Where is Sarah Palin when you need her?
By ladybugmagic
@ladybugmagic (3978)
United States
7 responses
@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
16 May 10
My boyfriend and I just started watching that video, and were scared that something bad was going to happen to the mooses :p, that is just our reaction when thinking about Palin
. That video was so cute, people need to appreciate wildlife so much more, those mooses are beautiful creatures and hopefully more people will watch that video and see that they can be very very cute ;)

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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
16 May 10
I love how they were romping. My boss showed it to me, and we came up with a story about the moose - like that was their mommy or daddy looking after them.
There is a love for life and family in every species, and not enough people want to be aware of that. It raises the guilt level when they let themselves become aware and appreciative of wildlife.
Palin is somewhat evil. I firmly believe that.
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@piasabird (1737)
• United States
17 May 10
Are you both vegans? Or just hypocrites?
You do know that people hunt and eat moose in Alaska, don't you? It's not like there's a freakin' grocery store around every corner there.
Do you know how cute baby cows are? And then they end up as part of a Big Mac at MacDonalds. Or how about veal? Do you know where that comes from?
How is getting your meat from a slaughter house any better than hunting it in the wild?
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
17 May 10
Piasa - I am a vegan - its widely known on these boards.
Not only that, Alaska is much more civilized than you are trying to portray. They have a high median income, and supermarkets just like any other state.

@jb78000 (15139)
16 May 10
awwww. cute overload.
. the other ridiculously cute thing i saw earlier were a baby tiger and a baby wolf being bestest friends. which sounds almost too much but it was adorable. i'm wondering where we need to draw the line - probably videos of bunnies and puppies playing together 

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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
16 May 10
We didn't climb our way to the top of the food chain to eat vegetables. Frankly I think YOU are evil for eating those beautiful plants that have done nothing to harm you. Clearly you have no soul if you would kill and eat an innocent plant. I'm sure you are aware of the studies that show plants have feelings and can communicate with each other. You just don't care.
For the record, you should hope you never come face to face with a moose. They're nice looking animals, but they extremely powerful and have attacked people before. If you walked up to a moose while it was with it's children like in that video, it would attack you, and likely put you in the hospital. In Alaska moose attacks are more common than bear attacks. They become an even larger danger to people and to THEMSELVES due to overpopulation if they are not hunted as many starve and others begin rummaging through people's trash and attacking residents.
No matter how you look at it we are physically designed to eat animals. Even an Atheist can see that if you look at how our eyes and teeth are formed. But then don't let common sense or science stop you from calling someone evil just for eating meat.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
16 May 10
"we don't have either the teeth of carnivores or herbivores"
Correction, we have both. I'm not saying we were designed to be carnivores. We were designed to be omnivores, but a carnivorous diet is part of that. We are adaptable enough to subsist on an incomplete diet, but you're still going against the natural design of our bodies.
Our teeth aren't the only indicator. Look at the human head and the location of our eyes. Our eyes are on the front of our heads. That is the design of a predator as it allows for greater depth perception when spotting prey. Herbivores typically have eyes located on the sides of their head for a better range of vision helping them to spot predators.
@jb78000 (15139)
16 May 10
ok, that was not phrased well - we have a mixture. we don't have the teeth of either pure herbivores like cattle or pure carnivores like cats. eye position is a good point and this applies to grazing prey animals like deer - and the predators that hunt them like tigers. there are plenty of exceptions once you move away from these clear cut examples though - for example birds of prey (carnivores,side of head), orang utans (plant eaters, front of head) etc. we have things in common with both. we are not naturally designed either for meat to be essential - we are not cats, or for it to cause havoc to our bodies, we are not cows. ps in this case i do know what i am talking about since i am studying biology for a career change. we are lucky enough that we can choose what we eat and a complete balanced diet doesn't have to include meat. it won't make you ill if it does though.
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@jb78000 (15139)
16 May 10
hi taskr. our teeth are designed pretty much to eat anything - we don't have either the teeth of carnivores or herbivores. we have all purpose teeth as do most omnivores and can be perfectly healthy on all kinds of diets. since we have the choice plenty of people decide to become vegetarian for ethical reasons, including me although i do not judge people who eat meat. what i do find annoying are meat eaters who say we are designed to be carnivores and vegetarians who say that we are not. both are wrong imo. now having probably annoyed both you and ladybug i shall bugger off.
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@piasabird (1737)
• United States
17 May 10
I wonder if you're one of those who care so much for the suffering of animals and plants but not about the pain of an unborn child being aborted.

