Work for money or Work for passion?

May 22, 2010 11:01pm CST
I am currently contemplating for my future but I do not know what I should take as a priority for my career. Would you rather work in a high paying job that you don't really love or work in a low paying job that you really love? Thanks!
6 responses
@ongtina (1232)
• Singapore
23 May 10
It actually really have to depend on how high or how low the pay is to decide. If the pay is just a little higher or lower than the norm, the interest factor will decide but if there is a great jump, the pay factor decides.
• Philippines
23 May 10
Thank you for your comment! Sometimes money can really be a huge thing since it does affect your quality of life. I am just hoping that I would make the right decision and not regret in the end. :)
@JasperTore (1275)
• Philippines
31 Aug 10
Look at what I am going to tell you. Those high paying jobs didn't become like that out of the blue. Do you know what they are back then? They are like the low paying jobs that you love. Because of the love and passion that have been put into it, these jobs turned into a job that is so in demand in the market. After a few years, they become those high paying jobs that you are talking about. Now to answer you question, I will rather work for a low paying job that I love than work in a high paying job that you hate. You know why? The quality of your work determine the true value of your job. It is not measured in the salary but in the outputs of your work.
@_Honey_ (780)
• Philippines
23 May 10
I suggest to always go for your passion. Passion will bring the best in you naturally. If you love what you'll do, you'll never run out of reasons to keep holding on, to do everything, to give your best shot and to be better each day. Optimism will never run out and will keep on coming back if there are certain times when failure tries to discourage you. The best of all, a person's love for what he does shows clearly, it flows freely and influences the people around you. If you go for the thing that makes you happy, it will pay off in time and you'll be thankful that you have made such a wise and fulfilling decision. Good luck to your career and may you always find reasons to love what you choose to do.
• Philippines
23 May 10
for me,you can work on your passion AND still earn money from it.I love hearing stories of people who discovered their passion and earned money from it.for now, you can take up another job that can give you the financial support you need and look for ways to work on your passion.when you earn enough money to sustain your everyday needs from your passion,you can quit your job and concentrate on doing what you love.
@Distrx (120)
• Australia
23 May 10
If you work in a job that you love even if it is low paying, your quality of work will most likely be higher. And from this improved work, who knows, maybe you will receive a pay rise after your superiors see your authentic love for the job and dedication. I personally have thought about this many times as well. I would rather work in a job that I love and this is what I am aiming for. As long as I have enough money to support my family then I will be content with what I have. I believe it is important that you enjoy what you do otherwise your quality of life will be reduced and this may lead to depression, unneeded stress and anxiety that could otherwise be avoided. Best of luck in whatever you decide, I hope that you find a job you love that also pays well! Hopefully you can have the both of best worlds.
@chinoxads (255)
• United States
31 Aug 10
Before the new boss i work for passion, but now i'm working for the money because i have a family to care, and right now i'm trying to make some extra money on internet and trying to find a second job (part time). Before my boss i like the work because those thing a try to make was for good of the company, but when the new boss enter, all the things you want to make you have to have a meeting with he and the other member of the team, then if they accept it, then you need to make a schedule, and other burocratic thing.