Phenomena of the Universe

Chanctonbury Ring - Chanctonbury Ring stands above Washington in West Sussex, on the South Downs.
@Darkwing (21583)
May 26, 2010 10:55am CST
I was just drawn back to an old discussion on Chanctonbury Ring, that I started. Chanctonbury Ring is one of my favourite places to visit, and it's full of strange phenomena... coloured lights, UFOs, ghosts and spirits, as are a lot of other ancient sites. I was drawn back to the discussion by an unanswered comment; the poster speaking of an experience they had undergone, with coloured lights around their feet, at the Ring. This got me to thinking that I visit a lot of longbarrows and sacred sites in the UK, and I too have had a lot of "spiritual" experiences. So, I was wondering how many of my friends have had these type of experiences and not been believed by others, or not even shared with others... I would love to hear your stories and compare them to mine. It doesn't necessarily have to be ancient sites, or buildings... it can be anywhere in the world... even at home, but I'd love you to share your experiences with me. That is things that you've seen, felt or heard, which you believe to have actually happened but feel others will think you have a problem, if you tell them. Things that, even if non-believers call you crazy and give you a reason for saying so, you still adamantly believe... because you were THERE and you saw, heard or felt them. My experience at Chanctonbury was this. I climbed the wooded path up the side of the hill, to the Circle. Once there, I walked around the circle of trees, in a clockwise direction, and as I did so, I felt myself "drawn", towards the centre. It was sunset; the air was still and it was warm, but as I walked around the circle, the wind got up, and it felt as though it was trying to drag me to the centre. I stopped once or twice, to listen, but all I could hear was the wind. After completing my circle, I headed off back towards the pathway, and the air was still, once again! Was the wind energies within the Circle, which were only evident when you walked around it? Was there a strong energy coming from the Roman Temple below the Circle? Lots of questions... not many answers, and certainly, if I told a non-believer this story, they'd say it was coincidence, or that I imagined it. So... what's your story? Would you like to share?
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4 responses
• United States
26 May 10
Hi Darkwing!!!!!! I haven't seen you in ages and it's so nice to hear from you right now! I've been off myLot for a couple of months or longer because my computer wouldn't download the site anymore. I finally changed browsers (was afraid to do this, haha, cause of my old, old computer) but it seems to be working ok, just a few quirks! Well, I don't know if you remember the story I told you once about the spiritual trip I went on right at my kitchen table, with the Eagle/Owl face that talked to me. You were one of the people I told this too, and not many others, as they would NEVER have believed me. Right now I have an entity that I believe is attached to my kitchen table. I don't know if this is good or bad. It's a very old yellow kitchen table from the 1940s, one of the enamel one's with pretty blue flowers on it, and I just can feel, and have seen (on the side) a woman who this table belonged to. Once in a while I can feel her staring at me very close to my face, but I don't let it bother me. She knows I really love this table so I think it's ok, but I'm not really sure. I haven't seen her in a while but now since I'm talking about her, she'll probably show up tonight. I think she drains me though. I have so many stories I could go on and on, lol! So glad to see you again!!!...xxxHugs!
@Darkwing (21583)
26 May 10
Hello my dear friend... yes, it's been quite a while and I've missed you. I too have had computer troubles, both with my desktop and my laptop, but let's hope all's ok for a while now. Yes, I remember the story about the owl face. I thought it may have been your grandfather, at the time, I believe. On to the table... why don't you politely ask this lady not to stand so close... tell her she puts you on edge. Welcome her... tell her she can stay, because you know she loves the table for some reason too, but please, not so close. I would imagine she's looking for somebody whom she cared for, who used to share the table with her... either a work colleague, a friend or a family member, and she needs answers which obviously you can't give, but she's hoping you might. Leave her a gift of one of your stones, on the table... see what happens, and let me know, would you? I'd be interested to know whether the stone vanishes or moves... make it a nice, shiny one! :) I'd love to share your stories with you... I have a few too, which in my mind, all fit together to tell me a story, but other people can't see the links, necessarily. Even somebody who really believes, questioned the one vision. lol. Hope to see you a lot more... in the meantime, thank you for your contribution and Brightest Blessings.
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• United States
27 May 10
Awww, I'm so happy to see you, haha!!! I can't believe you remember the story about the Owl and my Grandfather, if that's who it was...amazing you are! When I lived down in my sister's basement, my couch was in the middle of the room with nothing behind it, so you could actually walk behind my couch in other words. I would be watching tv laying on the couch, and she would come up from behind, and I would only see her from the side(peripheral), like she was leaning over the couch to look at me. I mean I think this is who it is anyways. Now I'm in another apartment, my couch (a different one) is up against the wall, and sometimes when I'm watching tv again, I can "feel" that same face, and outline, again from my peripheral vision, and see her looking at me. Sometimes I sit there and wonder if she's sitting on the top of the couch, lol! I have the perfect stone for her too, and yes, it's polished. Very pretty. I will leave it and we'll see what happens. I have already said hello to her, and I think she knows she can stay if she wants to. I'm just hoping I'm correct in my thoughts about this , and it's not something else. It's just a "feeling" about her and the table, and this all started after I bought the table, so I assumed it was from that. Maybe I'm wrong, who knows? I would love to hear your story, I can connect links very easily, but I do ask questions which some people don't like. My mind goes like a mile a minute, hugs.
