Have you joined any CAPTCHA filling online jobs? Read This!!!!

@sagar21 (1579)
May 17, 2010 1:31pm CST
To make money we join sites for filling forms,reading mails,filling CAPTCHA etc. Have you ever thought why the sites pay us for filling captcha? Here is the clue..Have you encountered CAPTCHA while signing in secure sites? Got it? Still NO For information--Captcha is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to ensure that the response is not generated by a computer. So by joining sites for filling CAPTCHA we are helping the spammers. since CAPTCHA are vulnerable to relay attack humans are used to solve it... So we earn money by becoming a threat to our own security.. So myLotters don't join CAPTCHA filling sites.... Your responses are welcomed. Happy myLotting...
1 response
@fattymc (140)
18 May 10
This could possibly be a true statement. With ever-growing members there is competition to get work, which makes users push for quality. This is why I don't think these people will go out of business. It's also very disappointing to see people manipulated and others using them to help spam something or someone.