I just can't imagine life before internet, can you!!

Internet - How on earth did we manage without it?
@oldchem1 (8132)
May 15, 2010 5:31am CST
It is only 20 years since we have had the internet, about a third of my lifetime, but how on earth did we manage withou it\/ Questions are answered at the touch of a buuton, we can check our nanks, we can sebnd messages instantly. Without the internet, what would you miss most? I think it would be e-mail for me!!
6 responses
@SheyBee (18)
• France
16 May 10
If there would not be an internet, I would miss the most: the search engine!! Because with a search engine I can find easily the information I am looking for, I can find articles, pictures and videos. I do not use e-mail messages so often, so I would not miss the lack of this option so much. I do miss the post cards, so the lack of internet might bring back the old qualities of sending a post-card!! And before, I think, that people lived more calm. Internet has not only made easier our communication, but it also consumes a lot of our time end has brought some bad habbits as well! Before internet, it was a television, and before television: it was a radio. I wonder only one thing: what's next? What will be our time-consumer in the nearest future?
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@neh357 (173)
• Philippines
15 May 10
Hi oldchem1 (416) I came from a province, studied in local high school, without internet connection, i have no idea what is email, blogging, facebook, friendster, and other social networking sites, in short i do not even know how to start a computer.. we live our life with all just the basic needs,.we dont even have our own television, if i want to watch a television show, i would walk at least 2 miles because there is only one household who have television in our place, i do not know how to a computer looks like! ! just imagine how boring my life was? hehehe, then i came to manila, the busyiest place here in the Philippines, i studied in one of the best state university here as a scholar, imagine my amazement when i finally had my computer in front of my, i think i will develop cyberphobia then,. through my super addicted friends on chatting, i learned how to create my own email address, learned how to chat, have friends in the net, and best of all, i learned how to use the internet as a tool to have data on my research,. Now, i have manage to have my own computer, (having a hard time saving for it, but it is worth the wait) and now, i have my own internet connection, I now realize how internet make me live my life comfortably, without walking extra miles just to watch my favorite videos, movies and the like, Without an internet connection, my computer is worthless! do you agree? hehehe, I hope i can share this wonders of internet to my siblings where i came from, i believe time will come, they will experience internets many advantages, i just hope they will not abuse it's use..
@oldchem1 (8132)
15 May 10
Oh yes, I do agree. My internet line went down acouple of weeks ago and I was lost!!!
@sallyj (1225)
• United States
16 May 10
No i can not. I can get my questions answered, just by sorting through a few sites and not a library of books. You can organize a composition, spell check, copy and paste is one of my favorites. I remember writing and rewriting for school papers. Hours and hours of organizing, now it is easier. Being middle aged my family just does not understand all i do on here.
• United States
16 May 10
hi oldchem1, I don't know, but we did. But now, that I have had the change to have a computer and the INTERNET I would not want to go back. Have a wonderful day Snow
• Philippines
16 May 10
I think of course i would miss posting here at MyLot.. i can't even share my thoughts to everybody. i can't talk to my friends here.. i can't view other peoples opinion.. i think i will be very sad if thaT will happen.. :(
@sagar21 (1579)
• India
15 May 10
Me too.I can't even think about no internet. Of course e-mail I'll will miss it the most.