@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
17 May 10
Would the world be better off without Stephen Hawking? Perhaps if his mother had known he would get ALS and be wheelchair-bound, unable to care for himself or even speak, she would have aborted him. However, we'd be robbed of a great scientific mind.
As someone with a grave and painful illness, I reject the idea that the only life worth living is one free from adversity.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
18 May 10
I can't agree, Rollo.
Each parent chooses differently. If they know their child would be born with failing kidneys, or some very painful illness, and they love their child enough to spare them the agony, it is the more compassionate choice.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
17 May 10
I have always stated that I want to minimize suffering. I also prefer prevention and education to abortion, but when the difficult decision comes, I leave it up to the girl or woman to decide for herself.
In some cases, abortion is also the more compassionate choice for the fetus if they are to be born with a grave and painful illness.

@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
17 May 10
I have to assume that since your sympathy for the moose is so evident, that you support the culling of the wolf population in Alaska, since moose and caribou are the primary prey for wolves there. We could let the wolf population grow unchecked, but then of course there would eventually be no moose, no caribou and over a matter of time, no wolves either, not to mention very few Alaskan natives who depend upon some of these animal populations for food. Maybe we could tell those Alaskan natives to grow more veggies in the ice. Yeah, that's the ticket.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
18 May 10
"There is a monstrous difference between hunting for sport, and survival"
Yes and I oppose hunting for sport 100%. There are no shortage of video games and paintball contests for someone who enjoys that.
Moose are not farm animals and Sarah Palin is not a farmer, so your feelings on the treatment of chickens in farms are irrelevant to this discussion.
"there is no need for animal meat for survival in humans. We can live without it."
You're just plain wrong on that. Many people can subsist on a vegetarian diet, but not everyone. If necessary I could "survive" a meatless diet, but I get ill if I don't have a sufficient amount of meat, preferably red meat, each day. Speak to people who play football, hockey, or work as firemen, miners, or other occupations that require a lot of strength and endurance. See how many are vegetarians.
You're also acting as if a vegetarian diet is fully available to everyone. I can assure you it is not. In Alaska they already import MILLIONS of dollars in vegetables. Farming in Alaska is horribly insufficient to sustain their population.
"Surely they are capable of importing soil and may have to use greenhouses or saran wrap to keep the soil warm. "
Have you ever tried that? Are you aware of how the climate there would affect the materials used to build a greenhouse?
I'm curious, are you a farmer? Have you ever farmed in a subarctic climate? You keep making judgments and intolerant of people who live in an environment that you know nothing about.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
18 May 10
I am really surprised that an open-minded liberal like ladybug would want to force the native Alaskan population to cast aside their rich history and cultural heritage; to require that they instead comply to a set of rules for life made up by those who have, I guess, decided that the native land is theirs to do with as they please, even if it means covering it in cellophane wrap. That seems a bit intolerant of minority rights to me.
The herbivore/carnivore debate is really a moot one. We evolved as we did because, as evolutionary theory tells us, this is what we had to do to survive. As Man moved into more hostile environments, he adapted his lifestyle yes, but over time, he adapted the environment to suit himself. He found ways to survive, he developed tools, hunting methods, etc. He expanded his diet to get the nutrients necessary for survival and he flourished. If evolution knows best, this is best.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
19 May 10
JB, that link is really completely meaningless. It's actually less than a blog since it doesn't even include the name of the person making those claims much less the source of his information.
I can tell you right now that Tony Gonzalez is NOT a vegan. After about 7 years as a pro-bowler in the NFL he ATTEMPTED a vegan lifestyle after getting hooked on a book that said how wonderful it was. He lost weight and muscle mass, had trouble at training camp, and after consulting with several doctors including the one that wrote the book, he went back to eating chicken and fish, just avoiding red meat.
As for the other guys mentioned, I couldn't find any evidence of Joe Namath or Lawrence Phillips being vegetarians. Joe Namath retired over 30 years ago (and he wasn't a vegetarian back then) and Lawrence Phillips was a complete flop in the NFL so neither of them are prime examples. Robert Parnish doesn't exist, but rather appears to have been made up. Ricky Williams and Desmond Howard have both been retired for a while.
You can scratch and claw your way through NFL rosters and I'm sure you'll find a few active players that are vegetarian, but saying that means vegetarians are just as capable of developing muscle mass is like saying all mammals can lay eggs because the platypus does.
"He expanded his diet to get the nutrients necessary for survival and he flourished."
I agree, and we would effectively be deevolving if we intentionally altered our diet without cause, ignoring the nutrients we get from a balanced diet.

