My Dog Is A Picky Eater, Could you Help Me?

May 15, 2010 12:13pm CST
My dog is such a picky eater! I never knew it could be this hard to feed her. He belonged to someone else before I got her.She was so spoiled by her previous owner that she cooks her food and never fed her dog food. She is only 5 months old. I kept trying to feed her dog food and keep on switching the brand but she never like any of them. The other day I bought the best and most expensive dog food but she never ate! All she likes to eat is ground pork or beef with veggies and if I add rice in it she would never it. The vet said I should feed her dog food with the complete nutrients and she must have a certain amount of carbohydrates but I am surrendering because she would never eat. I tried not feeding her for a whole day then fed her dog food only but still she never touched it. Guys any tips on how I can make her eat dog food? In my country beef and pork are more expensive than dog food! Plus I need to spend for gas to cook her food when I could save it. I need your help guys!
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11 responses
@Ruibinha (157)
• Portugal
16 May 10
Make her hungry. Never let the food be on the ground. Establish some rules, schedules. My puppy vet said: "twice per day, put the food tray on the ground, beware that water should be always there" Never give your food to her, or she will kinda jump to your table to get some. Try to give her food after you ate, in this case it means your the boss, you eat first, then her. For example: All day should be always clean water. After you eat your lunch, give her the bowl of her food (dog food). After 1 hour take it back, only leave the water bowl on the ground. After you dinner, do the same thing. Give her the bowl of food, wait 1 hour and then take it back. Do this for several days, and you will see that she will eat. Don't be the weak one, dogs must know we are their "parents", so we make the rules. She can be depressive in the begging but she will eat. You say you tried not to feeding her for 1 day, and you gave up? Try the way I'm telling you, but never, never, give her some food of your own. After she eat her food from the bowl, give her some cookie and cuddling, she will see that her action made you happy and she gets a reward. Your not her first owner, so you need to be really patient and be kinda harsh with her. I'm not saying to beat her (I would never do that with my puppy or any other). Just show her whose the boss. If you continue surrending she will do whatever she wants with you... like you said, she was spoiled. Give her time, make schedules for the feeding, make plans, give cookies. They will learn with that. Good luck :) By the way, don't be scared if she doesn't eat too much for days. My puppy is the same, but when she is hungry she eat almost 2 bowls, and she is from tiny races lol ;)
• Philippines
16 May 10
Hi thank you for your advice. You gave me a lot of ideas on how to go on with this. Yup I will never give her my food so she will stop looking for it.
@Ruibinha (157)
• Portugal
16 May 10
I'm glad I could helped you. I found Sushi (my puppy :D) in the internet. The "dog retirement" was trying to give them or they would need to be killed :(. When she came to my home, she didn't ate for days, I tried to dissolve even more "liquid dog food" into water, and she ate. After some weeks I started using less water until it became solid dog food. It was perfect. She, now, ate solid food perfectly. Of course she loves eating some of our food, but I try not to give her, 1 or 2 times per week, an apple, a bit of ham, cheese.. isn't going to harm her. I changed 3 times her food (marks), and she felt the difference and she stopped eating. But every time she went there to eat, I give her kisses and cuddlings so she could see that was a good action. Treating and teaching dogs require lots of patience and able to be firm with that little poor eyes looking to us asking for "good food". We can't obey them, we can't do everything they wish for. It's like children. We need to know when to give them and, still, be in control. Good luck on your puppy ^^ I wanna know when she starts eating better :) . I'm curious ^^
• Philippines
17 May 10
Hi,last night and this morning she ate a little bit as I was firm with the no table food policy. I have to also train family members as we all know with many people around there will a breach in the training. I only placed a bowl of water for her to drink and the dog food. Guess she is learning by now that if she does not eat she will not get any special treatment at all. Hope she consistently eats.
• Philippines
17 May 10
Hi my cats too are picky eaters; when my daughter bought Friscas they didn't eat it. They are used to my cooking. You know I cook them a meal with fish, a bit veggies and some rice. They like it very much; so what I always do, I add a little bit of Friscas everyday and they began to like their meals. You just have to do it bit by bit. Oh please don't add salt. If they're not eating sometimes they have to take laxative. I let them take laxative every month. Ask your vet first before letting him take any medicine for assurance of his health.
