When a slight breeze sends you over the cliff...

@AmbiePam (96643)
United States
May 25, 2010 3:57pm CST
Have you ever been dealing wtih a lot, and you are keeping things together. You're doing well not falling apart. And then a tiny, almost insignificant thing happens that really isn't that bad, and that is what sends you over the edge. Do you know what I mean? Not many people know about something I'm going through right now. I don't really want to talk about it. But it's a horrible thing happening in my family, and I can't do anything about it. Other things have been going badly as well, but I've managed to keep myself going, not giving up. Then today, my sister sent me a very mean e-mail. In the grand scheme of things, this e-mail was nothing. But for some reason, it sent me over the edge. I started bawling. Just crying and shaking for a good 20 minutes. I'm so glad no one was around to see it. Usually I feel good after a well needed cry. But not this time. How about you guys? Any similar experiences? By the way, I'd tell you what the e-mail said, but what she got angry about was so stupid, that I'd rather not let people on mylot know how petty my sister can be. She is a wonderful person, but today...I don't know what made her snap at me. She'll get over it, and we'll be okay.
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18 responses
@hofferp (4734)
• United States
26 May 10
Been there -- done that. Sometimes the cry helps, sometimes it doesn't...but it always gets better in time. I hope you're able to work things out, and in time, I'd probably let my sister know her e-mail hurt my feelings. But I wouldn't do it now, everything is too raw. Hope things get better for you...soon.
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@AmbiePam (96643)
• United States
26 May 10
I wish I could share with you her "apology". Before her whole blowup at me, I had sent her a thank you card. I could tell she got it today. She e-mailed me and was like, even though you did this and this and you annoyed me with this and that, I probably should not bitten your head off. Isn't that a great apology? lol I didn't reply. I don't want to say something I'd regret. For her birthday this past year, I had brought her presents to her early in case me and my parents couldn't be there for her birthday (she lives 3 hours away with her husband). So two days before her birthday we made plans to go see her. She told me she had already opened the presents I got her. I was disappointed because I wanted to see her open them while I was there. She seemed stunned that I was coming down to see her with my parents. She kindly asked to talk to my mom. You know what she wanted? She wanted my mom to keep me from coming down to see her on her birthday. She didn't want me coming to see her with my parents. My sister doesn't know that I know she did that. None of us know why she did that. But my dad pointed out one thing I thought about as well. He said he wondered if she would have let her come to see her if I hadn't already given her the presents.
@AmbiePam (96643)
• United States
27 May 10
I'm going to take your advice. All my life I have wanted to be friends with her. And it seemed like in the past year she had finally come around and was treating me well. She was even being nicer to my parents. But lately, I just don't get it.
@hofferp (4734)
• United States
26 May 10
I don't know a lot of the history with your sister, but I find her actions strange, and if she were my sister, upsetting. If I were in your position, I know what I'd like to do -- walk away -- but because she's my sister, I wouldn't. But I'd still cool it for awhile and let her come to you... Maybe if she thinks "you're gone", she'll think twice about "what if you're really gone"... It might take awhile -- months, even years -- but I think I'd let her take the steps to mend the relationship... (My thoughts, but who knows what I'd really do if I were in your position. Wish I had a magic wand...)
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@kedralynn (980)
• United States
25 May 10
I've been there many times. You just get overwhelmed sometimes and it's one little thing that just pushes you over. I've been dealing with some health problems lately. I had to take 2 weeks off of work. I'm worried about losing my job. Worried about how I'll pay the hospital bills. And then my partner went away on a business trip. It was only 2 days. But in those two days without him, I cried a lot. I don't even know why really. It's not like he was gone for long. Nothing had changed. And yet I wept like a baby. I'm pretty sure it's just everything piling up that was getting me down. But I still felt silly.
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@AmbiePam (96643)
• United States
25 May 10
Money problems just suck the life out of us, don't they. Not knowing how one can pay the bills is terrifying.
• United States
26 May 10
Oh yes. I think out of everything, I worry about money the most.
