Have you lost all interest in NXT?
By megamatt
@megamatt (14291)
United States
May 11, 2010 8:34am CST
NXT, it was an interesting concept to start with and it had potential. I watched the first few shows but after that, I watched most of the shows with my hand on the fast forward button. After that, I just stopped watching the show. It does appear that I am not the only one who has done this, as the ratings appear to be dipping. If what I am hearing is right, they are below what ECW was when it is on Sy Fy. I won't even get into how badly they squandered Bryan Danielson er excuse me Daniel Bryan. I also can't believe that Vince McMahon wants to find a way to continue this show after its done in the fall and Smackdown moves over to Sy Fy. Then again, this is the man who was behind the XFL, so perhaps I should not be too surprised. They are going to do one more round of guys after this one apparently. The only guy I can see being anything worthwhile on there is Kaval/Low-Ki/Senshi but I am past the point of caring. I just have lost all interest in NXT. Which has never happened with TNA, I should note. It just infuriates me every so often where I do not watch it for weeks at a time but I eventually go back. Still NXT, all that potential but it was wasted.
6 responses
@Baltek (261)
• Canada
12 May 10
I think WWE made the mistake of a lifetime with this show when they decided that Daniel Bryan was eliminated because of comments he apparently made last week...
Come on, this guy had the opportunity to be a WWE star, and what did Mc Mahon did with him? He sent the guy packing back to FCW! Who else dreamed of a Daniel Bryan vs Rey Misterio match?
WWE dropped the ball with this one!

@allen0187 (58574)
• Philippines
22 May 10
@ megamatt
that would be an awesome idea. perfect revenge angle in the offing and fans love this kind of drama. the miz is a good champion, an annoyign one at that, but i think he has played the part fully and can't really take this act any further. kinda tiring already. a new us champion might be good and with the belt around his waist, daniel bryan will have a target on his back and the nxt rookies plus a couple of pros will be gunning for him. might be the shot in the arm that nxt needs. plus it would be nice to see daniel bryan starting to hang out with the hart dynasty.
talking about the hart dynasty, wouldn't it be nice if wwe bring back the old 'gangwars' from the attitude era? the nation of domination, taker's ministry, and of course dx made wwe exciting back then and maybe it is something that they can try again. the hart dynasty can be one of the forerunners of these gang wars along with cm punks straight edge society plus hold your breath for this one, and these would be my persoanl fave, ted dibiase jr's million dollar team.
just a thought.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
12 May 10
Yes, I read the report for the show and I am just shaking my head at this one. He was the guy that should have won no question about it. A match with Rey would be great. I am glad I dropped this show to be honest with you. Its just absurd with the way that they took a sure fire star and cut the legs out from under him. Although I did hear an idea that I liked, where when Bret Hart was going to face the Miz this Monday, Bret might bow out of the match and substitute Daniel Bryan in his place, with Daniel Bryan beating the Miz for the United States Title. So they might be able to salvage it if it happens, but I doubt it will. Thank you for your response, it contributed to the topic well and it was much appreciated. Have a nice day and thanks.

