most", and there is no one else who is more than they are. well, you say you are obsessed, because you go to church and play piano there, but do you actually go there just to play on it, or you also go to pray, and how many times do you pray in church and how many times do you pray at home, because i am raelly curious to know all that, because according to that what I have heard, people who are obsessed by religion are actaully people who spend the most of their daily round in the church, sitting on the benches and praying or just sitting at home in front of the scores of sacred images of saints, becaues people like taht are actually people who are totally obsessed by religion and people which life means only pray to God and observe its rules and laws. wow, I just saw it now that you have actually mentioned that you aren't. I really hate when that happens :( so no matter, i can post it for the once that are really obsessed by it:)
12 May 10
well, about prayings- you really don't have to do that, if you don't and especially if you don't know how or you don't feel the need to do it, because according to me praying is only for peoplewho really trust God and truly believe in Him, and I think that only the prayers of those people come to God and all others are just fake, because there are really so many people pretending to pray every day, but they only do it because they try to look better in people's eyes.
@Steinway (307)
• United States
12 May 10
The only reason I ended up at church in the first place was because my neighbor/friend hounded me for the longest time before I even started going. Then, I ended up playing piano at church and in choir. Which, probably to a certain extent, I wonder if I'm going just to do that. As far as praying goes, I don't consider myself a prayer. Praying is a hard thing for me to do. I can't pray on cue. The closest time I do think I do pray is writing in a prayer journal every so often. And, unlike some of my fellow churchmembers, I can't seem to find the time to read the Bible every day. I read it every so often, but I wouldn't say I'm fanatical about that. The piano and choir is about the only thing I do for the church. Any other stuff that they have going on, like Ladies Fellowship or Wednesday night Bible study or Sunday Bible study I do not do. I consider myself to be on the fringe. And due to some things that I have seen in that church, basically the behavior of the other members, is why I do not want to be a member of it.
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• India
11 May 10
I believe one must practice religion in moderation. One should not be obsessed with it. I am a Christian and to me belief in Christ is more than enough.
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11 May 10
well, I guess that you are right- we actually only need to believe, I guess that believe in it is realy enough and prayings are something like an extra, that we take.
@bagputza (504)
• Belgium
11 May 10
Good morning dear friend phoenix , welll when i was a child , around my eight years old kwe had brought in shool the religion as an obligatoire lesson , and i assited just the first two classes that we had and afterwards o skipped all the classes that the teacher kept , because i never liked it , but this doesn't mean that i don't believe that there is a god , i go by a simple principal ; and that uis that people have choices to make good or bad thingz , i cann say that i have no religion at all , but whenever i do kind stuffs it really makes me feel good , and if i had a good day at the end of it i feel verry good to thank God that he gaved me that. Now about the religion fanatics all that i cann say is that i detest them , since because of them and theire strong beliefes innoncent people had to die , i dont care to judge this people , but they really bother me , since i find them really short minded and not having allot of brains. Have a nice day dear friend.
11 May 10
good morning to you too( well, here it is alerady an afternoon, but there is actually no matter, the important thing is that there are nice people like you, who like to greet/say hello to others, because one HELLO or Good morning can really makes be feel better ) well, here in my country the religion lessons are something very rare and there are some only in soe special schools, but in the most ones there aren't. i guess it is better, because they actually want to teach religion to small children, who actually don't have any idea what religion actually is, and that way they only inspire them that the religion that they teach to them is the best one and there is no other better than it. for me it would be much much better if there are some religon lessons at any older age- maybe 12-14 years old, and not only fro the religion that students have in their country, but also lessons about all other religions, so that they can really know something about all others and so that they can make a decision does their religion really lives up to their expections or there is some other religion that they like more. and it would be nice if at the beginning they learn first about the others and at the end about their own, so just ebcaues they already know many things about their own religion. and as you say, there is no need to be religious person to know what is bad and what is good, it only depends on that, what kind of person you are.