Would you rather text(sms) or call someone on your cell phone?

United States
May 24, 2010 5:06pm CST
To me it depends on how urgent the issue is. There are some people who I can't text like my dad, because he does not understand how to text. Before I used to not be a texting person but then I got twice as many texts as I previously had that got added to my phone service. I say for trivial matters texting is much more convenient. I had argued with my best friend of why he doesn't text me, he said he doesn't text his old friends who he's known for a long time. It's kind of sweet because he'd rather hear my voice and be personal. =) Texts can often be impersonal and do not show the true depth of emotion that the texter is actually feeling. =P
33 responses
@adhyz82 (36248)
• Indonesia
9 Jul 10
i think iam rather send sms (message) than call someone else because the price for send sms is cheaper than call.
@Simon1223 (903)
• China
26 May 10
It depends on the environment I stay in. If I wanna contact with a client for the purpose of business, I always choose calling instead of texting. In my view, calling is more instant and more formal. If I just wanna contact with my friends for pleasure, texting seems to be a suitable way. We could do something else while sending sms to each other, which is impossible while we're calling.
@harips (106)
• India
25 May 10
it depends mainly on the situation and your account balance. In India the text sms is almost free by all service providers.so sms is cheap and most preferable if the situation is not very urgent.But in case of emergencies and urgent matters calling is the better option.
@May2k8 (18490)
• Indonesia
26 May 10
usually if hard to spell through a direct connection then I do it with a short message. I better to make a call than use the text, it doesn't take a long time to say. Even, my parents only can use the phone to call someone or received the call.
• Ghana
25 May 10
Personally i think I'd rather text than call someone on the phone. Because here where I come from making phone calls can be really quite expensive so i try sticking to my text messages. Also it depends on the urgency of the message. If it is very urgent and important of course I will make that call.
@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
25 May 10
Asian countries is different sometime, we don like to talk voice to voice sometime.Keep things not to personal.Sometime we rather sms.Haha. Also i think to keep the conversation short and maybe sweet.Some talking will increase cost of the call . Sometime not good also to sms, making both parties have to paid , since the other said who contact me, why i should reply in sms and i occur cost also.But i guess per sms is cheapest so majority don mind actually. Sometime sms allow both parties to delay answering and give time to answer. Like give time to check schedule.
@_Honey_ (780)
• Philippines
25 May 10
Hello Eddie. I seldom use my phone to call because here in the Philippines, it costs much to call than to text. The local network providers here usually have unlimited text promos for a fixed rate so in terms of being practical, I usually go for texting instead. There are also times when I call I the person I sent an SMS message to was not responding to my messages.
@GemmaR (8517)
25 May 10
Well, I only use about 100 minutes per month on my mobile in comparison to the 3000 texts that I send every single month. I think that should show which one I prefer, really! I just find it a lot easier, and use texting to get in contact with all of my friends at the same time say if we're going out somewhere or something like that. It's easier (and cheaper) than to phone each one of the 20 people who would be coming out with us.. I am getting a blackberry within the next couple of months though, and I am hoping that I will cut down on the texting a fair bit by moving onto BBM to contact all of my friends who have that..
@vivapinay (231)
• Philippines
25 May 10
In the Philippines, texting is very popular and I think we are the country who text a lot. For me, it depends on the issue. For ordinary topics like getting to know somebody, ordinary conversation at home or office, or asking somebody how they are.. then I do text. But for important matters which needs urgent answer, then I call. But for business especially the not-so-popular topics to discussed, then I just text. For my mom, I call because its always nice to hear her voice especially that I seldom see her in one year.
@adamc151 (476)
25 May 10
I agree, it depends how urgent it is. Also, i think it depends who exactly you are trying to contact. Some people i would only text because it may be a bit awkward to ring them, but if it is urgent it wouldn't matter :)
• United States
25 May 10
It actually depends on the situation. Texting can be convenient if there's another person in the room and you don't want them to listen to your conversation. It's actually pretty much convenient in all cases where you can't talk, like at the library, in the car, or at school. Talking on the other hand can be saved for when the situation is important or the other person doesn't know how to text. It's actually nice to talk on the phone when it's with someone you haven't seen in a long time so you can just hear their voice. Either way, it's better to have both these days because you might need them each at different times=)
• Philippines
25 May 10
For me it depends if what I am texting or calling about is important or not. When I am texting it means I am only asking a simple question that can be answered easily by a text message. When I am calling it means it is an emergency or my question can't be answered easily by a simple text message.
@zhangxia (87)
• China
25 May 10
well ,it can depends on the person who you contact with .usually ,if the person is intimate . of course ,i will call rather than text .
@lakman (56)
25 May 10
I usually call rather texing. it is chaper for me to call. Because i have two net work mobile packages in my dual sim phone. Each pkg has 1000minutes outgoing calls free a month for a fixed monthly rental. So very rarely i sms people.
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
25 May 10
well, it depends eddy. if it is something really important/urgent then i would call him/her up. for instance, emergency, medical reasons, school, etc... then if it's not really essential then i would just send him/her text message... i rarely call because it's kind of expensive..
@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
25 May 10
I think its depend on how urgent the situation, if it urgent its better to call so they will get the message really quick and able to response really quick too. I find its frustrating to sent text and wait for reply in urgent situation. In normal situation I like to text any one I know except my mom and dad, because they often not aware about the text and just ignore it, so its better to call them.
@evepin (721)
• Philippines
25 May 10
i used to text a lot but after a while i preferred calling instead of texting, especially when i really need to talk to a person. however, if its more like keeping touch, just simple hi-hello's, then i just text.
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
25 May 10
hi eddy, i love spaghetti of my mom,by the way! regarding your question,i usually text my friends and sisters or relatives.but sometimes when i have a load to call them and it's really urgent/important i would call them.depending on the situation. well as you said,calling means more of personal cause you'll know who to talk and who are you talking to. not unlike text,it's either you know the person you are texting or someone just received your friend's phone and text you. you just don't know. if i like to talk to somebody which needs urgent response,i'd call.or sometimes if i have lots of load to just check on my friend,i'd call. nowadays i don't usually text,i don't know.i just don't feel like texting and typing in keypad of my cellphone nowadays.i'm moody sometimes...
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
25 May 10
i prefer calling but it do cost me a lot than texting..i do text to keep in touch with my old schoolmates because if i call them,surely the conversation would at least took me half and hour and then poof!!my credit balance would be 0.00..but in certain day when i got a free call..i would use it for good!i would call my BFF and talk with them the whole day.but in an urgent case..i do like calling because you can tell or ask that person straight away without having to wait for him or her to reply..waiting is an agony..i rather call than to wait a whole day for a text to be reply..
• China
25 May 10
I agree whith this : Texts can often be impersonal and do not show the true depth of emotion that the texter is actually feeling. And I think it always takes a long time to press letters or words to edit a message. And call on cell phone can make me tell things clearly and quickly.