@quita88 (3715)
• United States
17 May 10
I am not sure how you put Sarah Palin and these moose together...........
Moose are dangerous but they are worse if they have babies. This one cow is an old one and why do you think they need to go on a wall? They were not hurting anyone.
I lived in Montana for 7 years and tho I saw many moose, I always gave them their room.
We can all co-habitate together if we just try to understand we have taken the wildlife's room and food away from them.
Really these are not menacing and dangerous at all.The babies were just playing. I have seen this video a long time ago ....long before Sarah Palin came into the political arena.
Get real, these are God's creatures. I still don't understand why you picked an old video to pinpoint Sarah Palin.
No wall for these babies. They are as precious are your kids are. Do you want them on the wall for playing in a sprinkler?
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
18 May 10
Sarah Palin publicly and proudly announced, "I killed a moose".
My post was very tongue in cheek. I would never want them on a wall. It was mostly a stab at Sarah Palin, who would do such a thing.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
18 May 10
I am happening across a ton of neat videos like that and I think they should be shown. I posted one of turkeys playing soccer, which they do on their own. I posted one of pigs playing video games, and one of a hippo giving mouth-to-mouth to another animal that was trapped in a crocodile's jaws.
I am going to keep posting them as I come across them, because there is much we don't know about them, because we refuse to find out. Many people just live with the belief that humans outrank them, and that's just how it is. They quickly forget the human species is one of the youngest.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
18 May 10
I do understand where you are coming from.
SArah Palin lives in a country/state--Alaska where hunting is nohting new and moose are killed by season and not considered a disgrace to animal activist like we are.
I am defending her. I know cuz I lived in Montana for seven years and know how those northerners think and act..........
It's nothing new for a woman to kill an animal and truly they have to have their populations cut down to help with environmental control.
I didn't like it either and I am not a fan of hers but still I do defend why she killed a moose.
And, also that video was really old...............I saw that many years ago
Take care with animals as I love them all too. They need our protection and we are the ones who moved in and took their land/habitat away from them.
I have always felt like we should all be able to co habitate together and make life simpler. However, when it's man against beast we have to make those choices.
Take care.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 May 10
hi glad you are joking and oh that video was so cute, and I have a hunch that was mama moose with her kids, and that she was taken in because someone somewhere abused her. I noticed raised ridges on her as though she had been injured or someone deliberately abused her. I love wild animals and hate to think someone can be deliberately abusive.thanks for sharing this. As for Palin she might look better on some wall than some of the poor deer or elk or moose that have been shot just to prove big macho