I have had fearful experience today

By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
May 22, 2010 4:12pm CST
Some of you might remember the Discussion I started where Gissi got in a fight a couple of weeks back, the Dog that was on the loose was taken by the Dog Warden and then the Owner came forward and got him back, Well today my Friend Jean came with Buster and Roxy, as it was time for us to go to the Field We crossed the Road, the same Dog that went for Gissi last time was coming towards us, again no Owner, I got hold of Gissi by his Harness to put the Lead on him, I was holding him tight as I knew he had not forgotten this Dog, next thing I Knew this Dog come flying for Gissi, I went to pick Gissi up and the Dog had my Leg, I could feel his teeth going in all the way, he shook my leg, that bad my whole Body was shaking, his teeth still in my Legs, he then let go of me, grabbed Gissi by the neck and was shaking him, I screamed as I knew if I did not do anything, he would kill Gissi, by this time he had Gissi on the Ground by his neck, don't get me wrong, Gissi was giving as good as he got, but this Dog was determinant to kill Gissi, I went to grab Gissi and the beast got my Hand, I didn't care I just wanted my Gissi and I was scared, with his bad Heart, it might cause a Heart attack, I had to kick the Dog, but I was hardly breathing I just had no energy, Jean then let Buster of who straight away to Gissi's rescue, the Spaniel started to back of, Jean picked up Gissi and got Buster back, she was going to put Gissi back down to help me, by this time I could hardly breathe and she was concerned I told her to just hold onto Gissi, I did not even know I had forgotten my Inhaler till I needed it, my Lungs where hurting, I did not believe I would make it Gissi was angry and tried to get back to the Dog to get him, we had to hold onto him, we got in the House, I took my Inhaler it took a little while to set in, Jean was checking Gissi over, who was ok which I was surprised at, he is a tough little Cookie lol, then the pain set in on my leg and when I looked at it I nearly fainted, Jean phoned her Partner and they took me to the Hospital, Lara came to keep an eye on Gissi, as I was so scared he might have an Heart attack or something, well the outcome...... I had to have an Injection, the bite is very deep also there is a small crack on my Calf Bone, which should heal it self and I am in a lot of Pain, when we got home, Gissi literally jumped in my Arms, Lara said she took them to the Field but Gissi wanted to come home, he then went and laid on my bed all sad and stayed there till I came home, Lara said she felt so bad for Gissi and just wanted to hug him as he was so sad This happened 5 hours ago, I am still bleeding and changing Dressings, Gissi is not leaving my side There was the Police at the Hospital, he asked me what had happened I told him, he said I have to report it, I know that I do and I feel awful that I have to, but if this Dog gets out again, next time it could be a Child and I would never forgive myself if I let that happen I didn't want to report it but I had to, also I would always be in fear now that when I go out with Gissi, he could be there again and have my Baby again, I have to say though Gissi was determinant to keep the Dog away from me So not a good weekend at all lol because while at the Hospital the Nurse noticed that I have slightly Dislocated my Shoulder which would have been yesterday from my Fall, yeah great, I know it was painful and I sprained my foot but did not think much of it So how did your Weekend start????? Mine started Pain and more Pain lol
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34 responses
• United States
22 May 10
OMG what a dreadful experience for both you and Gissi. Of course you must report it and then sue the owner for your medical bills. Do NOT let this irresponsible dog owner get away with letting her dog attack people and other dogs. You are correct it could be a child next time. I know here in the states the police will charge the owner how to the police handle in it the UK? My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery and that your bills get paid by the dog owner. Hugggggs and xxxx's
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 May 10
Hi Heather Fortunately I do not have to pay Medical Bills I think the Owner will be charged and I also believe there is a good chance the Dog will have to be put down but I tell you my leg is hurting bad I just can not believe it has happened, I am just glad that my Gissi is ok and hope he stays ok I was so scared I was going to loose him Hugsssssssssss xxxxx I will ring you soon I promise
4 people like this
• Philippines
29 May 10
Gabs, I am so sorry this happened to you really. I have been bitten twice by dogs in the neighborhood I know how painful it is. Not to mention I had to get the anti rabies shot which was so excruciating as most dogs in my place are not vaccinated against rabies. I endured so much pain but this did not stop me from getting a dog. I owned a dog when I was a kid and she was a sweet soul and her memory has sticked with me all these years. Guess this is one reason I still love dogs. By the way where was the owner of the dog? Why was he not on the leash? I have been charged by a dog too and posted the discussion here. I reacted the same way that you did. The maternal instinct to protect my dog was very strong and what I did was hit the dog in the leg with a bar I was holding on to my hand. The owner just sat there watching and did not make a move until his dog nearly bit me and my dog. To this day that dog does not come near me or my dog after beating him with bar and he does not growl at us anymore. I hope you heal soon dear. You did the right thing by reporting it to the police. If that dog mauls a kid that would be horrible. Don't you ever feel bad about reporting it okay. The owner would have to be answerable as she did not put that monster on the leash.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
29 May 10
Hi Candy The Owner was nowhere again in Sight, the Dog was out on his own as he had escaped so the Dog was totally on his own But I can't understand the Owner of the Dog that tried to attack you I mean why did he not get his Dog away
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• Australia
29 May 10
Hi Gaby. This isn't good news to come home to. I'll check the other discussions about it to see how you are coping. I'm hoping things have improved!
