Help what do I do with my grand daugher

@bdugas (3578)
United States
May 14, 2010 11:56pm CST
Anyone have any suggestions, I have a grand daughter that is 16, some where along the lines she has decided that thugs and dope addicts and trash, by that I means ones that aren't in school but walk the streets are the ones that are so cool. She litterly had me fighting on Facebook because of the nasty language she was using. It went through all my friends pages including mine. I was so embrassed, and then you got the thugs telling her it no ones business what she does or what she says to go one do as she pleases. Her whole attitude sucks, her mother walks in the evenings, tonight she didn't go with her mother, but then called her after she left and said she was coming to catch up with her, appparently she changed her mind somewhere along the lines. at 10 her mother called me all upset that they couldn't find her, it was dark and late and the entire police department was on alert looking for her. Where was she sitting in the bedroom with her grand father, watching a movie, I didn't even see her come in. When she talked to her mother she gave some story about her side or back hurting so she came back here. She came out into the living room and sit in the recliner and it was that attitude that got to me, and when I was ask what the problem was I lit in on her, she has no respect for anyone, not even herself. She could very easily picked up the phone and called her mother and let her know she was here.Or of let me know she was here, I would of called her mother. She didn't want to. It is that attitude that got me started, I told her I had had it with her and that attitude and was not going to put up with it anymore. That she has no respect for us, her mother or anyone else and I stay up here for them, because I spent so many years living a 1000 miles from them, but I can pack my bags and head back home in a heart beat if the thugs and low lifes are what she thinks so much of, then have at it but stay the hell awway from me. i will no longer put up with that attitude in my home. She has made everyone in the area think from what she has typed on Fb that she is the biggest sl*ut they got out there. She seems to think that is the way to get attention, OH it gets it for her, but not the attention she needs. I am at my wits end with her. And I know her mother is also. her father and mother have been divorced for about 12 years she gets no attention from him, so I don't know if this is what she is battling for to get some of the attention he should be giving her. She also had a stroke when she was 8 years old, I know I had no idea that kids have strokes someone said that this can affect their thinking and attitude what do you think. My opinion she needs to sit in lockup for the weekend and if that don't work then for half the summer till she learns that foul language and doing what she decides to do it not cutting it. I am afraid that we are going to find her in a ditch some where one day, she will say going to the library and then it off some where else. Any way I did not get a good response from her papa, he said I hurt her feelings, well how many times has she hurt mine. Talking to her don't seem to work, not us or couseling either. Tell me what you would do.
3 responses
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
15 May 10
i deal with kids like this alot, one main thing dad isnt in the picture and girl wants that attention from thier dads. you guys need to band together, and what i tell parents, mom need to share her life experance with her daughter, thing she did and what it cost her from the chooses she made. and stay tough on her. i am a true beliver in tough love. and if she still dont want to straighten up, not sure where you live at but what i did was take my kids to the police station and threaten to sign them over to the state until they were 21 yrs old. and have the cops explain to her they tell what time to get up, what time to eat, shower and go to bed. you need to be firm with her, stay on her butt. tough love. and if she wants to fight with you guys or put her hands on you have her lock up for the weekend. but one main thing is her dad isnt in the picture why she's looking for attention the wrong places and the wrong people.
@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
15 May 10
I have read your post and it's quite full of pent up emotions. I understand that you love your grand daughter and you only want what's the best for her. But unfortunately this girl has no respect and did not return the love to you. That mus be hard because everything she does reflected on you and to her mother. Maybe this girl had some internal problems and since she can't talk to anyone she always do it in a rebellious way. Many teens are undergoing the same inner struggle. But some kids just do the extreme by giving their elders so many problems as if the are the only important people in this planet. I do sympathize with your predicament. Try to talk to her in a heart to heart manner. Just don't give up.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
15 May 10
Thank you, I guess maybe my jumping down her throat and telling her what I thought about her actions, might some how seep into that very smart brain of her's. My husband when he walked her home said I really hurt her, well good maybe it took that for her to see she will not push me around any longer. I am hoping it will open her eyes a bit. This is where she stays most of the time, I let her cook and do things her mother doesn't cause she needs to learn these things, if she makes a mess she cleans it up. And she is my heart, I want her to be able to take care of herself, but this no respect for anyone has got to stop.
• Philippines
15 May 10
Do you know anyone who she would listen to? Like her parents or someone like a mentor? Let that person talk to her. Maybe it can change her. Kids these days are just out of place. They want to try everything and therefore more prone to crash and burn.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
15 May 10
She got really mouthy and attacked her mother over pure bs, and the court had her picked up, she spent one whole night and most of the next day in lockup, before she went into court. For awhile she did ok, but I am getting to the point that I believe she should spend a few more days in lockup, her mother and I are all she really has besides her papa, maybe if he would talk to her, he don't want to hurt her feelings, awwwwwww too bad, someone needs to get the idea across to her, that her behaviour will not be tolerated. She has been to counsleing and I think that they made things worse. I didn't sleep but an hour or so last night feeling bad that I hurt her feelings, but some where she has to get the idea that acting like she does and the vulgar language is not going to be tolerated any longer. She complains that she has no friends, if I was a teenagers mother I would not want my daughter around her. I actually believe this all happens after the weekends she spends with her father he lives with a woman who hates his kids but they are court ordered to go there and she puts ideas in her head. Thank you for your reply.