have you ever been seen on television?
By annavi23
@annavi23 (6521)
May 25, 2010 9:28am CST
i remember when i was in my grade school,i'm really excited for the field trip we had cause it will be on noontime show here in the philippines.i was studying in a private school back then and i guess having a tour on noontime show is really great.
so,i remembered it was "eat bulaga" which was a part of abs-cbn channel 2 on the philippines that time (nowadays eat bulaga is in gma channel 7). it was like year 1992 or 1993 i guess. then we came there as a live audience,really exciting. before the show starts, there were maintenance checking on their cameras if it's functioning clearly.
then,they came rushing to get some volunteers to be seen in tv,while there is still commercial airing. since i was one of the persons who are sitting in front,my classmates pushed on me.i was kinda shy that time. then i get up at the stage,wow!
what a lovely seen! so many audience in front of me and the camera is all around me.
i was like very shy that time i can't even move a muscle!
after the show,my classmates teased me for that....
i feel like a star for one second,but i don't have the guts to smile then and made my classmates tease me.
how about you? have you been seen on television?please do share your experiences...

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17 responses
@b3ginn3r (221)
• Philippines
26 May 10
When I was a kid, my uncle and my aunt took me to a mall. Without me knowing what would happen, I just found myself on the stage with my uncle and aunt. I was on "Kwarta o Kahon" game show. It was a family game and I was a proxy for their son (he was still a baby). We advanced to the jackpot round because of my skill in ringing the bell (it's like the buzzer that determines the group who will answer the question). It was nothing to me at that time because I just concentrated on my task on ringing the bell. After that, whenever a commercial of the game show is shown on tv, I always see myself on that over-sized shirt they gave me. I looked like a hanger on that shirt (I was so thin before).
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@b3ginn3r (221)
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
i forgot, maybe more or less 10yrs old. I was really young then. I think I got a rice cooker from the game. Then my uncle traded it with an exhaust fan. There's a cash prize too, I just can't remember how much.
Yeah, it was a great experience being seen on TV. I laughed about it every time it was brought up on family discussions.
Oh yeah, the benefits of being an employee.. getting FAT! lol, I didn't get fat though, but I gained weight. It's good to be working. And working while writing on myLot from time to time.
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
28 May 10
hi beginner,
as i remembered,kwarta o kahon is like decades ago my friend!
how old are you back then? i'm sure you enjoyed playing back there...
how much did you get back there?
at least you enjoyed and have been on a game show that everyone wants to be into right?
i think that was really a great experience.
i also was once thin girl and now getting fatter,at least we developed ourselves.

@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
12 Jun 10
@bigal, yeah,i've seen myself on tv. as i have stated to the above post that i've made,and the one that i comment on cloud31. well, i also seen myself on tv,when my cousin used to have a video of us in our family reunion. we were all dancing there and i saw myself there,dancing weird steps,,

@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
27 May 10
Well so that is little Annavi on the TV! It rhymes! I was seen on television but so quickly, haiz! That was year 2001, when the Far Eastern University hosted the UAAP. We performed for the opening of UAAP at Araneta Coliseum. I was a member of Far Eastern University Choir and we perform together with the dance troup and cheering squad. The camera was focused on our choir when it was our time to give background humming to specific song, I was the first one that seen on the camera, then the other members of choir. It was my family who share that story to me. It was aired in Studio 23 by the way. that is the only time I was seen in the television.

@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
28 May 10
My family is musically inclined. I am happy that you share about your family. Same goes with me, my mother likes singing, and even my sister and brother and of course my father. They are belter compare to me who is a mediocre in this field. I love singing in choir because of the four voices. I know Annavi has a great voice too!
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
28 May 10
hi grecy,
you know what? my surname also rhymes with my first name...
but sometimes my classmates also thinks that it's like hanging position...
so you are a member of a choir in Far Eastern University? is that right?
well,i guess you have a great voice,my friend!
i also have a sister who is younger than me and she also was a member of Arellano University Choir and they sung on nursing ceremonies like pinning and graduation of nursing students.she was a nursing student at Arellano University.and she has a good voice too same as my twin sister.the two of them were good when it comes to singing.same as our mother.we are four girls by the way and our mother is really good in singing.she always used to sing in our baranggay if there's a program she will be the emcee and there will always have time for singing for her.
sometimes me and my siblings want her to stop singing...
we very much loved her by the way!