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
22 May 10
oh DEAR Gabs! You need to take care of yourself I don't CARE if that dog gets put down, he's a vicious dog and probably should be destroyed. If he attacks other dogs or people then he should never have been lose and this is proof that the owner should be fined and not allowed another pet.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 May 10
Hi Elic Yes I know, I feel bad but I would feel a lot worse if he ever did this to a Child what he has done to me or worse I can not take the risk, also next time he could kill Gissi I just do not get it that the Owners do not make sure he can't get out
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
22 May 10
I am so sorry....but you do have to report it.....the owner must not care very much for their pet if they would let it run lose. My weekend also started out with pain. I fell down my steps yesterday and pulled the muscles in my back. I am sitting with ice packs on it now. I didn't break anything..but I can't cough or move...bad part is I leave for vacation on MOnday on a flight to Arizona to see my daughter and for my grandson's graduation....hope I am feeling better by then!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 May 10
Oh goodness Jill please take it easy also try to get something from the Chemist for the Back I really hope it will be better by Monday for you but I know Backs can take a while Big Hugs and please take care, also try a warm Bath with Lavender Oil
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 May 10
omg of course you should report it! That dog injured you, could have hurt Gissi, and what if it HAD been a child. This isn't the dog's fault, it's the owner's fault. I feel bad for the dog, but people need to be kept safe, and if a dog isn't safe it shouldn't be let out.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 May 10
Hi Dawn I still have not heard what is happening
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
23 May 10
oh my God, I have been away so long hon, I did not even know about this this is horrible, that dog is a menace to society the owners should be heavily fined there is not if and's or buts.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 May 10
Hi Rose well it is good to see you again This all happened at the weekend
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 May 10
I didn't see you newest articles I will have to go and see them now
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
23 May 10
OMG--I'm only catching up here on MyLot today, but what a horrible experience for both you and Gissi, and don't feel bad about kicking that dog...he's a vicious dog and seems the type to attack anything or anyone..I'm glad Gissi came out the better, but poor you being bitten like that. Makes me wonder what kind of owner the person is to have a dog that they can't handle properly and a danger to everyone.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 May 10
Hi Pye Hope you are ok Well the Owner is certainly one B I still do not know what the outcome is but if I have not heard by the end of the week I will call the Police to find out what is going on
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
23 May 10
Hi gabs, I'm so sorry for your terrible experience and you have no choice but to report the incident. This dog must not be on the loose to cause problems for others, as you say it might be a child next time. There is something seriously wrong with the dog, so don't feel bad. It's good to know that Gissi is fine aside from his concern over you. Do you have a follow up visit with the doctor? You may need it. I'm not doing anything special this weekend and I hope that your pain has stopped. Blessings.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 May 10
Hi Pose Well I have still not heard what is going to happen I just can't believe this I really can't I am now on Antibiotics the Pain is easing now but still painful
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
22 May 10
Jesus Murphy Gabs! Scared the hell out of me reading this, so I just had to take the time to come here and give you and Gissi kudos and BIG HUGS after what you've both been through. And I'm glad you reported it. This dog is dangerous and you and Gissi are much to precious to too many people to have to live in fear of this animal, let alone be hurt by him. Thank goodness Gissi was not badly injured. And please, please take care of your leg. Dog bites can cause terrible damage, and infection is a real worry. Lots of neosporin on it ok? If you don't have any, have someone get you some. It's the best salve on the market for wounds like yours. Good heavens, I'm still shaking.................. As for my weekend, it's going just like the last two weeks. Work and more work getting the house totally in order for tomorrow's open house. I'm nearly done, but being a perfectionist, I'll probably never be satisfied. lol I'll catch up with you next week. I promise. Just take care of yourself and Gissi and don't go anywhere again without your inhaler! Love you, and so glad you are ok. I will send you some healing energy to relieve your pain.....
