Witch one?

@pierone (1893)
May 13, 2010 1:50pm CST
Witch one is the right religion? I mean the true one? How to prove it? How to show to the other religions that they are wrong? That the God they profess is not the true one? And if we knows someone that believes in the "wrong God", should we push him to believe in the right one? How much we should push him? Should we force him to change his religion? Should we impose our religion, if is the right one? "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and i'm not sure about the former." Albert: 12.4.52
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25 responses
@Steinway (307)
• United States
14 May 10
I don't believe in forcing a religion on anybody. And I don't believe in hounding somebody to come to church either. The latter is why I'm attending a church right now. For me, there is no right or wrong religion. It's how a person believes and feels, that led them on their path they are at now. Whether or not, they study Buddhism, for example, or Christanity.
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@pierone (1893)
• Italy
14 May 10
Could be interesting study better the Manitou believes too. Native americans had a great way about the religion and the world.
• China
14 May 10
I would read the Bible but I am not a Chiristan;and I would read the Buddhism,but I am not a Buddhist.We have no rights to push anyone to believe a certain religion,there religion belief is right,they have their freedom and rights to decide which one religion they believe.
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• China
14 May 10
Oh,a sensitive topic!Oh,I don't think there is right or wrong religion,all are right for their believers.Religious belief is the freedom of individuals,and noboday should push him/her to believe another religion. For me,I don't believe in any religion,but I live a good life.And I respect others' religion belief,we get along well with each other. That's my own opinion,nothing to do with others.
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@pierone (1893)
• Italy
14 May 10
I'm sure you live a good life. Never thinked that someone need a religion to have a good life ;)
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
14 May 10
What is the goal of true religion? Is it not to influence the members to be better people, better neighbors? How do we show our love for God? Is it not by the way we treat people? So if you want to find the true religion, look for the one that produces better people? When I was looking for the true religion, I asked myself as I explored different religions, "if every one on earth was of this religion, would the world be better than it is today?" That's how I made my choice. I wish you success in your quest for the true religion. If you look, you will find it!
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
15 May 10
(Laughing about your comment on the Krypton faith) On the serious side. You mention that the goal of the true religion would be to keep people under control. I think the opposite is true. John 8:32 (New International Version) 32Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." The true religion is liberating and not enslaving. The rules of true religion allow us to enjoy true freedom. Just like the traffic laws keep us from harming ourselves and others. Take care!
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
14 May 10
Yeah, this should be the main purpose of the religion. Also if I guess that the true goal of the religion is keep people under control. So, let me think.... Chatolics... no, due the jewish prosecution runned for centuries, I don't guess they influence the members to be better people... Islam.... I don't guess the jihad make members better people... Jewish... I don't know so much, but, also if I recognize them the right to be angry with the whole world (since the ancient egypt they were prosecuted everywhere), I don't guess we can say they treat so good their neighbors. What about the Kripton faith, Kal-El?
@maezee (41988)
• United States
13 May 10
There is no "right" religion. That I know of. It's all about beliefs, and we all have them, and we all usually believe in similar ideals and have similar goals for life, but put different labels on ourselves to isolate ourselves from others. It's weird.
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@marguicha (225707)
• Chile
14 May 10
I don´t believe there´s a "right" religion and I doubt if there´s any way to prove any one is "true". Religions have to do with culture and I don´t believe (are beliefs part of our own religion, I wonder?)that we westerners have no right to stop eastern women from using their dresses or budists to stop worshipping their God. I declare myself agnostic when the time comes to talk about this subject. That way I stop other people from trying to see the evil of my ways and I give them the hint that I won´t try to change their views. I am aware of the wonder of what I see and feel that life is a miracle. Put I can´t help thinking that, if ants were as primitive as we are, they would have a God ant with an ant´s face. Take care Pierone.
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
14 May 10
Obviously God have an ant face! I meant the true God, not that false idols of the other religions ;) :P :P :P (do you guess I need to clearly explain the above sentence was a joke, before someone else will rate me with a -??)
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
14 May 10
Eheheheh, don't worry, someone already rated me with - today. I started the day with 59 points, falling down to 57 till now ;)
@marguicha (225707)
• Chile
14 May 10
Maybe to a true worshipper, the real God is the anteater. And of course you should be rated with a minus.And so should I. But I guess that now my mylot´s living room is so filled with friends that they´d lift up my rating in a jiffy.