@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
28 May 10
what four voices are you talking about?
can you share it with me?
can you do the four voices yourself?
how did you know Annavi has a good voice too?
well, i think you're not referring to me.
did you respond on my recent discussion about dancing and singing?
i think you don't...here's the link if you like to check.
i'm glad it's in your blood to have a good voice,my friend!
how happy you're family is when bonding time and i think you prefer singing as bonding moments. sometimes i do sing with my sisters along while washing the dishes...

@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
12 Oct 10
I have been an extra on two TV shows. No one that I know saw me on one of them as it never made it to TV here in Australia, but it did in the USA. The other one that I worked on was shown lots of times and my neighbour 4 years later saw me while watching a rerun at home one day. She was so amazed and thought it was really funny to see me.
I have been on the TV news a couple of times and have seen myself. My kids thought it was really funny to see me on the TV. 

@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
13 Oct 10
Yes, I was paid for being an extra, but not much. The agency that I went through was not a very good one I found out later and they took most of my payment. I am with a better agency now as I have started doing this type of work again. I have just joined and had one audition for a part, but missed out on it. I am going to do some acting courses through the agency so that I can get some small speaking parts. They pay extremely good! 

@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
12 Jun 10
In my time I have been lucky to have experienced being on TV. When I was in my teens there was a dance program on the local network paterened after a popular dance program. That was really cool back then.
In my adult life I produced and MC'd a local talk show on the public channel for about two years. That was really cool.
That's about it though. Never made the big time. I guess the closest I have come was Production Mgr. for the channe. What about the rest of you MyLotters? Any "STARS" out there?
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
12 Jun 10
hello there,bigal!
i thought i had met a star from you?
well, do you dance back there when you were still teen?
i'm confused on your words,my friend!
you have experienced producing and MCing a talk show in your country?
that was really great,my friend!
actually i have started this discussion to know more of mylotters,maybe some who are talents here just hide their personalities,right?
well,being a production manager to a certain channel is really a great thing happened to you,i salute you my friend!
well,i hope anyone had been STAR in this site,my friend!
i would love to meet them!

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@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
12 Jun 10
Many THANKS my friend. I hardly was a "STAR" but it was really fun. That was the first time I really was in front of the camera other than the dance program. It was kind of cool.
My profession for about 10 years was videographer for an International company doing conventions, commercials and weddings. Now that was "FUN"! I got to travel and meet all kinds of tv industry pros and stars. I was fortunate to have a Highly rated videographer/producton editor as my mentor. He was really a great teacher and hard task master. Nothing less than profection for him. I really learned alot from him. Ultimately I became the "Senior" Wedding videographer for the company and was able to pass on what I learned to those after me. Really a cool feeling.
Believe it or not most of them are just like you and me. For the most part they are just regular people. We the public make them out to be more than life and some stars start to believe it. But that's another conversation.

@juicekodai (1119)
• Philippines
25 May 10
i was seen on tv once.. it was a local noon time show.. they were taping it in the mall.. my friends and i checked on it for a while... i was just one of the random audience that was caught on the camera.. i didnt see my face though.. i was busy with my phone... my friend has to tap me and inform me about it.. oh well, i was a shy girl.. and i didnt want to see my face on screen... lol
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
26 May 10
oooohh...so you're one of the audiences that time?
you said you don't want to see your face on screen but you want to experience being an extra? how's that possible,my friend? i'm confused on that!
you were a shy girl? how come your profile pic is in your profile?

@juicekodai (1119)
• Philippines
26 May 10
i WAS or I WERE... so that means its in the past... please dont get confused.. lol

@vivek2006 (1418)
• India
5 Jun 10
Nah I haven't been seen on tv but looking at your pic i'll have to say you look really cute so you would have looked even cuter on that show. I liked your name, its different so i just came to reply to your discussion, wat does it mean. I would like to be friends with you if you allow, so can we be friends. Also wat happened after that show, are you still that much shy or improved on that.

