people who like to be angry

United States
May 25, 2010 3:09pm CST
Do you know people who seem to take some weird pleasure in being angry all the time? I know several people who are always upset about something, whether it is about politics, their spouse or the treatment they received at the drive-thru. My theory is that these are people who are more comfortable with the emotion of anger then they are with other emotions.
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4 responses
@magtibaygom (4858)
• Philippines
1 Aug 10
I learned through reading Stephen Covey's book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" that we humans are created better than animals. Both humans and animals, have emotions like happiness and anger, fear and excitement. We all have emotions. We all respond to the "stimulus" around us. But we are so lucky than animals because we are given brains to think. Unlike animals, that react immediately when there is a stimulus, just like a cat's hiss when it encounter a dog, we are different because of our ability to think, there is a wide space between stimulus and response. We should not always be reactive just like animals, just like cats. Instead, we should be proactive. We should be "slow to anger". We must first think before reacting violently in anger.
• United States
1 Aug 10
Oh, that's an insightful comment, magtibaygom! I wish more people would be in better control of their emotions and not allow events or other people to disturb their peace of mind. Nice contribution, thanks!
• India
28 May 10
Hello welcome to mylot, yes there are some such who always appear to be angry, but infact some are really angry others are not.. i agree with your views too.. Welcome always. Cheers. Prof
• United States
28 May 10
Thanks Professor2010, I appreciate your comment. Yes, indeed there are degrees of anger. Most angry people I know stew about stuff or rant among their family and friends. I don't know anyone "scary angry" and that's a blessing! Positive people are more fun, though.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
27 Oct 10
Well true, hypertension causes attacks and most health problems, its highly dangerous and hence we should learn to manage hypertension.
@petersum (4522)
• United States
25 May 10
Guilty as charged! I am one of those angry people, or so my wife says. In reality, I'm just loud and speak my mind. I don't often get angry but I may appear that way. Many people are actually misunderstood like this. Perhaps this site owes a lot to angry people. When you get fired up, that's the start of a good argument, or discussion as we call them here. By the way, welcome new member - nice start!
• United States
25 May 10
Thanks petersum. Maybe I am misunderstanding. My brother-in-law, for instance, seems to show only anger as an emotion. Unless he's angry he's like a knot on a log - nothing to say. But, if I bring up some event that he's ticked about, boy does he get animated then! And, like you he will speak his mind. And that's ok, not having to guess, I suppose. I hope you are willing to express your other emotions as well. And, I don't mind a little "discussion" now and then myself.