Are you not BORED of seeing the repeatative discussions.

@babshish (1387)
May 15, 2010 12:07pm CST
I am really bored seeing lots of repetative discussions. Just a simple question why don't we search the topic on which we want to start the discussion and see if it is already there ? In past couple of days I have seen so many discussions on gagabux and readbud. Almost similar type of questions only. It will be helpful for us only if we search the discussions and look out for other responses. Even if you want to earn, starting discussion is not only the way. I am such fed up with such discussions. My humble request to all please search for topic before starting discussions. Sorry if I hearted anyones feelings.
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32 responses
@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
17 May 10
so you've also noticed... i really don't know the policy regarding this repetitive topics... almost copied to the last letter, even to the wrong syntax. sometimes, i don't feel coming to mylot anymore because of this repetitive, and also ridiculous posts... you don't have to say sorry to those cheats who go more for the money than for the discussions...
@babshish (1387)
• India
18 May 10
Yes bystander I have not only noticed this, but also got few of my responses deleted, but would like to tell you that I am bored but not fed up, and still love to read other valuable discussions. Keep enjoying mylot.
@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
19 May 10
@SheyBee (18)
• France
15 May 10
I do not feel annoyed when I see a discussion that is from a repetitive type. Because there are no similar posts or discussion, they seem to be the same, but the answers are always different, and there are new members who join these discussion and give their opinions and their experiences, and it is always so interesting to read their answers! What we would need to look after, is that You do not repeat Your own discussions and Your own questions. For example, if some other member will start a discussion that seems to repeat Your discussion more that 1 month old, keep in mind that for this other member it is the first discussion on this topic. So, You can not and should not blame him or her.
@babshish (1387)
• India
15 May 10
What I mean to say is if there would have one or two discussion on the topic you would get everything at one place, else it will be scattered like one member has given some good information on particular topic and after a week some one else had started the same topic so the person who responded will not have much to say on that topic again and when you will look at the second disucssion you will not find that good answer. If the discussion is more older than it is fine, but what is happening here is there are many discussion on readbud or gagabux for example in single day itself. That is what I want to point out. Not blaming any one
• France
15 May 10
Oh, I see... :) But still, as time goes by, probably You will change Your thoughts at the end of the day! So You can still answer to those discussions that repeats on the same day. As for me, it has happened that I answer to one topic with a positive reponse, but after 4 days I get another type of an experience that changes my whole experience!! So after this experience, I can answer to the same discussion with a different type of experience, as it has really changed during a time!
@Wizzywig (7847)
15 May 10
I think it stands to reason that discussions will be repeated as there are constantly new members joining. Sometimes people may start discussions which appear to be repeated but they are quite different in content and the angle they are taking. I do agree that there are many about whether different sites are 'scams' or value for money & those are the sort that I do not even bother to look at. There are times when similar discussions do not come up in a search - they need the right words to be included in that search.
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@babshish (1387)
• India
15 May 10
Well yes you are right and the main reason for posting this topic is that instead of repeating similar topics with similar meaning , check for the existing discussions. Yes there are many discussions where the contents are different. Well I guess I need to keep on ignoring such discussions as well.
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@scififan43 (2434)
• United States
19 May 10
I see the same discussions all the time on mylot. I will answer some but not others. I do agree with you that a mylot user should research the topic and see if it has been recely used. this is not always easy though. there are lots of topics to lok though and chosse so it is not easy. but I think mylots have the same questions in mind and will ask redunante questions.
• United States
20 May 10
Yes I agree, I alwasy ingnore them too.
@babshish (1387)
• India
20 May 10
Yeah I agree with you that it is not always easy to search the discussions, but my main reason for this topic is to avoid the same discussion within a day or two. Which can be easily searched. Well lets do what we were doing till date, just ignore them.
• Switzerland
15 May 10
Of course it will be boring to hear or read discussions which was discussed many times by different users. However, it will also be helpful for other people to get more information from different ideas of people all over the world. People have different point of views and I think that when somebody already accepted the fact that it is boring to read, on the other hand, it could also be useful. Thank you.
@babshish (1387)
• India
15 May 10
You are right that people have different point of views, but than can be posted in the topic itself, why to create new one with similar meaning.Well may be I should also keep on ignoring the same.
