There is only 1 way to heaven
By JoaniZik
@JoaniZik (90)
May 18, 2010 11:48am CST
There is only one way to heaven... and it is not through any religion. Most if not all religion would say that it is through good works, where one as if earn merits from God that becomes their gate pass to heaven. But have you ever noticed that it is natural for humans to commit sin? it is as if we were wired or designed to commit sin. This is the reason why "good works" can never bring us to heaven. we are dead to sin! there is nothing that we can do to not to sin. However, the good news is someone paid the penalty of our sins (past, present, future sins) too good to be true huh! but it is indeed true. the solution lies not in our hands but in the hands of Jesus Christ who died as the once and for all payment of all our sins. therefore, what we need to do is to put our trust in Him. to rely on him when it comes to going to heaven; it was he who said, "I (Christ) am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father (who is in heaven) but through me." without Christ, we have no way to heaven... he is the only way!
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15 responses
@Saranggola (956)
• Philippines
19 May 10
AMEN. It is when we believe in Him have complete faith in Him that we could be saved.
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@wishformod (56)
• Pakistan
19 May 10
HI, In my opinion I am a ture muslim and it think that christians changed Bible your holy book and it said that prophet eesa was not god's son. But you christ beleive that.Your Bible is changed by the early people our belvie is that god has no son,daughter,wife,or nor someone gave birth to him. HOPE IT HELPED
@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
19 May 10
May you see the light and Jesus' glory on the judgment day. Amen.
@JoaniZik (90)
• Philippines
20 May 10
Amen bro! and all the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ!
We christian still have the copy of the original manuscript of the bible. we can refer to the original writing whenever we want to. i think the issue is about the different translations, but the quran has its english translation as well. Jesus Christ is Lord of All!
just an observation friend, Muhammad and Isa(Jesus Christ) is in the quran, but in the Bible only Isa is there, Muhammad is not there. who do you think is really acceptable to both of them? Isa is teaching a true and correct message!
@coolsharvan (144)
• India
19 May 10
First u said that to go to heaven,no religion s required
Then u say christ is de way,so how come u keep christianity as a pathway to heaven
We r born again n again in this world due to our sins
We should believe in God,pray to him,be devoted to correct de sins
Then we'll reach heaven
He'll show his love towards us
So u believe in christ,hindus believe in their God,Muslims theirs & so on
So it s through de God we believe we can show our love towards him n correct our sins
U'r discussion is inclined towards christianity than findin a solution
So if u say that christ has paid for past present & future sins,why r there people in this world,or coming to u'r point;why r christians born,there shd be no christians at all
So when u say christ is de only way,do u mean other religions have no power at all
Whenever u start a discussion,it should be widespread
U'rs is inclined towards christianity n u'r views r totally not proper
Christians have bible,Hindus have Geetanjali,Muslims have Kuran
So in each book,it tells abt each God n he is de path
If u just read bible n start a discussion n tell he s de way,u'r @ fault!!!!!!

@mailgul (22)
• India
18 May 10
The person who sins shall die.A child shall not suffer for the inequity of a parent,nor a parent suffer for the inequity of a child ;the righteousness of the righteous shall be his own,and the wickedness of the wicked shall be his own(Ezekiel 18:20).
But all shall die for their own sins...(Jeremiah 31:30)
Truly i tell you,unless you change and become like children,you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.(matthew 18:3)
All the prophets who came till jesus(peace be upon him) were the way and the life at their time and for those people. now there is only one way follow the prophet but worship only god.
@bahachin (49)
• Malaysia
19 May 10
You explained it well. Follow the prophet that was sent for each age that was relevant, and the One True God will continue to reveal and renew His religion in order that Mankind be guided in every Age that is relevant. Religion of God is One but Man through his ego of division and delusion cannot understand God's purpose of sending divine messengers from time to time. Therefore, make no distinction what has been sent down and revealed aforetime. All who submits to God and His messenger for that particular era will be guided on the path to heaven.
Each of us is responsible for our own deeds, just as Gautama had taught and also the avatar in the Mahabharata had also taught similar truth. So, unless you become children again in full innocence, stripped of all evil-thoughts against your fellow humans, then only can one return to the path of purity, back to the Creator. Some Buddhist teachers also give similar explanations, to have the Buddha's mind, one must begin to backtrack mentally to have the mind of a child, full of innocence and purity , before one can lift up to the next stage of spiritual progress.
Let us be practical and rational. How can there be only one way to reach the heavens? Anyway on this earth, if you find the way to blast off from earth you will find your way to witness the great expanse of outer space, with myriads of infinite stars and galaxies, of which only the Creator knows its numbers.
