loosing the people you've worked with is more than loosing the job

@elvira1 (101)
May 21, 2010 12:49am CST
I am working in a call center. Just yesterday, we learned that our account is closing. Everyone was in a total shock. We didn't see it coming. I've been with the account for 5 yrs already. I love my job as well as the team and we only have barely two months to work together. Last night, I came to realize that what makes me sad the most is the thought of loosing my friends in the sense that we won't be seeing each other everyday. Loosing a job is painful, especially when you don't have a hint that it has to come to an end that sudden...loosing the people you've worked with is heartbreaking. I'm gonna find a job, I know but I think I can't find that kind of friendship that we have shared with my officemates.
6 responses
@veronizm (907)
• Philippines
21 May 10
I agree with you. I know it's not easy to find the perfect job but it's never easier to find the perfect friends. One of the very main reasons actually that a person sticks to a job, even though he doesn't like it that much, is because of the people around him, and the friends he had made. Salary is just second to that. Like me for instance, I have worked in a job for three years even though I hated my boss. And the main reason on why I lasted that long was because of the cirlce of great friends that I've found. Now, though I quit my job for almost two years now, I still get in touch with my friends, but it's still not the same with being with them 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. I miss them every single day. We only get to meet once in every 2 or so months because of our busy schedule. I'm sure you can find new friends on your new job. And if it doesn't work, I'm pretty sure you and your previous office friends will find time and a way to connect with each other and keep the bond. Because that's what true friends are :)
@elvira1 (101)
• Philippines
22 May 10
Thanks for the response. Me and my colleagues will be keeping in touch for sure. The friendship built in 5 years is one of kind.
• Philippines
21 May 10
I understand how you feel. I experienced that during a previous job. My officemates and I were together for more than 5 years and eventually one had to go, and another, and another... until it was my time to go and enter another job. Even if we don't get to see each other quite often, some of us still keep in touch, whether through texting or emailing. Maybe you guys can still keep in touch, like have dinner during weekends. Who knows, you might end up being colleagues again in another job.
@elvira1 (101)
• Philippines
21 May 10
Thanks for the response. In our case, everybody's gonna go altogether upon the account's pulling out from our company. We're all that close friends. We're gonna stay in touch through texts and the networking sites we have. One of my officemates even wished that all of us will be employed in one company/account again which is very impossible.
@_Honey_ (780)
• Philippines
21 May 10
Call Center Team - Call center teammates
Hi Elvira. I know how it feels I've been there. My first job was in a call center. I met great people and made great friends there. In my opinion, most people stayed longer in their jobs because of the people around them. You will seldom find a workplace where you feel so comfortable with the people around you that you almost treat them as part of your family. I am sorry to hear for the closing of the account. I hope that you'll find another job soon. And don't worry about your friends,you can still keep in touch and see each other from time to time. I made really great friends when I had my first job back in 2006 and I still see them once in a while and get updated with how things are going with their lives. As matter of fact, one of them got married last year and I was a secondary sponsor. LOL. Good luck to your career and god bless! ;)
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
21 May 10
I don't know if this apply to you. I find that call center workers are more friendlier than normal office people. I still get in touch with my call center frens, but not with the office one. Office people are quite snobbish.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
21 May 10
I can understand you. I am going through the pain of loosing many people with whom I work. Now, the market is up and many of my friends resigned their jobs and found new jobs. I am happy for them because finding new jobs with good salary hikes is good for their future, but I am very sad about leaving them and missing them in office. Now, I am the only girl left in my team and many of my friends left. But, we meet outside for dinner or coffee once in a while.
@Jotomy (6322)
• India
21 May 10
Hi elvira, hey its common, it happens to me also but for a good reason i left the job, i was a pregnant so i left the job, because job can get any time or at any age if you are healthy, but this having children has certain age, if we over look this we will miss a good life. But my friends are still in touch with me. They will be calling or they come to my house or they send mails to me, only the thing is daily it can't be. That is a sad one.