1 person likes this
• India
15 May 10
True, there are many repetative discussions. When I look at them its like perhaps I have already responded to this discussion and finally will find that no there was something similar which I had replied. It would be good to come up with something new and that would interest us to respond to.
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@babshish (1387)
• India
15 May 10
Thanks for sharing your view Ajay, lets see how if by any chance this topic affect the people from creating same discussion.
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@TexLadyPj (1328)
• United States
17 May 10
I read all the responses that different people made and each had a different perspective. I particulary liked the last one about people who start several discussions, one right after the other. How could they possibly respond to each person. I'm watching how each member treats the people who respond and have formed a pattern of thought...I intend to start one or maybe two discussions so I can respond to people. I do see repetitive and it takes me time to pick them through so that I can find one to respond to. I wonder if people realize that some of us are very careful about how we respond to discussions. Initially I thought I could do 5-10 discussions a day, I find that is not possible as I only spend 30min on mylot. The other problem I find is sometimes mylot hangs up and it takes 20min for my discussion to be loaded. I cannot copy and paste so I lose that discussion. Thanks for your discussion, it was very thoughtful and helped me to sort mylot behavior.
@babshish (1387)
• India
18 May 10
Thanks for sharing your view TexladyPj, well it depends on individuals how they respond to each discussions and here there are many members since long and the way the respond is really superb. You will surely enjoy your time here. Keep on mylotting and enjoy your time here
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
20 May 10
YES! That's why I don't spend much time here. I like much better, and they pay better too.
@babshish (1387)
• India
22 May 10
Well although it is bore in case of few discussions, but still I like here as there are still number of discussions which are more interesting, as compared to this similar discussions which are more for earning sites only. Anyways I still like to be here compared to other forums, As earning is secondary for me while using mylot. Thanks for sharing your views.
@airakumar (1553)
• India
20 May 10
Hi babshish, it is sometimes really boring to respond repeating discussion but there are some which are somehow same but the contents and the way is different which you can respond. Also it is not possible to respond that discussion by searching. You can respond any of the discussion according to your choice. If you feel like commenting, you can go for it if not, just leave it but please do not feel disheartened for it.
@babshish (1387)
• India
20 May 10
Yes totally agree with you that sometimes it is boring and sometimes the topics might be same but the contents are different. Yes so thats why I have decided that will start ignoring such discussions. Thanks for sharing your views.
• Mexico
16 May 10
Hi babshish: I don't feel bored for that, seriously. I try to tolerate this because some people simply prefer to start their topics. In some cases they just think that they want to receive directly the answers and don't want to read the answers that were posted before. It's an attitude. for me this doesn't bother me at all because I only chose the discussions that make feel interested. Thanks for asking us this question. Have a nice day. ALVARO.
@babshish (1387)
• India
16 May 10
Thanks for sharing your view starsailover, well I am also going to ignore all such discussions.
@de_toya (2429)
• Indonesia
17 May 10
I am not. If you are bored or bothered with repetitive questions or discussions, just leave it away. Don't read it. This is always I do when I found similar discussion that I didn't interest. One reason perhaps we posted similar discussion is that we need up to date information. Old discussion, a week or a month ago won't give you up to date information. For example, discussion about gagabux payment last month, the renponses about the discussion won't be relevant today. If someone want to know about gagabux payment today, he or she can't make conclusion based on discussion that posted and answered last month. The situation is different. If he or she start new discussion about gagabux payment today, he or she could get different answer than discussion posted last month. It could be good good idea if we search it before we start discussion. We can find recent discussion. If we find relevant discussion that meet our needed, we can post response. Often, I myself forget to do it.
@babshish (1387)
• India
18 May 10
Yes I have also thought of ignoring such discussions. Well you are right that old discussions will not have upto date information, but what about the discussions which are few hours old, or couple of days old. I agree that old discussions will not have updated information and one of the reason of starting this discussion is also same, as there were many discussions earlier on searching. Anyways thanks for sharing your views.
• Philippines
16 May 10
yes i am so bored, well maybe it is not exactly the same but we can see when the starter of the discussion start discussing what is the content of his/her post then it really bored me specially when the topic is already been post
@babshish (1387)
• India
16 May 10
Yeah agree with you Jiraiysanin, well its a free forum and everyone has the right to post his own topic, lets ignore this and keep on enjoying mylotting.
