HELP!? Does this word play some important role in your religion?
By phoenix8606
@phoenix8606 (4942)
May 17, 2010 4:52am CST
HEll0 friends. I know that in the Christianity "helping the others" is one of the unwritten laws( as far as I know, hope that I am not mistaken) that religious people must observe, and I guess it is the same with all other religions, but am I really right? Does this saying really play an important role in your religion and do you always observe it?
15 responses
@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
17 May 10
I do not believe in Ben Franklin's quote, "God helps those who help themselves". God helps those who need His help the most. There were many civilizations one better than the other but God chose Hebrew race. He came as His own Son as their descendants. Hebrew race was an unknown race. It was on a race on a verge of extinction. Therefore, I believe God does not help those who can help themselves but help those who need his help the most.

@phoenix8606 (4942)
18 May 10
well, I am really not sure that it is all true, that God helps only people who need help and can't help themselves alone.I guess that we must not wait for Him to help us/them, and try to help by our own, just because we never know when can God come and help, and as Adalie has said, sometimes God doesn't help and I also don't know why!?
@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
18 May 10
phoenix the phrase, "God helps those who help themselves" sounds great; but try to picture God offering a wheel chair to the one who is able to walk. Therefore, I said, "God helps only those who need his help the most". It also does not mean that we should not help ourselves and wait for God's help to come, or should not help each other. It means God's help arrives only when there is none to help.
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@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
17 May 10
Promise me you will not try to cut me with a tomahawk !
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@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
22 May 10
Helping those in need is an important part of the Christian's life, that's why there are so many Christian charities. If you look at the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, you'll realize we're following His example.

@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
26 May 10
Yes, I do observe this teaching, but probably not as well as I should.
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@phoenix8606 (4942)
29 May 10
well, maybe we can never observe it perfectly :(
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@phoenix8606 (4942)
26 May 10
yes, I know that, but I wanted to know do you actually observe this rules, do you follow this example, or you just don't care about it. and as I see, you all or at least the most of you follow it and think that it is right to help the others no matter of the situations!

@creative_genius (992)
18 May 10
Helping others relates to karma, though helping others to understand God is the best way of helping someone as spiritual development is permanent (material is temporary and gone once we leave this body). No matter what religion you are it should be important to help others as we are all kindred souls just in different bodies. I do my best to help others when I can.
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@phoenix8606 (4942)
18 May 10
yes, I also think that we should not compare help with religion because no matter what religion people have or do they actually have any,they all should help the others, who are in danger/deed and never search/wait for some benefits, because of it! we actaully don't help people because we want something in return- we do it because we think it is rigth so and we like it!
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
17 May 10
In my views,it is not all about religion that we,people/humans,help each others.
It is one of the basic instinct that we feel pity and feel to help others when know they are in need.
In my religion,we help a lot of people by reaching them with our various charity works.
From medical missions to feeding programs.
We also run orphanages for the orphans and the widows and the aged.
Helping other people,gives joy and happiness that can't be define.
In my religion,we had this thoughts of keeping in mind,that,
"try not to do sin,unless do one good deed/s in a day"
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
18 May 10
It's nice to know that,you also try your best to reach our the needy by giving financial support to charities.
Keep it up dear

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@phoenix8606 (4942)
18 May 10
hello! I am really glad that there are still people like you on the world, who really help the others not because of some benefits, but just because they know it is right and it is something good that they can make for people who really need it. I have never taken part in some charity programs or some other helping things, but have given money to charities many times, because I also think just like you- that if I can't be sinless then I can at least try to do something good a day!