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@neh357 (173)
• Philippines
14 May 10
Nice post..Too many questions to answer. Just kidding! =) There is no such thing as right religion or true religion, all types of religion worships only one God. I am born Roman Catholic and practices all the lessons I have learned from it. In my circle of friends, there are different religions and we respect each other. There is no 'wrong God' either. There is only one God. How are we going to push someone to believe in something very mysterious? For example, if your friend talks that her religion is better than yours, respect that. Everybody has different point of views, different attitudes. If we insist that our own religion is right, we must stop and think, only our God knows. =)
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
14 May 10
If my friend says that her religion is better than mine, it means she don't respect me and my beliviors, so probably it means I chosen the wrong friend ;)
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
14 May 10
That's an easy one. Mine is the right one. If you don't believe as I do, it's fine, but you are wrong. You'll find out when you die and go to heaven. I'm not about to try and convert you or force to change.
• Israel
14 May 10
I was being sarcastic. Just about everyone thinks theirs is the right one and all others are at least a bit misguided. Heck Bleep religion. I'll just worship my cats. They are perfect creatures deserving of being loved cherished and worshiped as gods and goddesses. Cats rock my world. You would never have guessed from my screen name. Huh? LOL
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
14 May 10
Thanks for don't force me ;) I don't know wich one is your God, also if I suppose that for a CatLady from Israel is not the Cat(holic) one ;). Anyway, if you could better know me, you would never suppose I could enter in the heaven ;)
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
15 May 10
every person to choose a religion based on individual beliefs. they believe in God in accordance with the religion which they believe. we can not impose a religion on others. if you want to invite others to embrace your religion. better not by forcing. better you talk and discuss without having cornered. if people were to believe what you are talking about, he'll switch to the religion that you embrace. I respect all religions. I will not force others to embrace my religion. I live in families that have a different religion. but we respect each other.
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
15 May 10
These are great words. Could be nice if everyone in the world would remember to keep well firm in his mind these words. What about if I invite someone to embrace my religion, and after studied my religion he will decide to embrace mine one leaving his former religion? Should be ok? At least he's just deciding to believe in God, just in another way, right?
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
14 May 10
Why does there have to be any singular religion? Every single religion in the world has many faults and problems to it, and every single one, or divisions of one, have points that go against eachother. On this scale, it would be nearly impossible for any religion to be right. "We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further." - Richard Dawkins
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
15 May 10
Starting from the point to accept the existence of a God, and starting from the point that all the religions are a try to represent that God (also if in different ways) and give to the believers some life rules, do you guess that we (humans) should try to "make a sum" of the actual religions, trying to figure out the "rigth God", and a subset of uneversally accepted liferules? Could we try to find the "politically correct" religion in this way?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 May 10
God grants us all the freedom to CHOOSE. Shouldn't we all do the same?? Now which religion is right???? None of them. They all do carry some truth but none really understand God. God is beyond the petty things of man such as worship, ruling, controlling, trying to be somebody, and the struggles for power. Religion is man's attempt to understand God. Before you follow the rest of your life, realize you are just as special as anyone you deem important enough to follow. You will understand God sooner if you venture on your own path to discovery.Listen to the advice of others but walk your own path. Life's lessons are best learned that way. After all, God gave that life to you. Trust yourself enough to discover on your own. God will always be around to help you discover. God is not a ruler. God is a teacher.God is Unconditional Love. No matter what they tell you. You should have no fear of God.
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
14 May 10
Well. About have no fear of God I'm not totally agree. If God is the one that killed thousands egyptians to save His "Chosen People", than I guess I have fear. If God is the one that sent the Great Flood to punish his childs, I have fear. If God is the ones that don't care of dozen thousands people that die starving every year in the world, I have fear. If is the one that done nothing to stops the wars in the human history, I have fear. If this is God, then is really better believe in the Flying Spaghetti monster. If this is God, I can have fear but, more, I don't need him. "I don't know if God exists, but it would be better for His reputation if He didn't." Jules (Renard), 1:25
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
14 May 10
Oh, so it was ITS people. I was heard that we are all his child, not only some ones. And well, I've a little difficult to understand to whom the punishment is sent when some disaster like the recent earthquakes happens, or when the tsunamis arrives. Another thing I've not totally understood. If he was punishing the Egyptians like a parent, because of what they done to ITS people, where he was when the nazi was killing 6 million people of the same ITS people?
