can we help this child

@savypat (20216)
United States
May 15, 2010 1:41pm CST
This is a ten year old girl. We are not related to her, our only contract is the fact that her Dad is a friend. This poor guy only has luck which is bad. He is to nice, and is constantly cheated, robbed or generally beat up by life. We do what we can to help him, but my main concern is his daughter. She lost her Mother to cancer about 3 years ago and has been tossed around in a family full of unstable people. Her Dad loves her but just can't seem to keep her safe from involvement in his hetic life. I want to help but i do not want to drag our family into this mess. Should we offer to foster her. This could give her a stable life and still allow her to see her Dad often? Should we just stay out of it? I want to do something but just don't know what. Ideas anyone?
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19 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
25 May 10
Hi Pat Sorry I am late I am so far behind My answer to you is if I was in the Situation and if I was able to provide the Child a settled home and Life then yes I would offer to foster her, at least she would be able to settle down and still see her Dad
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
25 May 10
Hi Pat I am on strong Antibiotics now and they are knocking me They suspect an Infection as I have developed Bruise on my Foot and partly round the front, yes it is still very Painful but I am sure it will ease of Still no news from the Police what is going happening
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
25 May 10
I sure hope things are going better. But your leg has got to be very painful. Thanks
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
18 May 10
Hi savypat, How does one respond to such a question? I have read and re-read your discussion and my heart goes out to this little girl. I'm sure a stable home is what she needs in her life right now and from everything I've seen from you in this forum, I feel certain that you can provide the love and support she needs. Yet, there is much that I don't know about the situation, both hers and your own. Do you think that anyone in her family would object to her being taken in by someone they might consider a complete stranger? It sounds as if her father would be delighted. I don't know anything about the law regarding foster parents where you live but sometimes there are issues that an outsider might not know about. I'm not saying that you are old but I feel certain that you are more than thirty. Would age be a problem as far as the laws that govern foster parents are concerned? Let me just say that with what I know about you from this forum, I believe you should seriously consider it. A little girl needs a home and you may be able to provide it. Remember there are no coincidences in life. Blessings.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
18 May 10
I am so close to 70 it's just a short breath away and Hubby is 75, we are to old to cope with a 10 year old, much less one that has problems. I am even to old to cope with her family who seems to see her as a pay check. But I am working on this, I just can't keep my mouth shut and see her suffer even a small amount of what I did at her age. I just want to do no harm to her. So please say a little prayer for the outcome of this situation. thanks
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
19 May 10
Hi savypat, I agree it would be too much for you to handle now, I had no idea you and your husband were in my age bracket. I was thinking that you might be around or nearing sixty. I know I would not want to take on such a burden and I'll be 71 in the fall and my wife will soon be sixty-eight. My father was seventeen years older than my mother and was sixty when I was born, that meant that he was seventy when I was ten, he also went blind at around that time. Of course it was a different time and parents weren't expected to be involved so much as they are today. I know I thought nothing of it at the time and have wonderful memories of the chats I had with my father during my teenage years. I'm sure you will do your best to see that she's taken care off. I'm not surprised that the family see her as a paycheck, I've seen it happen too often. I will remember all of you. Blessings.
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@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
17 May 10
If you really think you can do it, offer to foster. However, if you really can't do it, don't offer because you'll just be another grown up who promised to help her, but was disappointing in the end. Is there a possibility that you can lend this man money so that he can maintain an appropriate and stable house for himself and the daughter?
• Philippines
15 May 10
Hi, savy! While I was reading your thread, it somehow made me think of all the tv shows I saw before - only that your concern is a real life concern. I wish I could somehow persuade you in letting that girl have a home. Because honestly, everything will affect her psychology if her life is continuously happening like what you said. When she's being passed around house to house - worst - with unstable people. Who might possibly not treat her well. I know you have a good heart, savy. And I guess this is God's way of giving you a challenge. One of your greatest test in your life. And for that little girl the most important blessing anyone would die to have - a home. A home full of love and everything she wished to have. Trust me. I know how it feels to be broken. I am sure her father would somehow be relieved that his daughter is in good hands. And will not hesitate to give you a financial assistance. Made me wonder, is it really possible for one person to be that unfortunate? I really thought it only exist in movies but now that you're sharing this story - then it really is true. That one can be really have a bad luck carried with him. I hope to hear from you soon. I am sure your family, when they listen with their hearts, will say yes to you in taking the child in your home. =)
@savypat (20216)
• United States
15 May 10
This tory could very well have been a soap opera, but it's not. Money is not a concern with us, but our age is
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
17 May 10
How about a good heart to heart talk with the Dad. Do you have any idea what kind of help he might even be willing to accept? Depending on how you approach him and how he feels about accepting help, you may get anything from "I can take care of my own child" to "take her, she's yours". But it certainly can't hurt to let him know that you are willing to help in whatever way you can.