@vivek2006 (1418)
• India
5 Jun 10
I would say Shyness is not your weakness but your strength i think thats what made me wanting to become friends with you. I'll message you..wanna know you more..i hope you too reply back and we bcum good friends.
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
5 Jun 10
hi vivek, well that was really long time ago. as i've said i was still in grade school that time and i was not really seen on the show.it was just a testing of their cameras and they pulled me to be seen by the audience and it was really not aired by the time i was in front of audience.
well,we can be friends here,it's okay with me.
i was still shy sometimes. i have improved a little but shyness is still my weakness.
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@clocks123 (1225)
• United States
25 May 10
Hilary Clinton came to town when her dad passed away. i was waiting in the audience to get a glance of her. i saw her in the car and she waved. i was on the evening news at night. they showed the crowd. surprise...
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
26 May 10
hi clocks,
love to hear that experience of yours.
well,i bet she's really popular and being able to see her in person is great thing.
it's really nice to see famous people right?
some would be starstrucked when they see one. some were idolized,some were hated at times.but in real life,in the eyes of GOD we are all equal...
no rich,no poor,we can never bring what we have here to our graves or to heaven itself...

@GemmaR (8517)
25 May 10
Yeah my school used to do a concert once a year and it was always so big that it would make the news.. so I have been on TV six times through that, four times interviewed for various things, twice as an extra and once just randomly walking down the street when there were cameras there. It is an experience that I think everyone needs to have, it's so fun!
Oh, and I've been on tv countless times because my seat at the rugby is right near a camera, so I'm shown at least 15 times per week on the sports channel :)

@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
26 May 10
you really gets the attention of the camera,my friend.
did you have a payment for being seen on tv?
how much is it for being an extra?
i guess that must be really fun!
seeing actors or actress is fun how about having a scene in the movie right?
being an extra is really exciting experience...

@juicekodai (1119)
• Philippines
25 May 10
wow.. that must be really fun.. i wish to try that.. being an extra.. i wonder how my friends would react.. :)

@tuyakiki (3016)
• India
26 May 10
It is a great experience. I felt really glad after reading it. Thanks for putting up this discussion.
It happened with me too.Let me share the incident.I was watching a football match,where our my favourite club was playing. I didn't prefer sitting on the stands,though I have ticket with allotted seats.It is a touch job because every now and then you will have to stood up with the Mexican wave.So,I was sitting in the roof of the stadium,with my two friends and enjoying drinks and pizza.
But when I come back home,my father told me that he watched me and my friends 6 to 7 times as the camera was focusing us for seating in the roofs,cheering the team,waving the flags and gulping PIZZA like that.
Unfortunately there was no big screen.
After hearing that I said WOW!!I become famous!!

@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
28 May 10
i'm happy you liked my topic,my friend!
you have experience back there,huh?
i think the cameraman loves your position cause you have all your way to celebrate up at the roofs with your friends. i have never watched football myself.cause i think there's nothing like that here in the philippines. i love playing softball when i was in college,that was one of my P.E. subject that i really enjoyed the most.
yeah,at least you became famous at the roofs.
i love pizza,my friend!

@chdsandeep (397)
• India
26 May 10
Hello friend!!
I have never been on television but my photos were published in newspaper... Hey.. NOT WANTED... It was because I had scored good marks in board exams...
I also have got a reason to tease you Star Annavi...
I have stuttering problem but I was confident enough for speeches on stages.. I used to top in childhood days so my teachers always used to give me speeches on independence day, republic day, festivals and so on.. So, I had no problem with facing audience as audience was known to me... they were junior students or classmates so... I comfortably used to give speech and teachers used to keep them silent...
Have nice time Star!!
Take care!!
Happy myLotting!!

@chdsandeep (397)
• India
28 May 10
Hello friend!!
Thats good that you survived...otherwise I would have missed a good friend...
Thank God!! that You are safe..
I am happy for you....
Take care friend!!
Have nice time!!
Happy myLotting!!
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
26 May 10
how about if you're not with me,my friend?
what would you do if you didn't know there's a camera behind you?
you know,i just remembered one incident in my life. i was in an office back then.
applying/inquiring for my philhealth id i guess.once i entered the office,i know there's a crew from abs-cbn that time and someone is capturing videos that time.i just ignored it though,i just think they might be checking the camera.so,it's okay with me.but when suddenly i came to talk to an employee at his desk,the camera man is right behind me. well, i don't know if he's capturing video of us talking.
i just knew from the employee i'm talking to that the camera was really on and taking video that very moment. i just ignored it and after my mission,i walked away.
the employee said it might be aired at tv patrol news at abs-cbn that night.
but i was really tired that day that i didn't have the chance to watch news late that night to see if i'm on tv.i also don't remember the date that was to check from the internet if i've been on tv. well,if i am,that doesn't matter to me now.
it was like years ago but if so,i'm glad at least i have seen on tv.
unfortunately,i didn't have the chance to watch it.
i remembered i was pretty that time.
even the employee took an id picture from me. so,i guess the cameraman also amazed by the way how i look...