@chelleshey (52)
• Philippines
19 May 10
Religion is quite not that important for us to go to heaven, you know what is important? It is our faith. If we will believe in God and in His son Jesus Christ then surely we may tend to do good things and avoid all the bad things around us. It is not that easy to be one of the candidates for eternal life. You still need to repent from your sins and accept Jesus Christ in your heart that is why Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the light. And if we already accepted Jesus Christ in our hearts, then surely all our sins will be lessen than before. Let me just correct you, GOOD WORKS can actually bring us to heaven. That only shows that we can also do something for us not to sin. And do you even realize that without our own religion, will we ever get to know Jesus Christ then? That only shows that somehow, our religion is still important because it is our eye opener and an instrument God has given us for us to be in the right path. But the question is, do you have enough faith? The gate pass to heaven can be revealed through Jesus Christ the son of God and for you to know our Lord God, read the key to heaven which is the BIBLE. :)
@JoaniZik (90)
• Philippines
20 May 10
i thin k i can't agree when you said good works can bring us to heaven. good works are just proofs that indeed we have Jesus Christ in our life. i am not saying that we can do bad things as long as we have Christ. our Faith in Him must be seen in our good works, but going to heaven is all about a relationship with Christ, never through our good work. if you believe the bible, you can read Ephesians 2:8-9. Thanks for the comment friend.
@mikepsychic (1)
• United States
18 May 10
Even more serious than that I would say that Mathew wrote,Straight is the Gate,Broad is the way that leads to destruction,Straight is the gate that leads to life and FEW there are that find it.(FEW that find it) shouldn't that be a serious warning to ALL who hear it?
@bahachin (49)
• Malaysia
19 May 10
Mathew was really explaining in simple terms what many religious scriptures had been recorded and taught.
Ask any aspiring pious man of any religion, whether keeping their own personal faith and walk the righteous path of his/her religion is an easy way. The broad road/path which the sinners, corrupt doers are trodden by many, but the religious path to the return to the Divine Creator are few and full of trials and agony. That's how God test the faithful, and Jesus was showing how despite all difficulties in life He endures to the very end.
Ask a muslim, Buddhist, Hindu,Zoroastrian and see whether none of their scriptures ever spoke of the great trials, pains, rejection which the founders of each of these religions had gone through.
Speaking of sacrifices, if you had ever read history and religious ceremonies of other scriptures, don't be surprised to find willing martyrs, their aims is to reach heaven and be nearest to God the Father, Creator of all there is , from the beginning there is no beginning and ending there is no ending.
@shivram123 (656)
• India
18 May 10
There is only one way to heaven... and it is not through any religion.
it is wht i see in the starting of your discussion but later it changed into a blind religious belief
see a religion means to be the belief in and worship of a god or gods, or any such system of belief and worship[1], usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
and your way to heaven is totally religious way to heaven
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
20 May 10
"This is the reason why "good works" can never bring us to heaven."-1 Peter 4:8 And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. If accepting is the only thing you need to do and works mean nothing than why do you need charity to cover the multitude of sins?
Matthew 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
19 May 10
Yes I see what you mean! Its like winning big in the lottery, except that as long as you believe,there is no way you can lose! Like the thief who was crucified next to Jesus. Jesus told him," Believe on me and Today you will be with me in heaven!" How generous this was of Jesus! This thief was a criminal, he was tried, judged, and sentenced to die, and Jesus pardoned him instantly! Isn't it wonderful to know that everyone living today can be included in this magnanimous pardon! Who cares if you are mean and cruel, and murder your wife? There is no reason to love your enemies (if you believe) Jesus will pardon you instantly even before you get to Heaven! It was Jesus who said, " I am the way, the truth, and the Life!" all those who sin are instantly forgiven! Don't forget to tithe to the Church before you go! Jesus is the only way- but he Loves Money!
@josga2008 (320)
• Canada
20 May 10
So... are you saying that good people who don't practices any religion can't go to heaven? Or, are you saying that someone who doesn't practice a religion can't possibly be good, and so can't go to heaven. I like your idea that no one religion has it best when it comes to going to heaven, but there are many people out there who don't practice any religion. I would just say that if you are a good person, then you can go to heaven, whatever that is.
@meirhu (363)
• Israel
19 May 10
It's about time that we talk about what happens after we die WITHOUT a reference to heaven or hell.
It is very doubtful that these two "places" exist.
What DOES exist is our legacy.
What remains after us when we die are the memories that other people have of us.
What remains are the afteraffects of our actions, our work. How we have changed the environment by living.
Do we WANT our progeny to be as happy as possible ? Do we plant trees for the future and not only for ourselves ?