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• Australia
30 May 10
Yes, it is so very often that one tiny, insignificant added thing - the straw that broke the camel's back - that causes us to lose it. I'm sorry to hear that things are upsetting you and causing you grief. You come across as a well balanced, happy person so I'm sure you will be an overcomer. The "last straw" thing also works on the other side of the coin. While cooking for a children's camp a few years ago, a number of things caused us merriment. It seemed as though it was one laugh after another until one lady was called away to attend to something else. As she left, she said "Don't touch my coffee while I'm gone". I looked around and asked "Well, where is it?" to hear the response, "Well, I haven't made it yet!" No - it wasn't all that funny, but it was the last straw and we all lost it completely. We couldn't stop laughing! I'm trusting that you will very soon have one good thing after another and then a last straw that causes tears of joy.
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@AmbiePam (96643)
• United States
30 May 10
That IS funny. I love it when I can laugh about the silliest of thing.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
25 May 10
I know some of what your going through Ambie and I can't help wonder if your sister sent you a mean e-mail because she is upset too. Since you didn't go into detail, I won't either, but know I am praying..this is a journey everyone goes through, a part of life we rather not have to deal with. As for having something send me over the edge, yep, it happened yesterday. I had posted my query for my story a while back and had a couple replies to which I started to rewrite it differently..Then this other person comes in and says I needed this and that, contradicting to what I was told before..Ugh... I replied back, (I really should have waited though) and told this person why I did it this way and how what she says is opposite from what the other people told me. I then signed out and laid down to cry a little and take a nap..I woke up and still didn't go back in until later today. When I did, this woman was considerate and even gave me a couple sites to learn about writing a query. But I am still frustrated with how it came about. I know my problem is nothing compared to yours and you can contact me anytime if you want to talk..If you want, we can also IM sometime, I have about every IM there is..Just let me know..G♥d Bless
@AmbiePam (96643)
• United States
25 May 10
I think you've got a heck of lot of stuff on your plate. I don't know that I could handle everything you are dealing with. It takes a strong woman to "keep on truckin'" (as my dad would say).
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• United States
25 May 10
Wow, can't tell that by talking to my husband...I already got over it and moving on and don't mind if you need someone to lean on..
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
26 May 10
Hi Amber~ Please don't let her upset you again! I don't know what her problem is, but don't let it bother you! For some reason she just can't be happy and likes to pick on you! If you were really my "real sister" I would never do that to you! I am here if you want to "talk" and you know where to find me! Even though I am going through things too, I would still be able to help you by listening! You know I love you like you were my own "little sis"! Let me know if there is something I can do! Love, Leslie
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@AmbiePam (96643)
• United States
26 May 10
You, I think, are one of the few who remember all the other things I've talked about that she has done and said.
• United States
25 May 10
I can relate. I know people say until you walked in their shoes or you never know what the other person is going through. True enough, but sometimes people don't realize that you have things going on. We are tested everyday to make the right decision, say the right thing and be a cordial as possible. We are harder on ourselves more than other people. As far as "nothing" things springing us in action, absolutely. We are all human and sometimes we don't know what are own body is doing. Sister's can say mean things without realizing they do, I have one that way also. They believe subcon that we should understand. I can say don't let it get to you, but then I would not be taking my own advise. Venting is good and having people just listen is even better. Just remember, you are the one who knows you. What I am teaching myself to say when I get off on a tangent from nothing is to tell myself I ROCK.
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@AmbiePam (96643)
• United States
25 May 10
From reading your response I can tell, you do rock.
• United States
26 May 10
You are so kind. Just remember, you rock too. -smiles-
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
4 Jun 10
Yes Ambie I get like that, the reason is you can only take so much your Body and Mind will only handle so much holding together, so when it has enough, no matter how small the thing is it will send you over the edge, it is your mind and Body releasing from all the trauma it is going through I always find though once the crying and that is over, I can think clearer and be stronger to deal with what ever is going on I hope everything is ok Ambie
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
26 May 10
I am one of those people who bottle things up. I act like things don't bother me, but they do. Once in awhile I get to the point where I just can't keep it in anymore and I snap. My son is the same way. Just last week at school he had enough of this one kid picking on him and he just snapped. It almost ended in a fist fight right there in the classroom. See when we get pushed over the edge we get MAD. I have gotten mad enough that it has made me cry before though. Sorry you are going through a rough time right now and I am sorry your sister is not helping things any. I hope things get better for you.
