Have you ever experienced any paranormal activity or Poltergeist????
By shubhamv
@shubhamv (151)
May 18, 2010 4:55am CST
The question might seem silly to the non-believers but I just wanna ask that have anybody experienced it in reality!?!? If yes then please tell us about it! The reason I' asking such a question because I myself experienced a Paranormal activity in my house!
2 days back when there was a blackout in my area during night, I went to sleep at about 10:00 PM!! But I woke up at about 2:15 AM since I it was hot and I couldn't use the air conditioner due to power cut! But when I went outside my room to find everyone! When I looked in each and every room I found nobody in my house! That was too creepy! But that wasn't the thing that scared me! As I told you that I checked all the rooms and found nobody there, I saw that the door of the room near my kitchen(my parents room) opened itself! There was no explanation to such thing(PS I was able to see the door moving because of candle light!)But, it didn't end there, I kept searching for my family members and yet again I heard my refridgerator open(I told you that I was in the kitchen and nobody was there!)! I was scared but went back to close it! I went on the terrace and saw that my all my family members were there! But I didn't tell anything to them about this as I don't want them to mock me!!
So, does any such thing ever happened to you!?!?!?
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11 responses
@frontvisions101 (16043)
• Philippines
18 May 10
I don't believe in such things. I've been hearing a lot of stories about the like but i just find it hard to believe. They say that there had been research of such and such but it's easy to fake such stories, right? Even the ones you see in the net. The articles stating about paranormal activities, they can easily be forged.
@frontvisions101 (16043)
• Philippines
18 May 10
The reason i don't believe in it is cuz i have more important things to do like life than believe in such nonsense.

@Darkoli (255)
18 May 10
Yea, something happened to me once.
I was in the sitting room of our house, at night, watching TV, when all of a sudden a picture of my grandparents just fell off the windowsill randomly. My mum was upstairs and I was the only one downstairs, and I was very still at the time watching the TV. At the time I was very scared, and ran upstairs. I don't think the window was open, but I was frightened, so I might have missed it. It could also have been the vibrations from the TV.
Whatever did it, I now have an interesting story to tell. =P
It would be nice if it was my grandparents saying hello, though. =)

@stephbond89 (359)
18 May 10
Never. personally i dont believe in it, i think there is a reasonable explanation for everything that happens, whether it is our own imaginatiion running wild and us WANTING to see soemthing, that really isn't there, or whether it is something else which can be explained.
That said, I have ehard a lot of stories from my sisters of things which they saw/heard/experienced in my old house, and in my sisters work house.
One time they were all fighting as teens do in the living room when the TV which was on standby turned itself and shouted "pack it in" at them, before turning itsef off.
Another time, when nobody was in the work house my sister worked in whihc was like a large house for an office, she was pushed. Etc these kinds of stories.
I don't know, as I have never experienced anything, for me I find it is unbelievable, either peopel makign it up to frighten you, or people really thinking they ahve seen something but it is just their imagination, their eyes playing tricks or someting else which has happened which can be easily explained!!
@shubhamv (151)
• India
18 May 10
You do have a reason for not believing in it!! But the events that you told weren't possibly real because by now only poltergeist have been experienced by people which are not quite big as pushing or TV turning on itself!! But Poltergeist refers to small happenings like footsteps and door movement that do not have a possible explanation! I recommend you to search and watch the award winning documentary called GHOST ADVENTURES by Zak, Nick and Aaron!!It's real!
@Aitrita (145)
• Switzerland
18 May 10
well, not a scary experience, but I palyed Ouija once and it really worked...my cellphone was moving quickly, the ghost answered very corresponding!(forexample to yes/no questions answered yes or no...or if we wanted something that had to do with numbers, it showed us some number on the board)
@shubhamv (151)
• India
18 May 10
There are many different types of games that are known to be communicators for ghosts like Ouija, Angel, VG Board and Spirit caller!! I would suggest you not to play such games as I have experienced paranormal activities while playing SPIRIT CALLER and ANGEL!!
@jamed28 (1903)
• Philippines
19 May 10
When I was a child we had a neighbor who claimed he heals those people that are posses. They use to bring patience there. I never got a chance to see one, but I used to hear them shouting and doing different voices. I even heard a woman with a voice of a man, and a child shouting like an adult man. Well that's creepy.
@Jin_kamada (40)
• Malaysia
19 May 10
I personally havent seen any paranormal activity before but i believe it is real. It is not easy to see a ghost if your luck is good. Not all people can see them, but if you can see them surely you can see any of them in future.
I have seen the paranormal activities movies that publish in cinema. For me that story is a real story happen in 2006 and we can only see the shadow. But pity the girl who have kill her bf after the ghost have enter her body.