• Mexico
16 May 10
Hi jirayasanin: In my case I try to tolerate this because, sometimes the topic starter don't know that this topic has been posted yet because he/she don't care to look for them or he/she think that he/shewants to receive new responses. I only find bored to read discussions about subjects that for me have no sense and there's not a real debate to make around them, but at the same time I clarify that is just an opinion. Thanks for your answer. Have a nice day. ALVARO.
@mokkka (881)
• Bulgaria
16 May 10
It is quite obvious that the world is not so big that we do not think about the same things.There are just some main problems which concern us all so that do not bother to read same things.There are so many people here that you may read 100s of different answers on one and the same thing.
@babshish (1387)
• India
16 May 10
Well you are right, it was just to help out people for searching existing ones, as they might miss some good responses posted by members which might be of something they are looking for.
• Romania
16 May 10
yes, it is true. I mean, lots of people doing that only to get some money. and this is the true. we all need money, and does not matter anything anymore. we are all satying online to get some extra cash. we are all tired, too tired, to get some nice discussion, to get some interesting themes. we all want just to do that and do it fast and to get to sleep. it should do everything from pleasure. this discutions should only make us laugh, but when the bills comes we are not laughing anymore. it is sad that is happening something like this and I am sure that only we can change it. it is up to what we want...
@babshish (1387)
• India
16 May 10
Yes we all need money, but the thing is if your discussion is deleted then you lose the money, so if we keep on responding it will add to our income and we may also get rewarded for searching
• United States
16 May 10
Yes, I'm bored with it simply because the same/similar question arises almost every day. But, when I wrote about how bored I was with the same discussions, I was reminded that new people join every day and they may not know how to search for previous discussions on a subject. Reminder taken. It still gets boring, since it's one of the few questions that ALWAYS show up in my email box. Surely out of all the member on this site, another question could take the place of this one occasionally.
@babshish (1387)
• India
16 May 10
Thats the reason of creating this topic again, I am also aware that many such discussions are there for searching existing discussions, but they all are not up, so kind of ignored, may be this will also go aways in a day or two. Anyways lets keep on ignoring those topics and enjoy mylotting.
@nangisha (3496)
• Indonesia
16 May 10
Hi babshih!. I can see what you say I new in here too, but I see so many repeated discussion. I even make discussion like you made here..... I think its because so many new members here to reason that discussions will be repeated as there are constantly. Sometimes people may start discussions which appear to be repeated but they are quite different in content and experience of the members. There are times when similar discussions do not come up in a search - they need the right tags to be included in that search.
@babshish (1387)
• India
16 May 10
Yeah for that reason only I have posted this topic, so new members can read and if they feel this is not right can ignore this as well, not intending to hurt anyone's feeling.
@umit_umit (1984)
• India
16 May 10
yeah,its true friend the words changes but the crux of the discussions remains the same!and they are repetative so much that you feel bored and dull responding them!!well for i am concerned i toohave done this twice but will not do it again ,taking in the positive way!!
@babshish (1387)
• India
16 May 10
Yes agree with you Unit_unit. Thanks for taking these in positive way. My intention is not to hurt anyone's feeling. Everyone has right to post his own topic.
@markleob (1902)
• Philippines
16 May 10
of course i am. that why i seldom post discussion now because it think all the discussions have been posted already. if i could find something that was asked already, i dont mind answering it again.
@babshish (1387)
• India
16 May 10
Well thats right, even I had responded many similar discussion, the reason over here is same topic within a couple of days. Thanks for sharing.
@kielogs (188)
• Philippines
16 May 10
not really some of the discussions are meant for the newbies in mylot. At least you get to know other people and how their personalities are in the forum discussions.
@babshish (1387)
• India
16 May 10
Well thats right, but that can be also done by posting in the existing ones as well.
@chiwasaki (4694)
• Philippines
16 May 10
I'm not really bored about redundant topics. I actually became more interested since I'm learning a lot from the same topics. I'm hearing a lot of insights about a particular topic and I don't know but I seem to enjoy it. These doesn't bother me at all.
@babshish (1387)
• India
16 May 10
That's really nice to hear, keep on enjoying mylotting.