Targeted Traffic Versus Fake Traffic

@re08dz (1941)
May 24, 2010 2:19am CST
Hi, This discussion is based on the fact that recently it seems I've seen a lot of discussions regarding using traffic exchanges to promote websites or blogs etc. Now while traffic exchanges might have their benefits - promoting a single page affiliate product etc. When it comes to getting visitors to your website or blog particularly if you want to earn from them they really don't do that much. Aside from the fact that sites like adsense will ban you if you use TE's the traffic they give you is known as fake traffic - in other words people are forced to visit your site in return for some incentive or other (be it money or credits to promote other sites etc) so they don't really visit it because they want to - and even if they do visit it via a TE more often than not they don't even look at it as they have many other tabs open at the same time just waiting for the counter to count down. Then there's what is known as targeted traffic - if you want to earn from your blogs/web site by whatever means this is the traffic you want - this is visitors coming to your site because you have what they're looking for - they've searched the search engines etc and your site has come up. Unfortunately too many people think this is too hard to do (which is why the TEs seem so popular - some seem to think that as long as their stat counter shows they've got increasing traffic that's all that matters) but it's really not that hard at all. While getting targeted traffic may take a bit longer initially - once you set it up - it's there for good, you don't have to keep going back and doing the same thing over and over. A couple of good methods for getting targeted traffic are: 1) Article marketing - you write and submit an article to one of the many free article directories around the place, placing and anchor text link to your site/blog in the resource box. This not only gives you a link back from the original directory you submit to - other webmasters looking for content may use your article, with your link, on their own site, giving you another inward link, and it shows you as being an authority on your chosen topic. (as a matter of interest for those wanting to try - on my "how you can earn online blog" - link in my profile - I just created a free article directory and I'd love you guys to submit an article to it to show you how easy you can get backlinks etc back to your site) 2) Using related forums - if you have a blog about dogs etc - find as many dog related forums or blogs etc and leave a related comment - by putting your link in your signature you're once again building a link back to your site - and showing yourself as someone who has information on a topic people are searching for etc. That's just two methods, both of which are pretty easy to do, if you're prepared to put in the time and do it - of course another big advantage - 'specially if your site is new is that by submitting your link to another established site means the search engine spiders will come crawling your pages more quickly etc So long term there really is a difference in getting targeted traffic to your site as opposed to the instant fake traffic you can get. At least in my opinion :-) I'm sure others might disagree :-)
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1 response
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
1 Jun 10
Hi Re08dz, actually the best use of manual traffic exchange is to build up a mailing list. It seems that half of all the pages in traffic exchange allows people to sign up to get freebies. I think it is a good promotional tactic, even though I doubt the effectiveness of the idea.
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