• Philippines
17 May 10
I did that too but she picks out the kibbles and only eat the meat! sneaky little mutt! I bring her to the vet every month and they were never able to give me the kind of help I need. They just tells me that she is so used to eating it that her taste buds are looking for it. I am taking home a new puppy at the end of the month and by this time I will be using dog food and not cooked food. Guess she would eat the same when she starts seeing the other eating dog food.
• Philippines
17 May 10
Hi maybe it's a good idea to get him a playmate so he have time to play ; in this case he'll be active and eat a lot. Good luck.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
15 May 10
Have you tried mixing dog food with the regular food you feed her. Maybe mixing it a little bit would help her get used to the taste of dog food. If this doesn't work maybe looking online for cheaper alternatives such as recipes you can cook that won't burn a hole in your wallet.
• Philippines
16 May 10
i did do that already but what she does is take out the kibbles and eat the regular food I give her! Talk about being sneaky! Sneaky little mutt! She is very intelligent and she find ways to get what she wants.
• Canada
19 May 10
She knows she has u beat. Buy a good dog food, u said u bought the best. Take some of the food that she qas eating before, mix with good dog food. Place on the floor, if she doesn't eat pick it up off the floor, after a few hours place it on the floor again. Keep doing that until she eats.Whe nshe sees that all she is going to get is what u give her, she will give in. When she stars eating regularly and she will, slowly cut back on adding to the dog food... I add cooked chicken legs to my dogs food, they need alot of protein... REMEMBER ALWAYS LUV/ CARE, TRAIN FOR YOUR DOG/ PET, THEY WILL ALWAYS LUV U... EVEN WHEN U TRY HARD SELL
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
18 May 10
I think that the only thing that you can really do is continue to offer dog food to her. She will eventually get hungry and she will have to eat what is offered to her. If you are afraid of her starving because of this, then I would start cutting her table food with dog food adding a little bit more dog food to her bowl every day until eventually everything that is in her bowl is dog food without being cut with any of the table food. I hope that this might work for you.
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
17 May 10
Try to give the puppy back to the real owner or just leave the dog a dog food. If the dog gets hungry, he/she will eat it. Just a little bit of patience.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
15 May 10
Give the dog longer than a day with out home cooked food. Set the dog food out and leave it. When the dog gets hungry enough, she will eat. Make sure there is plenty of water, may take 2-3 days. The dog will be fine.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
15 May 10
Lately I have encountered the same problems with my 4 dogs. I have been feeding them minced beef cooked with ground corn and sometimes rice. They suddenly refuse to eat and I changed it canned dog food which I mixed with rice and that too being ignored. Now I ordered chicken neck and boiled them without adding any rice. This they wallop up in no time but I fear they will soon get fed up of it.
@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
16 May 10
STOP KILLING YOUR DOG! That is what you are doing by always feeding her table food. The nutrients are not right for a dog or cat. A little treat now and then, like a fried egg or bit of bacon will be ok but make her eat dog food that is designed for her age. I keep dog food out all the time in a self feeder and Chewy, my dog, eats when he is hungry. His food of choice is Kibbles and Bits but he will also eat Beneful if I get it for him and I do every other bag. Don't worry about your dog starving she will eat when she gets hungry so put her some dry dog food out and when she starts to eat it give her a little wet/canned dog food as a treat. When we have bacon for breakfast I will pour a little of the grease over Chewy's food and he loves it.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
15 May 10
To change her food you need to slowly add the needed food to the one she is already eating. Slowly is the key word. You might also try feeding her a dry food as a treat. Make a reward of it and make it a really big deal. Do not worry yourself about her nutritional needs at this time, dogs are scavenagers and a great many of them live on garbage throughout the world. You can also give her a vitamin as a treat, most dogs love these. Mainly stop stressing about this, your dog reads humans very well and know you are upset which in turn makes her upset. So just relax, breath deeply and give her a little reasuring love.
• New Zealand
16 May 10
Like the other suggestions, make your dog choose to eat the other food ie don't give it what it usually has, and when it's hungry, it will eat. That's the most obvious way to train them in this aspect.