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 May 10
Spark I really wish you where here, I am in so much Pain I have been crying to I guess the shock is wearing of But I am of to bed now and I will take another Pain Killer before I go or I will not sleep Jean and Lara where both great and I am so grateful I met them even the Guys that are normally on the Field came to make sure I am ok and that Gissi was ok But I am of to bed soon I hope you are ok and not suffering to much with all the work you are doing, I have been worrying about you Love you to
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 May 10
Ok I will talk to you later please rest though once this is all over and done with xxx
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
22 May 10
Ah sweetie, I'd give my eye teeth to be with you right now. Take your pills and try to get some sleep. I'll get online tomorrow after the open house is over and let you know I'm available and you can call me if you want. I'm just so very thankful you are ok, though the pain and shock will take some time to ease up. If you need me though, phone me anytime. I worry about you too. I'm popping arthritis pills like candy, so I'm a little stoned, but at least I can do what needs to be done without hurting too much. Right now it's storming like crazy, so I better shut down my computer. Know you are in my thoughts and sending you hugs....
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 May 10
hi again oh my I am so worried about you, are you okay as muchas you can be after being bitten like that? and Gissi is he okay? oh my that was so frightening to read so it had to be really frightening for you. I am so glad Gissi was not badly injured. From the way you described it the dog was out to kill poor Gissi.oh and a dislocated shoulder on top of everything else. Compared to what you just went through my weekend is great but I felt that something was happening so was not altogether shocked when I read your discussion. somehow I must have picked up some vibes.You will be in pain for awhile. surely the owner of the dog willhave to pay your medical bills? well I know this is a second response from me just wanted to say love you two and do get better and be careful my friend,we may never have met in person but I do care very much for you and our friend Gissi too. hugs from Hatley.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 May 10
Sweetheart I am ok, in a lot of Pain but doing ok please do not worry and your little Man in the Doggie Suit is fine to I have to say I have never seen Gissi so mad though even when we got indoors, he came up to my Leg sniffed it and went mad trying to get out and get the Dog even though the Dog had gone, but no we will be fine, I am still shook up yes and I just keep crying but I am doing Fine honest so you sleep well It is strange though that you felt that something was going to happen to someone close to you Lol you should have guessed it was me lololol Seriously I am doing ok love you Sweetie
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 May 10
my weekend is fine but I had a bad feeling this morning and have felt odd as I knew someplace someone who I cared for was in trouble. poor you. I hope that they do something about that dog he could have killed Gissi and even you for that matter. that owner has to be held responsible for her dog's actions. Gosh that dog did a huge number on you and I think he would have killed Gissi had you not stopped him. I am so sorry you got bit, hope the dog had all his shots. I can see Gissi trying to protect you but that dog was too big for him.I am so glad he did not hurt Gissi as he could have.I can see you would be so afraid for Gissi you would not have thought of your shoulder nor your foot. Yes you had to report it as if it was a child that would have been horrible.My that bite must have been very deep.They may charge the owner with a few things as that dog should have been on a leash, not running loose with no owner.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 May 10
Hi Sweetie I don't know what will happen, I just know I never want to see the Dog again, as I know I will panic I have hardly slept I am in a lot of Pain, leg arm and my Lungs and I am so tired I was also checking on Gissi all Night to make sure that he is ok But he is doing ok even this morning I am still bleeding I can't believe it Big Hugs to you
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• United States
23 May 10
BLESS YOUR HEART, I'm so sorry this has happened. That mean dog needs to be reported & his owner needs to keep him up. I hope the owner gets fined or whatever for letting that mean thing run loose. U are right it could be a child the next time. I want u & gissi to be careful. That kind of dog is a meanace. I'm glad gissi wasn't hurt but sorry u were. Take care of that leg.It's for sure it hasn't been your weekend. Sorry about your fall to. A fall shakes u up all over. I hope tomorrow is a better day for u. Wish u would stay away from that field, soooo glad u had a friend w/u. No telling what would have happened if she hadn't been there. Take care. hugs, jo
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 May 10
Hi Jo The Field is safe Sweetie, it is the Owners of the Dog that are to blame for this, this is the second time the Dog has been on the Loose I do not know what will happen now it is p to the Police Here in the Uk they normally order the Owner to have the Dog put to sleep or demand that the Dog is muzzled and not to be let loose again I am still bleeding and also in a lot of Pain now, I hardly slept but I will survive, I am just glad my Gissi is ok Hugs to you Jo and thank you xxx
1 person likes this
• United States
23 May 10
nO WHERE IS SAFE IF THAT DOG IS AROUND, JUST BE CAREFUL. I hopd u are planning on having the ownwe pay for your expenses to the dt. etc. He certainly is responsible for your bills. I would hate to see them put the dog to sleep but he needs to be muzzled & his owner take responsibility of lettng him run loose. I hope u get to feeling better soon. if there is anyway u could soak your leg in hot epsom sale it is very healing. i'm glad gissi is alright to but i am really concerned about u.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
23 May 10
Yikes! Gabs! That sounds like an awful experience! I adore dogs and, as you know I have one of my own but some do scare me! We have a huge black one that lives near us, I think it may be a Rottweiler and, as we walk past his house he barks and bangs on the fence so loudly it sounds like it may come down. He barks really angrily and my poor Cassie is terrified of him as I am! Dogs like that are dangerous and you did the right thing reporting the incident because as you said a child may be the next victim. I am relieved that Gissi is okay but what about you? How are you doing? It sounds so painful, you poor thing! Please take care Gabs; I will be thinking of you, do you have someone staying with you aside from Gissi?
