Why I Think I May Be Empathic
By CheersRayne
@CheersRayne (19)
United States
November 16, 2006 12:28pm CST
The past couple of months I have read or heard things that have led me down a path of considering the possibility of my being an empath. Now, please know I am not saying I am certain or that I am sure this truly exists. But the things I have learned about this ring so true to my own experiences that it is difficult to ignore. I have so many questions and it is really not a topic that is easy to learn about, especially from an actual expert or advisor. If anyone out there can offer any information that may help in my ‘research’, I would be more than appreciative. Here are some reasons why I think I MAY be an empathy or something of the sort. Some of these are copied from other posts I have made.
Since I can remember I have been highly sensitive – both physically and emotionally. I will feel a sensation, discomfort, or emotion suddenly for no apparent reason and this usually led to great anxiety.
When I go under street lights, they turn off. Not always, but A LOT. I have been told this is due to a high level of kinetic energy and that most people with this energy are born healers.
I always know when someone is being dishonest or untrue in someway to me. Whether I chose to acknowledge it or not, I always – deep down – know. Always.
I also always know when someone is talking about me, betraying, or disrespecting me. I can’t explain how or why…but I know.
I feel a VERY strong connection with animals. I feel they know I am safe. My compassion for animals is very heightened.
I feel physical symptoms that cannot be medically explained. Some chronic, some periodically. Anything from sudden tachycardia to a huge mark on my leg to chest pain.
Many times when I feel these sudden unexplained bouts of symptoms or anxiety, I will later find out of a tragedy. Here are a couple examples:
The day before 9/11, I laid on the bathroom floor throwing up and crying. I was in a very deep depression and was physically sick. It was completely out of nowhere and completely unexplained. I called the Dr. and made an appt for the next day, thinking perhaps I was pregnant. On my way to the Dr. I was listening to the radio when the planes hit the World Trade Center. At that moment, that feeling of doom and sickness simply lifted away. I was so very sad of course about the whole tragedy, but it was like everyone else’s sadness. Not the deep sorrow I was feeling the day previous.
The night the miners in Virginia died in the collapsed mine, I had this same feeling. Along with it was vertigo, which I had never experienced in my life, and trouble breathing fully. I was also suddenly extremely fatigued. I laid in bed all night. The next morning I had heard that the men had died.
These are just a couple examples.
I have a very hard time dealing with unauthentic people. People who are dishonest and untrue to themselves and others. This means, I have a hard time dealing with most people in general. I am a hermit type who usually chooses a loner lifestyle
I am always searching for reasons. The Whys in life. When I cannot know, when there is simply an unknown – it drives me crazy. This is why I believe death is so hard for me to come to terms with. Death is the ultimate unknown.
Unfairness, injustice…bothers me more than most. I cannot seem to just let things go as others seem to be able to do.
I am always tired and drained. Always.
I have a very hard time biting my tongue. I say what I feel when I feel it and if I don’t or can’t, it eats away at me.
I have had numerous pre-cognitive dreams - even though they usually are meaningless and I do not figure them out until much later when the pieces fall right into my lap LOL!!
ie. I had a dream that Charles Schultz died. The next morning I heard he did. I knew his last strip was to run that week - so he was in my sub conscious already. But I remember in the dream I was so astonished that he actually died the day of his last cartoon. He died during his sleep on the 12th and his last cartoon ran on the 13th.
A couple weeks ago two planes nearly crashed at OHare. In my dream the night before, two planes crashed - one was cargo one was passenger. It was close to home but not near enough to see it. No one died.
These are a few reasons I think I may be empathic. What do you think??
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