@rosegardens (3032)
• United States
26 May 10
Yes. The mayor of our town was taken by the FBI and I just happened to be nearby when it happened. I heard about it from someone, but wanted to see for myself, so I spoke to a member of a news crew. He taped me and they did put me on tv.
I have also done some extra work and anxiously waiting for the movie to come out. That was fun but grueling work as we had a lot of running scenes.

@rosegardens (3032)
• United States
31 May 10
lol! The movie is Red Dawn and everyone was running. I can hardly wait to see it come out. Some people in the buildings around us took video, but you know in the videos they took that are posted online I cannot see myself. We all look alike running out of the square! lol. We did get paid for the extra work in that film.
My intention with the camera man was only to find out what was happening. I did not think he could film me without someone else there, but he asked me if he could after I complained about our corrupt government. I did think about the movie, and said yes. However, since I trashed our local city government on tv, maybe that was not such a wise thing to do.
To top it off, the same station quoted me a few times in a few different stories about my city.

@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
28 May 10
my friend,you are great,i haven't met someone who did an extra in a movie scene.
i guess you must have long legs and can run faster so that's why you have a lot of running scenes.
well, did you got a payment for being an extra?
i guess you just planned to ask a news crew so that you'll get caught by the attention of the camera,is that,my friend?
if that so, you are a genius,i can say!
have a great day my friend...

@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
2 Jun 10
it's nice to know that you have been paid for doing that running thing.
eventhough you can't see yourself there,but i think it would be happier if you of course,see yourself in the movie.i can imagine how many people are there running with you,that you said you didn't see yourself in video.
i think you are a responsible citizen for being quoted by the station few times.
keep doing that and have a great day,my friend!

@ada8may21 (2404)
• Philippines
26 May 10
I've also experience to be seen in television but its unexpectedly. Since you are from the Philippines I dont know if you are aware of the MBA before Metropolitan Basketball Association where in the basketball players represent their own city all over the Philippines. I am from Davao City so I am a big fan of Davao Eagles at that time. When they have a game here in Davao City I am really eager to watch them and be side court audience. I could not afford it the ticket is so expensive. I went out and just told my parents that I'll be having a school practice.
I was so lucky that one of the player from Davao Eagles is my friend so he let me in without any payment and sitting on the ring side. I am seated in front and because the game is so intense I was carried up and keep on shouting and cheering up my favorite team. I did not know that the camera is just in front of me and keep on showing me nationwide shouting and cheering my team.
That time my parents is also a followers of MBA they also keep on watching the game and they we're shocked that I was there shouting and cheering my team. They thought that I was in the school for practice. When I got home they keep on teasing me as well.
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
28 May 10
that was really exciting adventure experience my friend!
lucky for you,you have a player friend who gets you to attend the event yourself.
it's really nice to cheer on someone you really know and believed and support as well that they can win. nice act that you are about to have practice that time.
i never fond of watching basketball games. well, i remembered back then i watched one time the game of the one who has crush on me.he was physically fit but i don't really like him,though he was a great basketball player.
have a great day friend!

@mercedlegurpa (955)
• Philippines
25 May 10
I was a contestant in "Laban O Bawi" in Eat Bulaga way back in 2005, I ended as first runner up because I didn't know the answer though the question was very easy. It was a very happy experience; I saw my favorite star then Kiko Magalona. I was so delighted to see Vic, Joey de Leon and Tito Sotto. My friends were amazed on how I made it as first runner up. But they told me they wished I won.
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
26 May 10
hi merced,
you have a wonderful experience back there, it was truly happiness to have won the first runner up,eventhough you didn't win at least you've tried and gave your best.
well, that's life.sometimes we win sometimes we lose.it's all a game.
i remembered my relatives who is always making their way to be a contestant in such game portions of noontime shows.well,like you they didn't get the chance to win,at least it's an experience to be in a game sow where lots of people are watching...