Do You Count Your Daily Blessings

May 26, 2010 2:57am CST
"Dear GOD,please help me count my daily blessings.Especially, when , instead of keeping my eyes on YOU I look at my problems and wonder what I am going to do." Oh man,this is a biggy for me.I have been out of work for a year,suffered a nervous breakdown and it was extremly difficult learning how to blog and post photos for sale on the internet. ( I am the type of person that needs to be shown how to do things and there was no one here that knows how to do either.).My savings are quickly drying up and there is no prospect of a job in this economy. Through Bible readings sent to my e mail it was as if GOD kept on reassuring me "Do not worry MY child.You just keep on learning and I will take care of the rest." It has been almost a year now and I have learned how to blog and post my photos.I am just starting to earn money Do you depend upon GOD? Have you ever been in a situation where you feel GOD is leading you and it is difficult to take that leap of faith? Have you ever thought of giving up and had insperation to continue on? Thank you for reading this artical. May the sunshine of GODS love bless you today and every day
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13 responses
@eil_noz (961)
• Philippines
26 May 10
You know what? my motto in Life was Count your blessings and not your problem. I depend and believe to God I hold onto my faith to Him. Every time I remember this motto I simply smile and take things p ositively. There was a time that I felt like loosing every thing that I have but then, when I realized that there were blessings that God has given me like my friends and family that I thank God for it. A reminder that were never been alone to face our problems in life. God might have truly blessed you. Happy mylotting!
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• China
26 May 10
Thank you. That is an exalent way of life. May I ask you a question? How do you thank JESUS for the blessings He has given you? I do it by by guiding others to Him and living by Gods law You have a wonderful outlook on life. I am sure you are a blessing to others. May the sunshine of Gods Love bless you today and every day
@eil_noz (961)
• Philippines
26 May 10
I joined in a charismatic group that invites the youth to be more closer to God. I share to them my experiences about Jesus and how he has touched me in my life. I also joined in a church choir and attended every Sunday masses
• China
26 May 10
Good for you,sharing JESUS with others. I was a teacher and went by the motto "I lead by example." When my students would ask me why I behaved the way I did it opened an opportunity to share JESUS with them.Some of them gave their hearts to JESUS.Because they are from a differant culture it was difficult at times but so rewarding when they share with me they gave thier hearts to JESUS. I give them great big huggies being so happy. Now I go to a univercity and many students want to talk with me because I am a foriegner and always make them laugh.It is another great opportunity to share JESUS.Some of them have began to attend church for the first time and enjoy it and have become interested in JESUS. Sometimes when we are singing in church it feels as if there are angels in the room singing with us.Have you ever experianced that?Whenever we sing Amazing grace it makes me cry.What's your special song?
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@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
26 May 10
Yes gardener, I do count my blessings and God has never failed to bless me all the more when I ask Him again. I am not monetarily rich but I don't get hungry, I also have shirts on my back and roofs on my head. I talk to God each day when I water my plants. The flowers and the butterflies, the soft air and the blue skies, the white cumulus clouds - these are all reminders that God loves me. So I say thank you all the time. Pray everything comes to place from now on.
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@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
27 May 10
You are indeed God's gardener!
• China
27 May 10
Hi Eileen i was i was a treeplanter in Canada for thirteen years.That's when a logging company goes in a harvests trees then pay treeplaners to plant trees.At the end of my thirteen years of planting all across Canada my final count was 1,300,000 trees I though of it as the earth is GODS garden and we are the caretakers of HIS garden.Planting those trees was taking care of HIS garden have a great day
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• China
26 May 10
Good evening Eileen I agree. It seems as if people who have a lot of material wealth,but are very sad.The people who are happy with the simple things in life are beautiful people of the heart and are there fore the richest people in the world. i have seen a lot of it Being a nature boy , I really miss that being where I am, it is my belief that the closer you are to nature the closer you are to GOD.How can you see all that beauty and not be thankful to GOD for sharing it with us ? Have a good time in your garden.Have you ever had a butterfly land on your finger and you pet it?It feels like velvet.I love being in a meadows early in the morning in the spring,summer and fall.That is when the fragrance is most strong and indeed intoxicating. I pray you enjoy your day in your own little paradice with your flowers and the butterflies
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@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
26 May 10
I trust in God, but I'm not sure where He's taking me, or what's going on. I'm just along for the ride. I never count my blessings, because I'm not fully aware of what blessings I have. Some are pretty obvious. My wife, my new family, etc, but some things may be blessings that I just haven't realized yet. The only thing I can do is thank God for all the things He's done for me, and my family, and our friends.
