How do you make the impossible, Possible??

@34momma (13882)
United States
May 26, 2010 1:26pm CST
I started a another discussion and I was going back and forth with a person who said that his goals are to big to reach. That made me really sad. I never ever thought I could dream big, until I did. Once I did, things started to happen. I found people who would help me, I got ideas that were just amazing!! After a while my goals started to shape up and come true. I thought putting together a website was a Jumbo goal that was just a dream for me. After some work and planning, I will be launching my site next month. My question is, do you think your dreams are to big to reach? And why in the heck do you think so???? What are you doing to reach your goals, big or small???
4 responses
@tessah (6617)
• United States
27 May 10
whats the point of a dream .. a goal.. if it isnt a challenge? it isnt really a goal then is it? with myself.. i set myself a timeline of sorts. smaller goals to reach the bigger.. and focus on one at a time until i get where i wanna be.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
27 May 10
I wouldn't say that they have to be a challenge, they just have to be something that you want. you can go about reaching your goals whatever way fits you and your life. just make sure you reach for them
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
26 May 10
hi 34 mama but how do you reach your goals when you want to get something published and the odds are all against a new person? I started to write my autobiography as a farm child during the first depression then gave up as I ran out of steam and too the ' thought who would read it,who would even care? Yet I am 83 and have viwed some historical times like growingup during the second world war with rationing and all.So it may well be too big to reach.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
27 May 10
Hatley you are old enough to know that you have to change your way of thinking. you got through all of those things in life becasue you thought you could! you wanted and needed to, so you did. you have to act as if it's already done. You have ask for what you want and have enough faith that what you want is not to big for you to have. You have to just beleieve. If just one person read your book and learned something... wouldn't that mean the world to you??? then write your story for that person... best of luck
@la_chique (1498)
26 May 10
Well done on getting your website done! I set big goals for myself and I achieve them. I always make sure its attainable of course. Setting a goal to be a milionaire by next friday is not an attainable goal! I'm hoping to emigrate in the next 4 years, begin fostering children and get my teaching qualification. I've done all my research. I'm concentrating on the teaching first. The rest WILL follow!
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
26 May 10
you are so right. they should be dreams that you can reach, or at the very least believe with your whole heart that you can reach. the best of luck to you la_chique
@climber7565 (2579)
• United States
28 May 10
Well some mountains are tougher to climb then others. Just like some dreams are real large and some are not dreams, are actual skills most would or should know, hence not dreams. For instance if you make nine dollars an hour and have kids, it would be a huge dream to own a 4 million dollar house and a 100 thousand dollar car. That is when things like it feel impossible. Now, if your website is such a hit that makes you 8 million dollars in a year, then no problem with that dream eh? The bottom line is that one has to keep up with goals, realistic goals and work on each new goal to lead you to change the impossible to reality.