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 May 10
I think you're probably right in that she's attached to the table, or something you've bought and placed in your home, because she's "moved house" with you. lol. Sounds funny, but if she was associated with your other apartment, she wouldn't still be with you, if you get my drift. You've mentioned several times that she's looking up close to you, which makes me think she feels you're somebody else, a somebody she's looking for. I could be wrong, she could just be "watching over" you. Still, it's a bit offputting when they get up so close and peer at you! Of course I remember the other story. There's a message there, and I spent a long time thinking about it. The owl is a wise messenger of the spirits, and the face, although you didn't particularly recognise it... to this day, I have the feeling it was your grandfather, or definitely an ancestor. Anyway.. back to the current spirit... I think you're probably right, as that style of table is from the 50s and 60s, and even perhaps, before that, so quite old. If your subconscious tells you that a particularly stone is right, then that's the one to use... I have a feeling it's going to get some reaction. Let's hope so, because I'm intrigued now. Which story would you like to hear... the one I've connected up? It's long!!! he he
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 May 10
First Welcome back and hop eya stay! hugsssssssssssssssss and my only feelings is like my fatehr in law riding with me and he has never been in the west of in what I drive now. also sometimes feel hubbies hand on my shoulder so firmly I have to look to make sure that he isnt standing there too.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
7 Jun 10
your welocme and I have been told thatt he energiez I have sent to a certain person that she could feel when taking to who she had to talk to and a while after that she had won her point! HUgssssssss and blessings
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@Darkwing (21583)
18 Jun 10
Yes.. I think like-minded people can do just that from a distance. It's a bit like Reike Healing... energies can be sent if you concentrate enough, and if you're in touch with the spiritual world, which I'm sure you are.
@Darkwing (21583)
5 Jun 10
Yes, I know you do, my friend, and I believe you. I think you have a very open-minded view of these things, and for that reason, you see and feel the energies. Let's face it... children can see more than us, and the story you told me about your granddaughter as a baby, I can imagine. Well you know my feelings on that, and you know who I thought it was... I'm pretty certain, in fact. Thank you for the welcome back my dear friend. Hope you're keeping well. Thank you for your contribution, and Brightest Blessings, sweet lady.
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
27 May 10
not so much me, but the roomie and I went to Stonehenge and Avebury That day in May, it was cold and wet when we got to Stonehenge and, because the roomie is blind, she was escorted into the stones so she could really see it. (Just to let you know, we heard it SNOWED in Oxford that day!) She said it was at LEAST 10ยบ warmer inside the henge than it was out on the path. Then, when we went to Avebury, the guide showed us how to use the dousing rods to find the "ley lines" that the stones are erected on. The roomie was stepping on and off them. The guide asked what she was doing (because it didn't make sense what she was doing) and the roomie said "no goosebumps here," step "goosebumps here" another step beyond "no goosebumps here" The guide said that she had never had anyone that could do that before!
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 May 10
Wow... your Roomie is gifted, perhaps because of her sight. Her other senses are probably stronger because she's blind, and therefore, she feels the differences more easily than those who can see. However, there are energies at Stonehenge, which DO make the temperature feel warmer inside the stones. Also, if you touch the stones you can feel them flowing through you. Avebury is a very magickal place to me... when I was there for the first time, I kind of went into a trance... like my mind was elsewhere, and I could see a shape in every stone. Some were gods, some goddesses and some were animal like.. almost like demons. There are strong energies there too. Also, I find a lot of energies in burial places. Wayland's Smithy for one, and at West Kennet Longbarrow, there is some very dark energies, especially when you walk through the corridor. I understand what your friend meant! lol. Thank you for your contribution, Elic, and Brightest Blessings.
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 May 10
Ahhhh, now that HAS to be an out of body experience. How amazing!
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
27 May 10
Now, there was the time I was riding Sundown and I was suddenly seeming to see thru her eyes. Black and white, more than normal range of vision and lower than I was sitting - lasted a few seconds, very disorienting.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
27 May 10
Read your other discussion about this too. Fascinating... Anyway, the closest I have had to anything resembling a paranormal experience was early in my second pregnancy. I woke up absolutely convinced that it was twins, got a grip on myself and dismissed the thought. A few weeks later, when I had my first ultrasound, sure enough, twins. Was it my body talking to my brain? A premonition? Just a weird coincidence? Not a clue, but it really did happen.
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 May 10
Or it could be that you have a spiritual connection, and when you go into a subconscious state, such as sleeping or meditating, you receive these messages from the spiritual world, which in effect, are premonitions. Equally, you may have had an out of body experience whilst sleeping... it happens, especially if you have an open mind on things. That was a nice experience my friend. I hope the twins are well, and make you happy! I'm sure they do. Thank you for sharing, and for reading my other discussion. Maybe you'd enjoy my discussion on the little mite of a bridesmaid at the wedding which I attended. That was certainly a mind opening event, spiritually. :) Brightest Blessings and thank you.
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 May 10
Yes, do! There weren't a lot of responses but those who DID respond made a lot of sense. They all have some experience with this type of thing.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
27 May 10
I don't pretend to understand it, but I believe in whatever it was. The twins are doing great thanks! And I'll go look at that other discussion...
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