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@silvercoin (2101)
• Lithuania
16 May 10
My heart says no when I think about you two.It would be good for this girl, but what about your life?It may seem a wonderful idea because it's about saving a child and doing good, but is it really the best thing to do?I don't know.I wouldn't do that.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 May 10
hi savypat I wonder if you do not really see the answer, as I think I do, by all means rescue this poor little girl and as her father will be able to see her, then this should stablize her life and give her a real chance to have a wonderful growing up in a stable home like yours. I think this is really a wonderful thing that you could do for the father and the little girl. I think you are wonderful to think of this and if your family agree then go for it.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
16 May 10
Oh my Pat! This is a very serious dilema! I think that it is so wonderful of you to even think about opening up your home to this little girl! But, that is quite a big committment with all that you already have on your plate! I feel so badly for her father! But, you have enough to deal with already and have your own children and grandchildren to worry about! Isn't there someone stable enough in that family to take care of her! I am guessing not if you are thinking of Fostering her~ This is such a very difficult decision. I wish I was stable enough to care for her, but sadly I am also in no position and if I was I wouldn't hesitate! I would make a wonderful Grandma!
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
16 May 10
It sounds like such a sad situation. I wonder if there is any one you can contact to discuss this with…Child Servicers perhaps or a Social Worker or Counsellor. Of course if you were prepared to foster her, this young girl’s live would turn around and she would once again feel loved and special. You are very kind to consider this although it is not a small decision and I hope you make the right one for all of you. This girl is fortunate to have you in her corner regardless what you decide to do.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
16 May 10
If you have what it takes to take in a child, with her own bedroom. If she is willing to live with you then by all means I would do it. I think its a very generous offer which will help the father alot. The father would still get to see her but she will have a stable life and not have to deal with her fathers drama it would definitely help put her in the right direction. I commend you for wanting to do this and I hope if you decide to do it that it works out for all involved. God Bless.
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@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
16 May 10
dear pat, you have such a good heart to think of this little girl. talk it with his dad and then talk with both dad and the little girl. you may want to ask other opinions too like the social welfare on what is best before plunging into a decision. you dont want to be dragged into the family mess - whatever that is, so it is best to know some legal implications. am sure you will be a wonderful foster parent and the child will have a wonderful future ahead. ann
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@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
16 May 10
Yes, I think you are heaven-sent for this girl. I know that the family would be happy if you make the offer to them and I don't think it is a mess. You are being of help and you will actually be a big help in ironing out he messy situation that the girl is in. I know that you will have your own reward in due time. Just go ahead and follow your instinct.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
16 May 10
Hi savypat! You have a good heart. You will always be rewarded by life in more ways than one. As you have put it very well here adopting her would be a very good way of protecting her as well as giving her the opportunity to lead a decent and stable life. At the same time she is still able to see her dad. Why not? You have to convince your family to do so. Inform the authorities if you want to make it legal. This option I think is also wise to adopt. It may save you and your family from unwanted on undesirable accusations later. Good luck in your endeavor! :)
• Indonesia
16 May 10
I think you still can help her, but with other people beside you. You can tell your friend that want join you to help her. By doing it together, you will not feel burdened.
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@GardenGerty (162354)
• United States
15 May 10
Is it possible to discuss this with a case worker or social services, without naming any names? Does the little girl like you, and trust you? It might be best if you befriend her at this time, and offer her a safe haven where she can come and learn about healthy living, emotionally and physically. I do not think you would be able to be a foster parent, due to age, but you can let her know that you would like to be someone she can count on. Let her dad know as well. You might set her up a safe place to come whenever she needs to.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
16 May 10
I would say talk it over with the dad first. he might be willing to let you keep her knowing that he could see her when he wanted too. She doesn't need to be taken away from her dad whom she loves. Just a helping hand for her and the dad.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
15 May 10
If you really want to do it, I think it would be wonderful for you to foster that child. Think what a difference you can make in her life, set her on the right path and show her she is loved. Children like that so often end up in horrible circumstances and grow up to be unhappy adults. I'm sure it would take a burden off the father, too, as he would know his little girl is safe and secure.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
15 May 10
Hi, savypat. This father sounds he is just incapable of taking care of his child. Maybe you can contact DSS. And ask them if you can adopt this child. I am so sorry that this is going on. This is very sad and the the daughter is in a very sad situation here. Maybe you can do offer as much of help that you can.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
15 May 10
If you feel in your heart that the best thing that you can do for this little girl is to offer to give her a stable home environment, then you should offer to do this for her. I don't know if there would be financial issues in your doing this, but I've always been firm in the belief of following my heart and that would be a place that I wouldn't be able to make any other decision except for the one that is in my heart. I hope that things are able to work out for this little girl.
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