Why there are so many branches in Christianity?

Son of God - As a Christian, do you believe you can accept Jesus, then be evil, and still go to heaven?
May 25, 2010 10:58pm CST
Christianity claims that Jesus is the only Son of God. Then why there are so many branches in Christianity. What are the points on which they differ? How would you know which one is right? As a Christian, do you believe you can accept Jesus, then be evil, and still go to heaven?
6 responses
• Philippines
26 May 10
CHRISTIANITY do have many branches.. because of differences in the INTERPRETATION OF WHAT IS WRITTEN in the bible.. RELIGION IS AN ORGANIZATION OF MAN..in knowing what is right: 1.Make sure the preacher practice what he preach.. 2.Observe the life of its member,Organization has an impact to the way they live their life.. 3.Activities of the religion or the organization..if activities is for their benefits rather than the betterment of the other..that is not Christianity. 4.Christianity uses BIBLE..Bible based on the original one. 5.Bible translation is properly done.. 6.Ask them. We can't accept JESUS THEN BE EVIL..WE CANNOT SERVE TWO MASTER AT THE SAME TIME..We are the one responsible to OUR own choice..because we have FREE WILL.., FREE WILL..,BECAUSE GOD want Us to have a genuine faith and love to HIM..it should come in to our heart..NOT by force.. and if we feel it into our heart..then it will affect how we act or behave towards life..which is to act according to Christ way of life..
• India
28 May 10
You are right liftyouup that people do not interpret what is written in the bible correctly. Bible has only one theme and it is, "The Word of God". The whole bible revolves around this one theme. Besides, the translators while translating the Bible have tried to add magic into the mystery. They all try to give people a packaged peace of mind. These turnkey packages come in complete with ready for use set of strongly held beliefs, values, and attitudes to live by. But do they really get you conditioned to deep solutions? The religion should rather counsel contemplation and endurance; shape common sense and awaken the believers because hope is but the dream of those that wake.
@xeroeight (1059)
• Philippines
26 May 10
No, if you accept jesus, and be evil again you are fully accepting jesus in that way. if you really want to know more what is the truth I suggest to read the bible, honestly I don't read bible I only go to church. if you want to know whose the right ask the bible, I think its not all about the church or organization you belong, its all up to you if you fully accept jesus. you don't need to base everything in church.
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• India
27 May 10
Here I would only say that if anyone accepts Jesus wholeheartedly he is not likely to be evil again. If anyone commits evil even after accepting Christ then he had not accepted Christ as his savior. He would not go to heaven. It is as simple as that.
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@allknowing (141546)
• India
26 May 10
I prefer not to disturb the hornet's nest and that is exactly what I would be doing if I were to attempt to answer your question. What has been handed down to us is what we believe in and those who handed it down to us did so using their own interpretations. The less I try to decipher the more peaceful I am. I believe in the 10 commandments and that is all there is to live a good life Christ or otherwise.
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• India
27 May 10
That is what I wanted to know why some believe in ten commandments and why some believe in just two commandments Jesus gave, "Love your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your strength. And honor your father and mother". Why you do not believe in commandments Jesus gave?
@allknowing (141546)
• India
27 May 10
"Why you do not believe in commandments Jesus gave?" How can you say this about me? What makes you think that I do not believe?!!!!
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• India
27 May 10
Because you said, "I believe in the 10 commandments and that is all there is to live a good life Christ or otherwise." . After Jesus came ten commandment lost its significance. At Matthew 22:36-40 it is written, "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
@joanick27 (141)
• Philippines
27 May 10
I think you are referring to different denominations. There are Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Born Again and so on. These denominations recognize Jesus Christ as the only Savior. I think the distinction lies on the manner of worship. For example, in a case of Baptist, they dwell much on the word of God; they study bible intensively and incorporate bible study into their worship service. For Methodist, I think the bulk of their form of worship is in singing; they sing to say praises to our Lord. For Pentecostal, they concentrate more in evangelism. Please do not think that these denominations only have a single way of worship. What I said is about the concentration of their worship service. As for your last question, I think the answer is obvious. If you already are a Christian, you decided to follow Jesus and leave the evil. In our case, if you are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, all your past and negative characters are buried and a new you are born in His name. For our faith, we believe that "once saved always save." But this is not a license to commit intentional sins. As human beings, even if we are already Christian we still commit mistakes in our life. But this does not mean that we go back to the old personality we used to have. I believe that once you accept Jesus Christ, whatever circumstances you might have Jesus will lead you to the right direction. If you commit mistakes, He will prune you and bring you back to His care.
• India
27 May 10
I agree on most of the points you have enunciated here. It is true that if you accept Jesus as your savior you invite Holy Spirit to come and abide in you and it is the presence of Holy Spirit which saves you from committing sin.
@dentabz (142)
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
There are lot of Christian denominations but it does not matter if you agree or not.What He all ask is that we serve Him faithfully.
@winjayoma (186)
• Philippines
27 May 10
Yes I agree that Christianity believes Jesus is the only Son of God but why is it there are lot of division in the Body of Christ. Because Christianity is the only true to the teaching of the Bible and it is of God, the devil wants to destroy it. He causes troubles, divisions in the church just to defeat the purpose of God. In the very beginning, Satan tried to overpower God and it was the reason that heaven was divided. One third of the angels separated and went with Lucifer. That's also happening how in the church, lot of divisions but thank God... God is still victorious. There were many divisions but the purpose of God is not divided. Though there are many branches of christianity, we have the same vision in the ministry that is.... reaching people for Christ. Romans 8:28, all things work together for good to them that love God and to them who are called according to His Purpose
• India
27 May 10
I appreciate what you say. Please enlighten me and clarify, "What is God's purpose".
@dentabz (142)
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
To all bible believing Christians: We may worship different ways but in our hearts we're undivided worshiping one Savior and one Lord. Let us respect one another's religion and belief.