@karen1969 (1779)
19 May 10
My Mum saw a ghost at Christmas when I was a teenager in the mid-1980s. She said a man walked into the dining room (It was open plan and we were in the adjoining lounge), walked to the middle of the room then disappeared. It was only then she realised it was a ghost as before that, he looked solid. While Dad and I didn't see the ghost, we saw Mum's face and she drained of colour so we thought she was very ill. We ended up calling in a parapsychologist and a local historian and after other sightings in the neighbourhood, we believed the ghost to be a man during WWII who was visiting his girlfriend. Our house was built on the site of a WRAF camp where female air force were based.
@vpsmalhotra (194)
• India
18 May 10
Well paranormal is a fact and it has to be believed scientifically just like scientific belief in GOD
Are there ghosts to be spefic to articulate an paranormal experience?
Is there second Birth or reincarnation?
Read Jatak Kathas on the life of Budhha
That is all paranormal
right from being an elphant to just being a human Budhha
And read and see the resal life search for the Lamas say the dalai lama or the Panchan lamam or other head lamas it is true like your and mine reading this posts
Reading "An Auto biograpy of a Yogi" shall reveal many paranormal happenings
As for me had had many verified experiences my self and still conti hue to have call from the devine all in a para normal way
It is not a question of faith or belief it is a scientific fact
Where one is before his conception in the womb and where one would be when the body is casted our gerave or Ash?
Want to experience paranormal activity
well I can see you through all these pages ...?
how is that it is all humbug is it not
@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
18 May 10
I was in my early twenties and that was long ago. I was in a hostel and my friends one night spoke about calling and speaking to the spirits through Ouija board. One boy knew how to do it. He quickly prepared a makeshift board with alphabet and numbers written on it. He inverted a glass on a circle drawn in the center. Three of us sat around and placed our index finger on the glass. He had also lit up some incense sticks and said that the fragrance would invite the spirit faster. Then he began chanting something ostensibly to invite the spirits.
The whole thing did not mean to me anything more than a mumbo jumbo. However, to my amazement the glass began fluttering on the board. It moved along back and forth very rapidly. It was stopping at the alphabet and numbers at random. One of the friends besides us three was jotting down on a piece of paper the alphabets in order the glass was visiting. After the glass stopped moving, we saw what our friend wrote. After making few changes in alphabet spaces to our horror, we saw it had formed coherent sentences. The spirit was answering our questions. After two or three sentences, the spirit was asking that we must let it go. It looked like it was in a kind of deep slumber and we had awakened them. It appeared that they were not happy being there.
We called several noted leaders and politicians. We asked them many questions. Some were murdered. We asked them who killed them and they named their murderers. Biggest surprise came when one friend who was at least 35 years older than us asked what his first girlfriend’s name was. The answer came as a big surprise to us who had placed fingers on the glass. None of us knew her name. This had frightened us immensely. We wanted to wind up. The boy who started it wanted to ensure that no spirit was present in the glass. Just then, the glass started fluttering violently once again. What happened next is too horrible to describe. We vowed never to do it again. Until this day, neither I nor my friends tried it again.
@Matt90 (36)
• Switzerland
18 May 10
Hello! Looks to me something so shocking I never happened! but since I was small I felt at home with the beat of admissions and I always told myu parents that I have, however, always made fun! the only thing that happened to me a few years ago when I was still living in Italy, was that I was alone at home, a summer morning and at one point I heard lots od noises in the living room! I ran to see and found the impossible in that room! The woole room was turned upside down..television and stereo blaring, CDs all in a mess on the floor, remote controls thrown everywhere, moved tables, sofas moved..all this has happened in a time of 3-4 minutes because I just went from that room to go to my room.. I was shocked and immediately called my parents, but I don't have believed it anyway! I think there is something paranormal in all the houses, the fact is that often do not realize it! But this is my thinking..that could also be a thought of a madman in the opinion of some, that day, but at home, and not only that! I was there, no more! I KNOW WHAT I SAW and I know what I mean. Do not expect anything from anyone! kisses
@hendryap (71)
• Indonesia
19 May 10
I personally believe in ghosts. although I never experienced anything related to ghost or something strange. but my brother had experienced a strange occurrence in our house. he often heard people who were in the shower at midnight. but when he went into the bathroom, no one was there and the bathroom floor was dry. no visible signs of the former there is a bath. over time these events slowly disappeared.
don't be afraid of ghost, they can hurt you physically.
@designermd (17)
• United States
19 May 10
I have had a paranormal encounter. I was about 17 at the time, we were at a party for my dads school, he is a teacher. The party was out at teachers house in the country. They had a son about my age and we were good friends. We decided to ditch out on the party and go hang out in the barn and skateboard or something. Anyway we were moving things around in the barn and a light passed by one of the windows. Assuming it was our parents looking for us with flashlights we walked out side. What we saw next blew our minds. About 100 feet in front of us stood a woman, she seemed to be older and was floating and holding a lantern. She looked right at us, lifted her hand and then just faded away. After that there is no doubt in my mind that ghosts exist.