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• China
26 May 10
I know how you feel.God has taken me place I never even dreamed of and done wonderful things for me. It has been and honour to serve Him. It is difficult sometimes to be sure but you know what,even that is a blessing because it brings me closer to Him Via Con Dios
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@sender621 (14890)
• United States
26 May 10
We are more apt to count our blessings when they are huge and happy for us. We forget about the little blessings we are granted each day. We should stop and count our blessings every day. We may not always see it, but there is so much to be thankful for.
• China
26 May 10
So true I believe in the KISS theory ; keep it short and simple.When we see the simple beauty of life we are more apt to be grateful for our blessings. Can I ask a favour of you? before you go to bed why not think of all the blessings GOD has given you and thank Him for them.It always makes me go to slep feeling very happy.No matter how bad the day has been May the Lord shower His blessings on you today and open your eyes to all of them He has so graciuosly given you
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@kharlav (1667)
• Philippines
26 May 10
i dont, but I thank God for every blessing and I praise Him for doing such. Blessing may not always come financially, and we may not even notice it. But I thank God for everything he does, may it be trials or joy because He is just worthy to be praised no matter what. i dont want to count my blessings because, I dont know everything that gives as blessing, sometimes, blessings comes in ugly wrappers but in the end it comes out sweet and good; and another thing is, I dont want to compare blessings that is why I dont count them.
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• China
26 May 10
Hello Kharlav I believe we mean the same thing. I do not actually count my blessing,but the artical was meant to imply are you grateful to God for all the gifts he has given you Yes I agree,many times when we go through difficult times we do not think of them as blessing,but when they are through we have gained a deeper understanding of JESUS' love for us and a deeper trust in Him,which makes us even more grateful Have a great day
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@kharlav (1667)
• Philippines
27 May 10
Yeah, that is true, I so agree with you. Many times tribulations make us stronger and make us learn a lot of lesson. We should be grateful for everything that God has done. God bless and happy mylotting.
@debsgw (256)
26 May 10
yes I count my blessings every day. Some days it's hard because we all have times when we let the doubts get to us but those days I just put more effort into recognizing the good things I have and being thankful for them. That brings it's own inspiration and helps to keep our minds open to the opportunities that life or rather God presents to us. (At least I find it works that way for me lol)
• China
26 May 10
i begin my morning prayers thanking God for the blessing He has given me and end my days thanking Him for the blessing He gave me Somedays it is difficult to think of any blessings He gave me so I just thank Him for loving me Yes I see many simple blessings he gives me as well as the big ones.For example getting a seat on a bus.Believe me where I live that is a blessing lol
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@debsgw (256)
26 May 10
you made me smile with the bus seat lol you're right though that some days it's important to focus on the little positive experiences that we have - it doesn't always have to be about something massively notable. Focussing on the small things that have helped make our day better, enables us to open our heart and mind to joy and the more positive we are in our outlook, the more positive an impact we have on others around us. However quiet and shy we may be, this will make us memorable and that in turn leads to greater opportunities coming our way..
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• China
26 May 10
Hi Deb People ask me why I am always so happy,I'm not always happy.Perhaps because we have a grateful heart it fills us with happiness.When we have that happiness we want to share it ,which makes our heart even richer, which makes us ever more grateful,which we want to share Good circle to be on huh God bless you with peace and happiness
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
26 May 10
i know i have a lot to be thankful for but it would be nice fir my hubby to have ajob because now we are only living on my paycheque which is tough and his unemployment. i only work part time due to health issues.