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 May 10
I am late in responding back as you know what is happening lol I have still not heard
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@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
22 May 10
Oh, Gabs, what a scare for both of you. I am doing great this weekend, but it definitely sounds as if you are not. I have missed the earlier discussion, I think, so I will be going to your profile to check out what has been going on. I just do not understand why a dog would be allowed out that acts that way.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 May 10
Hi Gerty it is the Discussion Gissi got in a Fight
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@BarBaraPrz (49099)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
22 May 10
Oh me! Oh my! That's not good at all. Was the dog picked up? Hope he's not rabid. He really should be locked up if not put down. Hope you got lots of nice pain meds. Rest, rest, rest and hope you recover quickly. @-}--
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 May 10
Hi Bar I don't know what action has been taken yet, it is now in the Police Hands Fortunately here in the UK we do not have Rabies but they give me the Tetanus Injection as the last one I had was over 20 years ago lol I have my Pain Meds any way as there is only 2 types that I can take I am of to bed soon so will take one more before I go
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@BarBaraPrz (49099)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
23 May 10
I'd forgotten that there was no more rabies there. Nighty night, sleep tight.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
23 May 10
Good grief, gabs! And here I was, all concerned because I found a tiny tick embedded in my upper thigh! What a weekend you've had! I'm happy to hear that you weren't kept at the hospital but so sorry you had to go through all this. Gissi is a remarkable little fella, for sure! I'm glad you have him and I'm glad he has you. The two of you make an awesome team. So, you fell yesterday and had the dog bite you today? Sounds like it would have been a great weekend to stay indoors! But, hindsight is always right on target, isn't it? Of course, I don't know where you fell so it may have been a good weekend for you to just stay in bed. You take care of that leg, now. Have you reported the dog yet? I do hope you do because that dog has no business being outside without a lead. I hope it's owner receives some form of punishment for allowing the dog to get out a second time and injuring both you and Gissi, even if all Gissi got was a good scare. The owner should be responsible for any costs you incur from this incident, even if all you pay for is some bandages or antibiotics, plus the pain and suffering you went (and are still going) through. I know that you probably won't want to make a fuss because you're so good-hearted but this dog must be stopped and it's owner needs to know that it's not okay to allow the dog to be outside on it's own. I wouldn't accept the owner's story if he/she says that the dog just got loose because, as a pet owner, he/she should have more control over the animal. Stories like this really get my dander up! $^%$#%^R! irresponsible pet owners! Anyway, I found a tiny tick on me. That was the highlight of my weekend so far.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 May 10
Hi Marti Wow I did not know that Ticks get on People to I hope you have got it out of your Leg Do you know I think I would have been better of staying in bed lol All I thought of was getting him of Gissi, I didn't care about my leg I didn't care I could not breathe, I just wanted him of my Gissi But I tell you Gissi was not letting it go I don't know what will happen to the Dog or the Owner it is in the Hands of the Police now I could not risk this happening to a Child, but I do know when I see the Dog again, I will be in fear and I have never been scared of a Dog in my Life I hope you have taken care of that Tick big Hugs to you
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
23 May 10
Hi gabs. Since this is the second time the dog got loose and actually BIT someone, I doubt the dog will see too many more sunrises. In the States, they're put down once they're tested for rabies, or maybe they're tested for rabies after they're put down. I'm not entirely sure how that works but I think I read that they have to examine the brain of an animal to know if it has rabies or not. Either way, I have a feeling they won't be releasing that dog back to it's owner once it's in their custody. Here, they're taken from the owner and the owner receives a hefty fine plus has to go to court for the charges and could even receive jail time. A dog that has bitten someone won't stay in a shelter for long... they're put down. I understand completely how you felt at the time. If it had been one of my dogs who was involved, I would have done whatever was necessary to keep my dog from being hurt, not even thinking about myself. It's a natural reaction when we're protecting our own. Our pets are like our children and, of course, we're going to do whatever is necessary to protect our children! I commend you for what you did. I know