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
14 May 10
I C, thanks for your explanations.
• Philippines
14 May 10
It is not the religion which would save the people... It is the love for God and Trust in him... It is by doing good things and showing love and concern to others... It is by following the 10 commandments of God.
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
15 May 10
Yes, I guess I can say you're right. About the 10 commandments, here there is a problem. Different religions have "adapted" the commandments of God to their own way to be a religion. The Holy Bible should be the common base of jewish and Catholics (and protestants, and avventists, and so on). Assuming the history datation of the religions whe should say that the Jewish bible should be the "original" one, at least because till the "Jesus revolution" that bible should be the only one. Now, if you compare the two versions of the 10 commandments, you will easily see that catholics have "cutted of" the number 2 (that protestants still have in the original version), and splitted the number 10 into 2 different commandments. So the number of commandments is still the same (10), but catholics, with this modify, "gain" the right to pray the images. The "cutted of" commandment says something like: 2. You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it. (and this is the reason catholic cutted of: it don't fit with the worship of Maria, all the Saints, and so on). This commandment disappeared in the catholic version of the 10 commandments, and simply the other commandments are shifted up by one position. The original 10th should be something like: 10. You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor. That becomed 9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. 10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods. And with this "trick" voilat! The commandments now are 10 again, but there is not anymore the one that is not "politically correct" according to the catholic religion rules ;)
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
19 May 10
Oh, I guess I'm almost right about the commandments. You can easily find it comparing the different versions of the Bible (there are dozens of different versions). You will find yourself that the catholic, protestant and jewish have slight different versions of the commandments, and the catholic ones, as I said, cutted out the commandment 2 and splitted into 2 commandments the number 10. Assuming that the "original" book should be the jewish one (just from an historical point of view because of the "release date", I'm not assigning any religious reason in this sentence), should be clear that the modifications were made by catholics, right?
• Philippines
15 May 10
As I said, it is NOT the religion that will save us, it is by our faith and love for God. God will not discriminate any religions, he will judge us according to our hearts. He will not say-- Oh you are a catholic or Oh you are a protestant or so on , you are not allowed in my kingdom... Religions have different beliefs and versions, same as people have different understanding in certain things. Like for example, if we were given a sentence to read-- I may understood or interpreted it differently to the way you understood it and/or others too... But what ever the interpretation is- the main objective is to follow and respect GOD. And that is what matter most to him. Our obidience and faith in Him. I am a catholic but I am aware of that "You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it." And I don't agree with it too.
@TeamCholent (2832)
• United States
13 May 10
We should not force anyone to convert to another religion, that is just wrong on so many different levels if you ask me. Tolerance is something G-d wants from us, He put us in this world, we are different from the next on so many levels but we can exist together if you tried and are willing to accept others for who they are. Which 1 religion is right? It boils down to worshiping G-d and He alone. Whatever name you call Him, its still the same entity.
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
13 May 10
Yes, you're right. But seems that lot of people don't think so. In the whole human history there were (and there are) wars because of the religion. So there is something wrong. Or not all the Gods are asking tolerance from their believers, or someone teached something wrong to some believers.
• United States
13 May 10
People teach hatred to benefit themselves
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
14 May 10
hey there Cholent :D
@meirhu (363)
• Israel
14 May 10
It is the Humanist stance that each person has the right AND the duty to decide for hirself which is the "right" religion. There is story of a man who searched out a Sufi master to ask him which was better - Hinduism or Buddhism ? The Sufi refused to tell him. He requested that the man go back and study ONE of them. And to come back later in 6 months. 6 months later the man returned with the same question. He told the master that he had studied one or them for the past 6 months. The Sufi master said - "You really don't need my answer - right ?" I mentioned before in another post that ALL religions are right in many things and ALL of them are wrong in other things, that is except for MY religion which is right in all things. LOL
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
14 May 10
Yes, and I guess is in the humans DNA the behavior to believe that their truths must be universal truths. I guess this happens on lot of topics, including the religion. Thanks, and have a nice time.