@jamed28 (1903)
• Philippines
18 May 10
Actually "helping others" just came from "be good". Being good is foundation of all religions in the word. As we all know, all religions are teaching its followers to be good. But well of course, no one man is living in an island, so for you to be good you need to help others. May I just ask you Phoenix8606 what is your religion?
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@phoenix8606 (4942)
18 May 10
hell0 Jamed! yes, I agree with that,what you have told that helping others actually means "being good" or maybe being good means helping the others, i don't know :) but i know one thing for sure- we must all help people in deed in order to feel better!
yes, you can ask me- I am a Christian!
@JoaniZik (90)
• Philippines
18 May 10
Hi! helping other people is suppose to be a natural part of being human. every human being has a built-in nature to help others. When it comes to my religion (Christianity), to help is not a "law" for you to get save or please God, instead it is a result or a lifestyle that is produced by a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Other religion would teach that to help is one of the ways to get merits from God so you can go to heaven or wherever they long to go. Again, good works such as helping others is just a proof that indeed you are a Christian, that you have a personal relationship with Christ not the other way around where others would say "you you are a christian."
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@phoenix8606 (4942)
18 May 10
yeah, you are right that every person has a built-in nature to help the others, but also has a built-in nature to protect itsself from danger and in situation like that the most of the people refuse to help just because of this. But fortunately there are people, that are at least very religious or by whom this built-in nature plays a smaller role than the "helping" one!
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
17 May 10
The word ‘help’ does not belong to Christianity alone. Every religion orders its followers to help people in need. What is to be seen is whether this ‘help’ is for all people or only for those people belonging to that particular religion and also whether that ‘help’ is more for proselytizing or completely selfless. I think most religions have this ‘help’ thing only amongst its own followers and when they help people of other faith, its more to spread their own religion.
In my opinion, there’s only one religion which has selfless ‘help’ and that is HUMANITY
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@phoenix8606 (4942)
18 May 10
hell0 Sudiptacallingu! yes, i guess that you are comletely right, because i was pretty sure that help is a word which we can see in every holy book of each religion, and I just wanted to know how much does it mean in each of them, because for the different religions it can have different value :)
well, it is sad when people with different religions try to help others just to spread their own religion among them, because the help doesn't mean that. and yuo are right also about that the HUMANITY is the only selfless religion.
Hell0 Akiong!
yeah, i also think that help is something more than just a word in the religion and people have helped each other since many thousands years, even before the religion was created. I also have mentioned that people are different than the other living creatures on Earth because this HELP and i was really wondering do any other animals do that, or we are the only ones. well, now I have the answer with the monkeys. I only think that we must try to stick together, not only people from same religions, but all the people, because help is something that can connect all the people on the world, no amtter of religion

@MAllen400 (829)
17 May 10
I would like to think that helping others is a human thing to do as well as a religious one. Yet I am sure that this is not so as there would not be wars in countries, neighbours not getting on etc if everyone tried to help others. On the other hand there are a lot of people that do not want to be helped.
I must admit that yes I do try to help others and yes I admit that sometimes I am choosy in which others I help. x
@phoenix8606 (4942)
18 May 10
well, maybe you are right- sometimes there are people who behave bad with the others and we don't want to help them in moments of deed, but that's actually what we should try to fight with, this "habit", because when we learn helping even the ones we don't want to, then we can surely say that we follow our religion and know the real meanning of the word "HELP". someone has said it once, that if we really want to know what help really means then we must first learn to help our enemies, because helping the others means helping all the people in deed, not only the ones that we like, and maybe that's why there are so many wars in this world, maybe that's why there are so terrorist and so many criminals, just because we don't try to understand them and because we don't try to help them, and I guess that if wetry to help those people, they will let us do it and will change for good. The only think that we must do is to show them that we care and taht there are many others who care for it too
I am not a religious person, but helping the others means a lot to me, and I don't even connect it with religion, for me helping people in deed that actually shows us that we are reasonable creatures and there is something that makes us different than many other animal specieses!