I would have done the same. Still, you take care of that leg and make sure it doesn't get infected! Was your hand punctured, too? If so, well, you know what to do. How is Gissi now? I hope he's recovered from that horrible experience! Oh, about the tick. Yes, they most definitely can get on people! They're not picky; any warm-blooded creature will do for them, including humans. The population seems to have exploded this year, probably because of the horrible winter we had. Someone said the tick population should be much lower this year because of all the snow we had but just the opposite is happening. I was able to remove it completely, though. I did everything they say to do when a tick gets on you. I used tweezers, got the entire tick out, put the tick in a sealed bottle and will keep it, just until I'm sure I don't get any diseases from it. I cleaned the bite and put antibiotic ointment on it and also started a short course of oral antibiotics as a precaution. It was definitely a deer tick and they can cause Lyme disease, which I definitely do NOT need! I went through this a few years ago so I know the routine. We are in an area with a very high deer tick population so I learned everything I could about protecting myself against them, especially since I love being outside. Still, even with every precaution, the most stubborn of them can still bite. I put Frontline on my dogs and cat. My husband, probably the laziest man on the face of the Earth, has only put it on HIS cat once since we moved here... I won't touch her, she's MEAN! The tick probably came in on her. I wish there was something we could put on ourselves to prevent ticks from biting but, sadly, there isn't anything, yet. The best we can do is to use something with DEET in it but that is kind of risky. I do use it (Deep Woods Off) but it has to be washed off as soon as I come inside because it's such a strong toxin. Someone said that eating a pickle a day helps because of the vinegar. I've been doing that and it may be helping because this is the first tick I've had on me in years. I HOPE it's my last! Creepy little bugs!!! Anyway, take care of yourself. I hope today is going better for you than the previous days! Is Gissi okay today?
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 May 10
Hi Marti Gissi is doing fine but very protective over me at the moment lol I am so glad you got rid of that nasty beast yuk I think I would panic if I saw one of them on me just be careful and keep an eye on the Leg I am on 2 different types of Antibiotics now the leg is still painful but ok It just looks awful lol Hugs to you Marti
• United States
23 May 10
Hi Gabs,,I am sorry that this dog jumped on Gissi again..I am so sorry that he hurt you..It is too bad that the dog's owner would not take better care of the dog..You did the right thing by reporting the dog to the police..Please take care of yourself.. You really should sue this person for your pain and suffering..She should not be allowed to have a dog..It's too bad the dog is the one that will have to pay a price for being so mean.If the owner had been taking care of the dog then maybe you would not have been hurt.. You do not need this kind of trouble..Please take care.. Love and hugs and Prayers for your recovery from this attack.. Love and hugs to Gissi too..He is a very brave little man and he worries about his Mum..
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 May 10
Hi Martha I have reported it after thinking about it with a clearer mind, it is the fact that this could have been child that made up my mind I will not sue as her Punishment will be a lot worse then paying out money I have never kicked a Dog in my Life before and it hurts me that I had to but I had to get my Gissi Love to you to and I hope you are well
@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 May 10
I know you don't want to do this, but that is a very dangerous dog and and even more dangerous owner who does not control the dog. If it was me I think I would sue for damages the owner deserves punishment for allowing this to happen. The dog will probubly loose it's life and that is very sad. At lease that is what would happen here in the USA. I know it's going to take time for you to heal and am very glad that Gissi is ok.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 May 10
Hi Pat I am still waiting to hear what is happening about it I have heard nothing I shall ring Friday if I have not heard anything
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
23 May 10
Sweetie, i really hope you are allright. Unfortunately you have to report this. I hate when animals has to be put down, but his one has to go. Hope Gissi is fine. And the owner of that dog, well, let me see. As it is his fault, put him freaking down as well. It is his damn fault. HUGS TO YOU SWEETIE. TATA.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 May 10
Hi Sweet, well you know what is going on I am still waiting to hear
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
29 May 10
Oh yes please that would be wonderful
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
26 May 10
Sweetie, should i come and visit? I can always help you out, you know. TATA.
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