• China
27 May 10
Hi Cher I know how you feel.I have been out of work for a year now with no prospect of getting any work any time soon. May I add you to my morning prayers.I will gladly pray for you and your husband. Remember even when we walk through the valleys and the fires of hell JESUS is right there beside us. Read beside us.Not in front or behind but beside us. I have gone through many difficult times and each time I come out of it with a deeper love for and appreciation for my beloved JESUS I am praying for you
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
26 May 10
Hi Godsgardner, Yes, I do count my blessings daily or should I say that I try to. Some days it is easier to do that than others. Lately, I have been going through a bit of a trying time too and I know it can be difficult to overcome that feeling of dread and fear in the pit of your stomach. The last couple of days have snowballed and I've really struggled with it. This morning I forced myself to get up and face the day and with a positive attitude. I started off by reminding myself that I've gone through much more trying times and still here to tell the story. I have much to be thankful for and I thought of all my good friends, family, children, etc as I got showered and dressed. I still don't have any answers for the problems at hand but I'm not feeling as down and afraid as I have been for the past couple of days. I just know things will all work out somehow, someway. Thinking negative will only make it more difficult to come up with creative solutions and do nothing to help things. Your post was an inspiration, I have to say and gave me more blessings to count....I have a job. I do have that and I know I am so so lucky because so many people are out of work right now. You have an amazing attitude, Godsgardner and I have no doubt that good things will come your way!! Again, thank you for your inspiring words.
• China
27 May 10
Hi Sid When you feel fear that is satan trying to get you. Just pray this prayer "Jesus I thank YOU for your love.Right now I have a fear ,but I know and believe YOU love me and will take care of me.Thank you" and believe it. When that feeling comes just take with JESUS from your hear.HE will answer you. I am deeply grateful to have been able to help you JESUS loves you.
@Baluyadav (3643)
• India
26 May 10
hi,gods,there is no chance for me to count daily blessings...because i trust bigbang theory,Mendal laws......
@nancy0618 (477)
• Philippines
27 May 10
No I don't count and we should not do it, The most important thing is that if we feel we are blessed we should share it to others.
• China
27 May 10
Hi Nancy. I think you misinterped the meaning.To count our blessings to me means to be grateful for all of GODS blessing HE has given us I agree with you very strongly that we should share these blessings.I carry muffins and little juice containers to give to the beggers here.I do not give them money as it is taken by crinimals.Many of the beggars faces light up when I give them this gift. It makes me richer in the heart. This is but one way I share JESUS' love and blessing with others and it makes me richer in the heart Good for you in sharing your blessings May the sunshine of JESUS' love bless you today and every day
@takie23 (142)
27 May 10
Days can be hard and counting my blessing is just what I need, so I do that everyday. I depend solely on God and try as much as I can to hear his voice as he guide me. Whenever I feel down, reminding myself that God loves me and he is always by my side and listening to my worries is enough for me to go on.
• China
28 May 10
Hi Takie Good for you girl That is a great attitude. i agree that when temptation comes my way to my knees I go and pray.When I feel down I do the same as you. may the sunshine of GODS love bless you today and every day
@djemme (77)
• United States
26 May 10
I count my blessings everyday. The past few years have been very difficult and it is only by relying on God that have made it as far as I have. It's difficult, but I continually receive affirmation that God is in control. I may not be where I want or have the circumstances that I would like, but God has blessed me abundantly and I give thanks to Him.
• China
27 May 10
I agree. My life has been no bed of roses either. But I know JESUS is walking beside me and that's all that matters. i have found that difficult situations bring me closer to JESUS.That is a good thing I pray your situation will imporve. Remember above all else JESUS loves you.He will never leave you or forsake you GOD bless
• Philippines
28 May 10
hi. Actually for me, everyday, every minute and every second is a blessing. No matter what is it, good or bad, happiness or sadness, solutions or problems it is indeed a blessing. And sometimes we do forgot, to thank him for the blessing we always received from Him. I'm not a perfect person. In fact,I have a big financial problem right now. I sometimes asked HIM, why does this things happened to me and my family.I felt so depressed, as if GOD hates me. But with all this trials, I still depend on HIM, believe In HIM and I Know GOD is with me. And that is a Blessing.