@Baltek (261)
• Canada
12 May 10
They'll never bring that back, they are rated PG now, so no more women in bathing suit, no more bad words, even Edge, the rated-R superstar, has to go PG. The problem with WWE is they go after the kids, who in turn will ask their parents to buy stuff like a John Cena shirt or other stupid things like that...
so sorry, but WWE has no more ATTITUDE, they can't even say the a** word on TV anymore.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
12 May 10
I doubt the Attitude era would work in this day and age. Even with the PG-thing out of the way, its just I think the biggest success of the Attitude era was the superstars that competed in it and the fact it was new at the time. WWE did try to revisit the Attitude era I believe in late 2002 or so on RAW. It wasn't pretty. Two words, Katie Vick. Need I go on. The 90s was good for its time to be honest but it was new and fresh back them. I think that there should be a balance found but these days WWE is going in the PG-Direction and they are doing fine. I think if they ever faltered to a huge extent where the bottom line is concerned, then it might be a different story. However, since they keep making money, they will keep up with the PG rating. I don't mind it too much, even if some if can be cheesy. The only problem is that the lack of blood can handicap the drama in certain matches. You don't need wrestlers to bleed every single night but a good match can be made great with blood when used in moderation. And is it just me, or does fixing the cut in the middle of the match really just kill the momentum? Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and it contribute to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@sion316 (228)
13 May 10
Im actually a big fan of the NXT Show. I think its great for up and rising talent to get air time before a move to a WWE Brand. Im loving the Daniel Bryan losing streak as it makes me want to watch every week untill he wins. I think people like wade barrett and heath slater could become big names on the roster if called up and the match quality is very impressive. As for the people who complain about PG i say why bother? if you don't like it no one is asking you to watch it. The good thing about the attitude era was the promos. Look back at old Raw matches and attitude midcards and they can't compare to the wrestlers today. I like wrestling for what it is not what i think it should be. If you have lost interest then don;t watch it plain and simply.
@allen0187 (58574)
• Philippines
22 May 10
agree that NXT could have been better packaged and handled by wwe creative but sadly it didn't. they could have really used an approach similar to axn's 'the contender' or ufc's 'the ultimate fighter' but instead they come up with all these silly contests that scream 'i'm a wanna be survivor show!!!'.
they could have picked better pros. as i see it, the only good one is chris jericho. the others are/were mid card wrestlers who never really made it big back then and won't ever make it big. among the rookies, i really like wade and the sheffield guy. too bad he was eliminated. the a-list had his 15 minutes of fame up and he can hardly hold fan interest.
anyway, maybe they could bring back 'tough enough' and really show all the hard work and perseverance that is neede to make it big in the wrestling industry.
just my thoughts.
@standbymeforever (887)
• Australia
12 May 10
I never had interest in the beginning., I have never watched a single episode of the show yet. It just isnt that great. I actually rather have ECW back or just scrap the whole thing all togther. That and superstars too. Just keep RAW and Smackdown and they will be good.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
12 May 10
Yes, I had assumed that they were going to continue an ECW like show and just have a different name, but instead they do NXT. Superstars is harmless, I would keep that one around myself. It's just like Heat or Velocity back in the day to be honest with you. There is a good match every now and again. Of course it has dipped a bit in quality in recent months. If they took it off television and just threw it on the Internet, who would really notice. Right now, I could take it or leave it. I do think WWE needs a show like that for its younger superstars to gain experience working on television. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@MrKennedy (1978)
19 May 10
I am disappointed and surprised at the direction WWE took it in. I was hoping for a more "reality" type programme. Maybe have segments where we see the wrestlers training backstage (they would all stay in character of course), what workout routine they follow to stay in shape and just generally give us fans a preview of life beyond the ropes.
However, it has been ruined by all these terrible game-show type challenges that are painfully scripted and have nothing to do with wrestling at all
And it's obvious by the triple elimination that happened a few weeks ago that Vince is regretting NXT and wants it over ASAP.
Although I loved the whole Daniel Bryan Bryan Danielson segment and hope that he is no longer forced to endure a hideous losing streak.
And I have rapidly become a massive fan of Wade Barrett. He has an impressive appearance and looks like genuine contender material. He has the potential to be one of WWE's top mic workers and, in my opinion, has Main Event material written all over him. The fact that he got the best pro available for NXT (Chris Jericho) and he was booked in a non-squash match against John Cena of all people on Raw is a taster that we haven't seen the last of this man.

@megamatt (14291)
• United States
20 May 10
From what I saw of Wade Barrett, he does have the most potential out of people not named Bryan Danielson. He could be a Pay Per View main eventer in five or ten years but there is still plenty of time. No need to rush it. Of course, this show really could have been so much more. Those challenges that they have on the show were a huge part of what started to turn me off and eventually I stopped watching. What I have seen from clips on other WWE programming since has not really improved my outlook. Just wasted potential all around. I hope that Danielson gets a pretty good chance, Barrett looks pretty good, and everyone else, I can take or leave. I'm not sure if I will put this on the level of the XFL or the Invasion as huge failures, but it has to be top five. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.