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• United States
25 May 10
When you are already upset it was probably just the one more thing that pushed you too far. You know the straw that broke the camels back. Chin up! I hope you can get thru the things that are happening in your life. ((hugs))
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
26 May 10
As stressful as things are lately economically, I find myself doing this all the time. I am not justifying this activity, but I do understand where you are coming from. I often find myself stressed out a lot over finances or the lack of them. Then someone will ask me a stupid question like" What are we eating for dinner? At 10 o'clock in the morning. I'll lose it. I flipped out because why the heck are you asking me about dinner at ten AM? Why are you even asking me about food right now anyway? I'm stressed, leave me alone. I will realize later that I am not mad about the dinner question, just mad, and the slightest thing will set me off. Sometimes it is justified though but most times it is just I am already so enraged and bottling it up, you just came in at the wrong time with the wrong question. I love your choice of words to describe this, "When a slight breeze sends you over the cliff..." I'd never heard that one before.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
26 May 10
Hi, AmbiePam. I am sorry that you are feeling like this. I get like this when I am very moody. I get so irritated when the slightest little thing comes my way. This is when I am fed up. I will try to stay a calm as possible. But it is hard sometimes. Relax and don't worry yourself. I have to do this a lot. I hope that you will be okay.
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
27 May 10
When there is a storm we need to find an anchor and hold on to it for dear life. And storms do end. Hopefully yours will end soon. Then you can start to patch things up, including the situation with your sister.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
26 May 10
I’ve experienced that many times especially before my doctor prescribed the medication I’m on. I was angry all the time, feeling stressed out all day every day, I had a short fuse back then but I would generally try to hold it in until one more little thing would happen and bang! I would blow up and over react to the point that people would worry about me, avoid me or both! Since the medication I have learned to let my feelings out as I go throughout the day so that I am not bottling until I explode! I am sorry you are going through a difficult time. Life has the knack of handing out tough situations on a regular basis. Don’t worry; it is human to get to the ‘point of no return’ after a minor incident. Be kind to yourself and try not to bottle your emotions in for too long, talk to a friend or jump on MyLot and tell us all about it! Take care...
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@arakawaii (270)
• Philippines
26 May 10
We all have issues in life that we need to deal with, ME myself having so many issues with my sister, but what really makes it painful is that when its the source of your strength is the one pushing you to the edge. They may not know it but they are, you don't mind what would other say so, but when its your immediate family, its always matters what they have say.
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• United States
25 May 10
What you experienced was known as "The straw that broke the camel's back" I have gone through the same type of breakdown but later I realize that it did me good just like a catharsis.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 May 10
hi ambiepam yes there are times when a little irritation is just the last straw and you tumble head over heels down that cliff. We had found out we were homeless when the manager of the apartment in Antioch emaile my son to tell him our lady who insisted on sponsoring us to the first three months rent on a new apt, phoned the manager and told him to tear up the agreement. We were now officially and sickeningly homeless. And I realized it was my birthday. whoopee.I cried deep and long and it of course did no good. no big deal just another birthday but to be made homeless just like that on my birthday, that kind of present? bah humbug we are okay for now,my son is living just a couple miles from me in this tiresome retirement center, he is in a gov.sponsored apt with three other guys, this was done so all the men could have an address which helps to get jobs.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
25 May 10
Well, if the problems you're facing concern the whole family, then my guess is your sister is very stressed as well and really needed to vent her anger.. unfortunately she directed it poorly because I'm sure you're not the cause of it. It's understandable that something you deem insignificant can throw you over the edge. It's like "the straw that broke the camel's back". You're already so weighed down by all these major problems that the small ones are so much harder to deal with. It does happen to us all.. though at least you notice the difference between the big and the small... most of us just think it's all big!
@AmbiePam (96643)
• United States
25 May 10
My sister lives three hours away from us, and doesn't know the extent of the problem. She actually told us to keep our problems to ourselves. She's got a really good life (although I know everyone has issues). But she has been self-centered since she was a teenager. Nothing has changed. Her husband is a sweetheart. He has really mellowed her out. I have to constantly defend my sister because she does says some really cruel things sometimes.
• United States
26 May 10
Just curious- why do you bother to defend her if she wants to be so rude to everyone? Just let people think what they want of her.. because obviously that's what she wants them to think, otherwise she'd be kinder to everyone around her.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
25 May 10
Yes, I'm pretty sure I've let something unimportant get me upset when I've been going through a rough time, too. I think we all have. Like you, I always feel better after a well deserved cry. As for the mean email your sister sent you, knowing how I am, I would probably let that upset me, too. I've always been a little too sensitive and easy to get my feelings hurt, anyway. It takes me a while to get over things. I'm just glad you're holding up as well as you are.