@meirhu (363)
• Israel
14 May 10
Of course every religion should be examined carefully including MY religion. I wonder how many people would think EXACTLY as I do. Probably very few all though more and more people are coming close. I think you missed the point about the religions that the Sufi was asked about. I could have just as easily written Islam and Christianity.
@maxyl12 (236)
• Philippines
14 May 10
We just cant judge people belief in regards with religion. We must be careful whom we are dealing with. To some, there are people who is very fanatic for their religion. Stupidity you mean. But for some is worth for dying for. We must respect our own ideals.
• Israel
14 May 10
I lost one reputation point. I guess people don't like it that I don't think exactly like they do. Anytime you get into politics or religion, your reputation will go down. Our star rating is not supposed to be for agreeing or disagreeing, but for making a well thought out comment, but people don't play by the rules and will hit negative if they disagree with you. ciao
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
14 May 10
Sorry, I would never like to call a fanatic a stupid person. He's for sure a dangerous person. Fanatism and fundamentalism are two of the biggest problem of the religions, and we all should be take care of this problem. You can see here in this discussion too, thanks to fanatism I've already lose 2 reputation points ;)
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
18 May 10
there is no ONE TRUE religion just like no religion is WRONG..they are all right and true to each person who follows them..and IMO thats as it should be..We arent carbon copies of one another so to think that any ONE religion would be suitable for EVERYONE is just foolish.....
• United States
18 May 10
I think you need to test the various religions to see what kind of validity there is to that faith's beliefs. For instance, what does the sacred writings say? Have the things that can be proven been proven accurate? Is there prophesy that's come to pass? If everyone were to follow that faith, would the world be a better place?
@hvedra (1619)
13 May 10
Some of us profess a whole bunch of gods, along with worshipping our ancestors, animism and so on. Trying to force someone to convert to your religion is a sign of insecurity - if it was obviously right for everyone then everyone would believe it. Forcing people into a religion is pretty much impossible. You can force them into the customs but not into belief.
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
13 May 10
Maybe you're right, forcing people into a religion is pretty much impossible. But the history teach us that forced conversions were done in the ancient times and in the modern times (up to the second world war by the Catholic church against jewish). And till nowadays with a slight variant: instead to try to force people into a conversion, they simply kill the people that "guilty" belives in the "wrong God".
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• Philippines
14 May 10
i think every religion has its own faith and tradition, but i believe that there's only one god. i think the word "religion" really makes it different. every religion had their own different god. i think for me there is only one GOD. the reason why there's a lot of religions and a lot of gods now is because we think and act different,..different faiths, cultures, beliefs, traditions and presumptions. that's why there's a lot of religion ... For me Jesus Christ is the GOD and i believe in him.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
14 May 10
There are only 2 true religion in the world today and that's the church of God and the church of the devil. I think its really hard to know which one is the church of God cause there are already a lot of religions claiming to be the true one. I always believe in the power of prayer. In James 1:5, it says there that if we lack wisdom then we should ask God. I know God answers prayers. We just need to be sincere about what we are asking for. Look for the religion that will help you go back to God. You will not be pushed to do it but you will feel it for yourself that you have found where you belong.
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
14 May 10
Sometimes is amazing how someone can imply an answer giving another answer. "in James 1:5.....". What do you guess it can means for a buddist, or a muslim, or an agnostic this name? The first name I got in my mind was Jesse James, a famous "western epopea" bandit. I suppose that's not the man said that, so probably you are referring to the Holy Bible. You see, we all are inclined to make the same mistake. If we follow a religion, expecially in a country where that religion is the most followed one, then we suppose ALL the people should know and follow that religion. In some countries you can find an Holy Bible in any hotel room (I guess in the US is in this way). Forgetting that at least half of the world don't believe in any of the 3 monotheistic religions. Is always nice share our beliefs, but we should keep in mind that is possible we are talking to people that knows nothing about them, so better explain something we could consider obvious. ;)
@nsj947 (284)
• India
14 May 10
Choice of religion is personal and we should always respect each others religion, that is what I think we are the sons and daughters of the same god but the only difference is that some name the god jesus some call him allah and some call him with some other name.
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
14 May 10
Yes, this could be true. Maybe the problem is that some people don't only calls God with different name, but seems want to kill the ones that call God with a different name than the one they use.