@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
17 May 10
I belong to Hinduism and in my religion it is mentioned that who helps other, god will help him. So there is clearly an indication that people should help each other, and even as i know in other religions there are different way to help.
But at last it depends on the person how good he or she is. It really not depends on religions. Because all the followers don’t follow good things. Some time people try to get advantage of the relgion.
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@phoenix8606 (4942)
18 May 10
hell0 there@!
yes, in each religion there are many ways to help others in order to get some help from God, but I really think someone has figured out that, just to make at least people who believe to be more helpful, just because they believe and their beliefs make them more helpful than people who aren't religious! yes, helping the others depends only on that what kind of person you are- are you a bad or a good one!
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
17 May 10

@phoenix8606 (4942)
18 May 10
hell0 there!
yes, helping the others is something standard for every religion, but I have wondered how much does it mean in each of the different religions, because I am pretty sure that there are some religions that value help more and some others that value it less! But helping people in deed really makes us feel better and being better human beings. yeah, i also don't think that people who ask you to help don't make it because they are religious, just because they are humans!
@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
17 May 10
I think the word help not only used in term of religion, we must help each other because we will need others help someday, it just the way it is.
I think in term of Christianity got told us to help each other so other will see how got we getting along and show how merciful is lord to all us.
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@phoenix8606 (4942)
18 May 10
yes, my friend! help is not only a word from the religion, help is moer a word from the HUMANITY, a word that shows us what human being means, because we can't call ourselves human beings if we are not ready to help others when they need some help, and as i have already told earlier, the highest achievement of reaching the HELP is to learn helping our enemies!
@Idealisticgirl (392)
• Philippines
17 May 10
As an Adventist, I must say that I do feel that "words" in our group. Everyone is so friendly in our religion and we are helping even those people who are not same religion with us.
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@phoenix8606 (4942)
17 May 10
well, it sounds really nice. I hope that the most of the people can be so friendly like the ones in your group, just because the world will be a better place to live in, with people like that! I don't know anything about your religion, just have heard about it, but not much!
@donyun247 (90)
• Singapore
17 May 10
Hi phoenix8606, just want to give opinion. I think the terms of "helping the others" should be apply to any religion. Basically that's supposed to be the product of religion which is trying to make us to become a better person and "helping the others" is a result of our learning in each of our religions. I guess the correct word that you are searching is "compassion". That would be the highest achievement from your religious life turn into more spiritual. Religion is all about rules and law but if you understand it more, spirituality is what you aiming for.
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@phoenix8606 (4942)
18 May 10
hell0 Donyun!
yeah, I am sure that it must be applied to any religion, but I just wanted to know how do you exactly vaue this word in each religion and how much does it mean to you :) yeah, HELP is actually the thing that can make us good at the easiest way, if I ca say it so, because for me there is nothing better than that what we can do than helping people in deed. yeah, spiritual life is really something what we all should try to achieve, but it is really hard for many of us!
@xiansz09 (31)
18 May 10
well, as a Roman Catholic i really feel the effects of this "unwritten laws". we are always taught to be good and kind to everyone. yet we are all hums, so i tend to slip sometimes. yes, it plays an important role in our religion because it allows us to be more comfortable with each other thus, garnering trust and kindness. :)
@phoenix8606 (4942)
18 May 10
yes, i also have heard that it plays an importannt role in your religion and I guess it is also an important one in some others, because helping the others is something what makes us feel better and what makes us better human beings. I alwasy try to help people in deed!
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
17 May 10
I guess that help the others is a kind of "law" common in most, if not all, religions.
As well as "love the others as yourself".
But I also guess that nowadays this kind of "law" is not so popular among the people.
Just as an example (but there are really many more", you can try to find some discussions about "immigrants, illegal immigrants" here, in mylot (usually are in the "politics" section).
You will see how lot of people, (the same people that you can find also in the "religion" section saying that God is love, and lot of other nice and good things), that probably never forget to go in the Church on sunday, forget this law, forgetting that immigrants (expecially the illegal ones), are people that leaved their own countries just because their life conditions, and should be people that really needs help.
I guess that this demonstrate that is really easy be "good people" in words, but when be good people means put the hands in the wallet, then.... is another story.
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